General Discussion

General DiscussionThe behaviour score system is completely broken and needs to be overh...

The behaviour score system is completely broken and needs to be overhauled. in General Discussion
'96 Neve Campbell

    Can we please address the issue that behaviour score is completely broken? I find myself being punished in games I play well and games where I deliberately try to be the leader and take charge of the game. Once you get down to about 6k behaviour score just completely spirals out of control because your teammates are no longer reasonable human beings. They flame from the start of the game and will report you if you say anything. It is literally impossible to communicate and organise ganks. etc because my teammates will just start flaming me for no reason.

    Take for instance this game I just played --->
    It was a far from perfect game but contrarily to what my k/d would suggest I literally carried the fuck out of this game. I got BoTs and relentlessly split pushed the enemy team down, forcing the other team to rotate and giving my own team space to consolidate and farm. We had a techies so it seems like an obvious strategy to secure as much space as possible. I would 100% say that I won this game for my team yet the entire time the Viper and the Troll were flaming me to the point where I had to mute them. They didn't understand what I was doing in the side lanes, they flamed me for having no dust early on despite the enemy team only having one invis hero and it not even being my place to buy dust, and then they flamed me because I built physical damage against a Huskar and a Juggernaut.

    Despite doing pretty well and securing the game I got 0 commends and both the viper and the troll and possibly pudge reported me. I didnt flame. I didnt feed. I carried the game, yet I got 2 reports which will detract from my behaviour score and make my life worse. This is a broken system and it has to change because as soon as you drop to a certain behaviour score its a stupid echo chamber that is impossible to climb out of no matter how good or kind you are to your team. It is a game ruiner honestly.

    Also just to fucking rub salt in my wounds I couldnt even report these people who are quite clearly toxic because I had ran out of my alotted reports for this week. So I get punished for playing my role and forcing a win whilst these two brainlets who flamed me all game and were just generally nasty toxic people get away with a pat on the back and 25 mmr.

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        that is impossible to climb out of

        turbo mode


          4k behavior is still kinda fine though. you havent seen hell until you were <3k behavior.


            I dont know, sometimes you cant really do much about getting reported. If i have a couple reports on me i just pick comfort heroes and shut the fuck up until they are gone.

            If its not possible to communicate then dont, whats the point in it if people wont listen and only argue about it.


              maybe they were right :)
              i dont know shit about lina, but i think ppl going magic build on her against jugg, that pure dmg is so stupid!


                i know man


                  You're a grilll and people don't like to be lead by girls especially in dota community where everyone tries to be a dick to you. Try not to use voice in-game and reduce the communication with your teammates until your bs rises once again.
                  Btw my behavior score is 5.5k yet I've decent games and everyone in most of the time acts like a normal person. It's a different story when you drop below 5k get to play with truly subhumans.

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                    parma gift me you sven sword, im a master dominating heroes with sword , i need the big sword for moral


                      Do you really expect team coordination in 3k?

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                        No offence but you seem like a player who rants a lot about the game quality in general. It's 3k you gotta get used to it. Don't have high expectations for your teammates.


                          imagine actually not having 9k behaviour score

                          Hatrið mun sigra

                            It's extremely common. They flame because they can't tell right moves from wrong moves due to their, at best, 80 IQ. It's like when baboons flame you for not joining them in one of those suicidal "gank" attempts where they invade enemy territory 2v5 with no vision, without even checking teammates' cooldowns and map, without communicating their intentions, literally without thinking at all. "GG afk [your hero], report". This is every game in sub 4k. Don't even bother playing ranked with trash behavior score otherwise not only will it be hard to even maintain a 50% winrate, but you'll lose your mind and nonstop tilt too, dropping even more. Play turbo until it gets decent instead and be satisfied with yourself for playing well and winning by applying the correct strategy. Who cares if the others don't recognize your merit.

                            ^If some under developed manchild with a fragile ego have trouble with women leading, it's their problem only and no girl should mute themselves to not trigger these pathetic incels. It's a matter of principle. Also 'cause they would flame everyone anyway for simply existing, so it would make no difference.


                              i actually enjoy seeing toxic behaviour. you need to use it to your advantage. but i won't teach you how


                                damn guys you manage to play 5k (even 4k) behaviour score and feel fine while i can't even find decent teammates/opponents below 9.5k


                                  just mute them

                                  my team chat is literally 85% the two words "go rosh" and the other 15% is memes or talking shit about ENEMY item choices. maybe 1/5 games i type something like "mid rax". everything else is pings and drawing on the map which should be ur primary mode of communication anyway imo

                                  theres 0 need to be a team captain in nearly any mmr. if ur winning even goons will push eventually, i know because when i was in 1/2k mmr i could never farm fountain because my teammates would hit buildings


                                    Some people need to be retarded in this world. If they do not,maybe we the one who will be so just deal with it and move on. I experience much worse in sea lp where it can litteraly called a zoo.


                                      You're a grilll and people don't like to be lead by girls especially in dota community where everyone tries to be a dick to you. Try not to use voice in-game and reduce the communication with your teammates until your bs rises once again.

                                      ^Sexist lul. But maybe it works in super low behaviour score where people are just waiting for the smallest chance to cry n rant , tilt n get tilted. Still sexist though.


                                        Are you retarded? Find me 1 dota player who trusts his core position to a girl and I'll give you my main right away


                                          Probs I formulated the sentence improperly my bad

                                          mute all

                                            you cant even get a team coordination in 4k..just play..i rarely use chat to avoid other players toxicity..i just use pings or drawing lines or arrows in maps to tell my team what to do..


                                              @tribo gogo give me your main


                                                the frission guy berry gives real advices there,i also chat those thingies too like rosh,hg,go & let's fight on my smurf atm

                                                ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                                  ^If some under developed manchild with a fragile ego have trouble with women leading, it's their problem only and no girl should mute themselves to not trigger these pathetic incels. It's a matter of principle.



                                                    @feachairu my man no I ain't trolling spitting the truth


                                                      some of my frens did what you say for like years looooool

                                                      '96 Neve Campbell

                                                        Tribo is correct though. People dont want to take orders from women because they are insecure about their manhood or something. Middle easterns and Russians are especially bad because in their cultures women should be seen in the kitchen and not heard. Instead they go on dota and have some girl instructing them how to play their beloved game.

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                                                          @parma, it can be, maybe ppl dont want to listen to women, but in this particular match u didnt played well, stats are against u (chcek my link) , so why u think ppl must listen to u, when u actually playing worse than them?
                                                          u must have sth special to make ppl trust u, its not about being man or woman :/

                                                          '96 Neve Campbell

                                                            I played far better than them. Go watch that game before telling me how well I played. We won completely as a result of how I played that game. No way we would have won if this Viper and Troll had carried.


                                                              Are you retarded? Find me 1 dota player who trusts his core position to a girl and I'll give you my main right away

                                                              I do.

                                                              Btw you can keep your main but if you have some nice hats ill take them.


                                                                @parma maybe u did, but be reasonable! when u have bad stats u cant lead ppl, u cant expect them listen to u!

                                                                specially in the rank u play, on my smurf i was mid , i had score like +20 kill and lest than 5 deaths, at the end i just died once for a misplay (for sure that 2ks didnt know i misplayed there :)) ) and after that we just lost the game, and my teammates in the end of the game told me im ez midder xaxaxaaxxaxa

                                                                u expect this ppl follow u when u have bad stats??? these ppl just want to find someone to blame, thats all :)


                                                                  not sure if it's just my place/city or something but i almost never see the inferior this or inferior that and that made me think skillz matters more rather than your race/gender/dog/minecraft/etc

                                                                  people seems need to get to 2k19 lol not stuck in slavery era or watever pre-reformations in the past

                                                                  also i dont think stats mattered that much if you lead someone,it's more like the other guy can assess the game too or not i think
                                                                  there was one time i used enchantress and play offlane and i got like 7-0 or something and i want to tell my team to get rs after get t1 mid and they still wont listen so i keep spamming "come on rs" "rs" "roshan" "pls come roshan" while hitting roshan and spamming f9

                                                                  and some games i got 0-3 and i still can say "come lets kill this" and people still going with me too

                                                                  but ye they're unreliable and if they dont follow you you just kinda do your own thing


                                                                    Maybe stop being a piece of shit instead I heard it helps


                                                                      that is not a woman issue as such, the problem is communication as such, muting is good for behavior score

                                                                      10 000 behavior score on all smurfs


                                                                        i didnt said good stats make ppl trust u, i said even that dont make them follow :D , my sf game in 1k mmr :)
                                                                        and we are talking about 2ks, ppl who dont want to win and just want to blame :)


                                                                          skillz are not gender specific


                                                                            but your skillz have literally nothing to do with your teammates following your calls or giving you roles. Although i guess there is a point when you've already proven to be a booster and are giving calls in lategame or so.

                                                                            also cant imagine a chad arab taking calls from a girl, lmao

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                                                                              If ur down 6k ur just toxic shit as ur other team mate dont write a lecture to complain admit ur toxic


                                                                                ^My BS is 5.5k I ain't toxic but I do get reported for giving advice to my teammates
                                                                                You didn't answer to my question...
                                                                                Do you really expect team coordination in 3k or even 4k?
                                                                                What are you expectations regarding quality of teammates because there are always unwinnable games

                                                                                Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                  what's a 'chad arab'?


                                                                                    basically "tough guy" emphasis on the quotation marks.

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                                                                                      just get ur behaviour score above 6k and then play ranked again?

                                                                                      BSJ. LGD

                                                                                        They already made it so people won’t have infinite reports. Getting someone into lp used to give you back reports was pretty stupid imo, just promotes toxicity.

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                                                                                          I read a post once with a user stating that he looked up players on dotabuff after the game and only reported players that recently played single draft games.
                                                                                          Dont know if its true but i know the report system works that way that its about the amount of reports not why the player is reported.

                                                                                          Marko Bulat

                                                                                            LMAO screw behavior score,, what the hell are those lanes???? Who started where and why? Whats your MMR now?

                                                                                            '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                                              what the hell are those lanes???? Who started where and why? Whats your MMR now?

                                                                                              2540 and this is basically every game in 2.5k mmr imo


                                                                                                i played a 2k game once and my opponent mid died to lane creeps

                                                                                                '96 Neve Campbell


                                                                                                  So I lost 400 behaviour score despite getting over double the number of commends as reports and not abandoning any games?!


                                                                                                    seems dat reports counts more


                                                                                                      i played a 2k game once and my opponent mid died to lane creeps


                                                                                                        Ok first of all , op is beautiful s. Second of all, having spent like the last six months trying to correct this , feel like I need to chime in.

                                                                                                        I’m an expert with the system they call behavior score, and I agree , IMO it’s the most absurd idea. However I’ll admit that it works very well.

                                                                                                        It takes a very very long time to increase behavior score, and similarly it takes a lot to lose it. Say you have 3k like i did a month ago, you would need to play forty games, only getting reported literally once or twice .

                                                                                                        It’s designed in a way where it takes a lot to fix but it’s very easy to break. A system that puts similarly abrasive behaving people on the same team of a dota again . I literally got 6k last night after trying for the last months

                                                                                                        And yeah commends help a little but one or two reports is a lot more salient. I’ll post a video you need to see after I toke

                                                                                                        Thought I might add, this is the end of the line or me, finally. I figured the only way I'd ever be able to quit playing dota is still being 1k mmr with a high behavior score, putting the blame on that element. And you remember seeing the dolts i was playing with in that void replay yeah? It's bad. And it's signifcantely better now that i have 6k behavior score. This video illustrates the details, and you can put the rest together yourself based on experience


                                                                                                        And not gonna lie, as shitty and absurd as it is, it does work as intended. My 5k coach from EU told me, "do you like playing with players that are trashy?" no, i play ranked to play with people on the same level as me, try hard status, etc. so, the system says if that's what you want, you have to behave the same way, and consistent. That's why they only allow a slip or two before it gets really bad again. I made the mistake of getting reported in two games because I opened my mouth, and i won't make that mistake again cuz im not doing this again no way, it takes way too much time.

                                                                                                        Wanted to add, coach did mention the fastest way to increase b score is by playing turb games. But i only play ranked so that didn't help me

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