4280 caibrated to 4586 with 7-3 games win loss.
Ancient V to Ancient III 95%
So according to posts before, i guess there have to be some kind algorithm to calibrate
I played 9 games support and 1 core role (dc ed at picking phase and randomed)
Maybe consistency have something to do with it?
someone from valve confirmed last season it was based on wins/losses. maybe streaks amplify your gains/losses or they use your hidden or previous mmr to purposefully disbalance games. i went 6-4 and gained ~150 mmr.
4280 caibrated to 4586 with 7-3 games win loss.
Ancient V to Ancient III 95%
4586 is only Ancient III? Guess I'm back to Ancient I or even Legend VII
4586 is only Ancient III? Guess I'm back to Ancient I or even Legend VII
yes, well its 95% but still technically im back to Ancient III
MMR can vary wildly from the averages that your corresponding ranked medal "should" be at.
I think I was around 3900 MMR at the end of last season at Ancient 2. I know people with 4100-4200+ that were also Ancient 2.
Don't focus much on the MMR number, there are clearly a lot of behind-the-scenes factors affecting your displayed rank.
That table is not correct, tho it's near. I'm 5523 = divine 4 with 67% until divine 5
Won 7 games, lost 3. Went from Archon 5 to Archon 1 rip.
This might be resulted because the mmr dropped too far from the last medal reached, its pushed when u win games in calibration, but not enough, or it can be caused by your party mmr is higher than solo (or reversed)
Won 7 games, lost 3. Went from Archon 5 to Archon 1 rip.
ITs fine, MMR will inflate again at season end so you can hype up again and get disappointed again in the upcoming calibration :)
ITs fine, MMR will inflate again at season end so you can hype up again and get disappointed again in the upcoming calibration :)
Hey look at that, for once we agree.
Aaaand now we disagree, it can’t have been proven three times if we’ve only completed two seasons
I was calculating first calibration in november, by the end of it MMR inflated for the first time, this is third time we are calibrating, november, june and now, maybe i shouldnt calculate the first one because it was a meme and they introduced medals then.
I wouldn’t even count the calibration periods as that reliable, remember they rolled back loads of results after the second calibration as it was overly sensitive
Yes after Reddit cried, i actually agree with that rollback, 10 recalibration games shouldn't have bigger impact on your MMR than whole season, that system would just invite booster and put money in their pockets, also people go with path of least resistance so they would just play in recalibration and not touch rank between seasons. Valve is trying to increase participation not decrease it.
Their newest trick is to add more stars so you rank up every 120 mmr instead if old 200. I dont likr it seeing bunch of stars above your medal is anoying...
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5514 calibrated 5664 after 7-3
@ div V 82%
after 1 win 5689 @ div vi 3%
25 mmr = 21%
5 wins = 105% = 1 star
1 star = 120 mmr