General Discussion

General Discussion1k games are harder than 3k.

1k games are harder than 3k. in General Discussion

    Well, that's SF for ya, prolly had some trades with Huskar early on. I'm more impressed with 17-6-4 guy who somehow is only within 1,2k gold ahead of 9-15-3 guy.


      yea but trading even once with a 1-2k huskar as a boosting sf is kiiiinda awful xD
      though i suppose that huskar at least built bkb

      Этот комментарий был изменён
      EX Crusader player

        It's really annoying, it's easy to die to him, even if he's 1k mmr. Like, he just pops out from nowhere after you get a double kill and kills you when you're low hp or smt..

        Also Behavior Score D+ is still not helping. People literally run mid and feed or just quit/afk quite often.

        Regardless of that, from 900 to 1300 MMR so far, so that's like 400 mmr in a span of few days. I think I can make it to like, 2k mmr by the end of the next week, because I don't feel like playing 10 games a day.

        Этот комментарий был изменён
        EX Crusader player


          holy shiit dude





              yea but trading even once with a 1-2k huskar as a boosting sf is kiiiinda awful xD

              You are indeed a match for OP in your mental capacity. As in "have no idea what you are talking about".


                im sayin a huskar alone has little-to no pressure to the shadow fiend at pretty much any stage of the game. the only way i can imagine dieing to that is if i make a mistake such as overstaying after a double kill. but its smurfing so who cares about such mistakes its not like they will make you lose in that level.

                Этот комментарий был изменён
                EX Crusader player

                  im sayin a huskar alone has little-to no pressure to the shadow fiend at any stage of the game.

                  Actually Huskar is stronger level 1-3, after SF gets lvl 3, he'll start to dominate. You can still easily miss calculate your damage even later on, esp. since he has free disarm.

                  the only way i can imagine dieing to that is if i make a mistake such as overstaying after a double kill

                  Or you get a double kill and wild huskar apears next to you out of nowhere.


                    sf also has superior movementspeed and turnrate so a good shadow fiend player will simply outlane even against the best huskars

                    and huskar cannot fight sf before he has bkb like in lane if sf gets a kill at lvl 3 (which happens nearly every game for me in legned 5, in crusader rank i can only imagine) sf will always have a lead in the lane, so when huskar gets 6 sf will have 7 and sf will go 3 3 0 1 skill build (just like against meepo or whatever else tries to straight up kill you lvl6) and when huskar uses ult on sf hoping to get a kill @ lvl6, sf ults and kills huskar straight-up (just like how you just ult when meepo blinkpoofs you and oof). but yes the disarm can fuck you.

                    and yea ofc huskar can get kills when you are caught out, from a boosters perspective that is a mistake though dota is not deathmatch especially when youre boosting.

                    the biggest deal here is the change to huskars passive, no longer giving magic resistance. that puts shadow fiend number one on his "do not ult withoout having a bkb" list.

                    Этот комментарий был изменён
                    EX Crusader player

                      At lvl 1, Huskar will orb-walk ShadowFiend, you can't play too agresivly against him, even if it's a crusader rank, you will just burn your regen.

                      It really depends on a block I think, and especially on how good are you at last-hitting first 2 creep waves (i'm not very good). But if you can score at least 3 creeps per wave, you will start to win your lane.

                      and yea ofc huskar can get kills when you are caught out, from a boosters perspective that is a mistake though dota is not deathmatch especially when youre boosting.

                      I'm not boosting, I'm just playing on my alt. account. Who would hire a 4k booster, anyways.

                      the biggest deal here is the change to huskars passive, no longer giving magic resistance. that puts shadow fiend number one on his "do not ult withoout having a bkb" list.

                      Dude, you'd be surprised how much damage he can tank up. Like he can eat all 3 razes and ult no problem. with Armlet + Pt + 1000 bracers build.

                      It's really not easy to fight him nowdays, the hero is just annoying.


                        well chances are your huskar might have been smurfing too, he does seem like he was better than most of my legend huskars.

                        and well of course you dont unnecessarily trade (which sf does lose against almost all heroes at lvl 1), but you block better, pull aggro/trade better, have better animation and after a few souls easily outscale his damage for denies and harass.

                        and true eating an ult when hes got armlet treads bracers sucks but at that point you should have items to answer him, or be actively trying not to tank huskars damage; which im sure you are doing and that game was just a fluke/not trying your hardest

                        Этот комментарий был изменён


                          im sayin a huskar alone has little-to no pressure to the shadow fiend at pretty much any stage of the game.

                          sf also has superior movementspeed and turnrate so a good shadow fiend player will simply outlane even against the best huskars

                          Have you ever tried using your mental faculties? Not just supposedly having them but actively using em? Coz top teams in the world (LGD and Secret at least) are picking Huskar in competitive right now to dominate mid matchups, while SF is nowhere near viability. But sure, your legend Huskars are the benchmark.

                          As an SF with necromastery lvl1 you can do literally nothing when Huskar walks around the creeps and zones you out. And then he gets lvl2 first and you can't do shit again. And then he gets lvl6 first, buys raindrops and you can't show up in lane. Getting shadowraze lvl1 can probably help, but is it actually good?

                          the biggest deal here is the change to huskars passive, no longer giving magic resistance. that puts shadow fiend number one on his "do not ult withoout having a bkb" list.

                          This is so relevant when Huskar actually has displacement on Inner Fire. Have fun channeling ult vs Huskar.

                          When you trade in lane as an SF vs Huskar you take those and laugh, coz you generally get the kill first and then burn to spears. So you get more out of the trade and slow hid down. Guess who does not have good farm acceleration to come back from subpar laning? Here's a hint - it's you.

                          EX Crusader player

                            well chances are your huskar might have been smurfing too, he does seem like he was better than most of my legend huskars.

                            He wasn't smurfing, I assure you. It's just, even tho low mmr players are not good, they are not passive bots. They still orb walk, they still try to deny and so on.

                            and well of course you dont unnecessarily trade (which sf does lose against almost all heroes at lvl 1), but you block better, pull aggro/trade better, have better animation and after a few souls easily outscale his damage for denies and harass.

                            You just can't trade with him at all until level 3. You'd be surprised that even then, it's easy to fuck up, burn your regen and overextend. His ext. high HP regen can make you wonder what the fuck is going on, when he kills you with 100HP left while burning your regen with spears and dying with you, for example.

                            and true eating an ult when hes got armlet treads bracers sucks but at that point you should have items to answer him, or be actively trying not to tank huskars damage; which im sure you are doing and that game was just a fluke/not trying your hardest

                            This is correct, thats the reason why I won. I had better items. However, I'm sorry to dissapoint you, it wasn't just a fluke, I legitematly died 7 times in that match, which is fine, because I'm not super good at this game, and the only reason why I actually smurf is for fun.

                            Этот комментарий был изменён

                              well chances are your huskar might have been smurfing too, he does seem like he was better than most of my legend huskars.

                              That moment when you look at 9-15-3, 300 BD, lvl16 at 34 min, 23 cs at 10 against solo SF Huskar and have enough ineptitude to assume that Huskar is a booster.

                              On a side note your recent solo ranked matches are all Normal skill, so I do believe that legend 5 designation is suspect. Are you the OP's doppleganger?

                              EX Crusader player

                                Hop in, i'll be streaming again. Xd


                                '96 Neve Campbell

                                  Might as well rename this thread to ‘Trash talk megathread’ at this stage


                                    idk man i calibrated legend 4 after winning 8 out of 10 matches and then i won some more and got legend 5. I havent played a single party q game.

                                    yeah i didnt check all the values i admit i overestimated the huskar player due to his morphling rampage on profile.
                                    Or well should i say overestimated vertoxity's 1200 shadowfiend games, but its just 4fun anyway!

                                    If anyone cares I made this account when i returned to play and wanted to start from 0, out of curiosity what rank do i really deserve or so.

                           look at this 3.5k huskar, he didnt buy bkb so every time he ulted me he just died on the spot because i saved requiem for him. at least that crusader huskar built a bkb.
                                    but this wasnt a fair comparison, i actually had 4 functional teammates in this game (none of which ganked the huskar but at least they did not give him free kills to get items).

                                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                                      You do realise that Huskar's new Q ability has a repositioning on it, purpose built to fuck up receiving max damage from Sf's ult? If he did not save it till the end of your channel then he's a moron, it's not an indication that SF is good against Huskar. While I understand the appeal of projecting your personal anecdotal evidence onto the whole wide world, try to avoid doing it in the future, present a proper argument instead of anecdotes. As far as skill bracket is concerned, it's murky waters. I guess it takes a mix of ranked/unranked MMR, so a freshly calibrated account can get to 3k+ MMR without getting to HS/VHS. Serves to show that all of OPs claims about HS are even more worthless.


                                      Might as well rename this thread to ‘Trash talk megathread’ at this stage

                                      Good thing that you recognize yourself as "Trash" at least. Is it a sign of improvement? Check back at 10 for a resounding "NO!"


                                        is this guy still at 1k solo mmr?
                                        i loved how he flamed all his team and think hes god LOL

                                        La Dz

                                          Parma give nudes, please

                                          '96 Neve Campbell

                                            is this guy still at 1k solo mmr?
                                            i loved how he flamed all his team and think hes god LOL
                                            No, I was 850 and now im 1830.

                                            Parma give nudes, please

                                            Maybe later


                                              You doctor yet?!


                                                Man the more I start reading those comments, the more i hate this person LOL
                                                Such an egomaniac idiot who think the world spin around him/her.


                                                  I have doubled my mmr since I made this thread and am now 2k anyway.

                                                  No, I was 850 and now im 1830.

                                                  More lies. Who is surprised?


                                                    '96 Neve Campbell

                                                      Omg a lil ereshkigal chibi thats so fricking cute omg ^.^

                                                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                        you people play fgo too? i just finished babylonia

                                                        fgo na tho


                                                          if you start channel the moment he starts flying towards you he cant rly dodge the full damage, and if he pushes you away the moment he ults you then you just walk away

                                                          Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                            He pushes you away right as your ult is about to release. It depends on how far is the Huskar's ult jump and if he got the range talent and stuff, maybe there is a perfect timing for it at some point, but the regular lvl6 jump leaves ample time to throw you back after Huskar lands.


                                                              i mean yeah he can do that, but that way you cancel ult and walk away because huskar attack range < knockback range
                                                              thus i would say it is counter-intuitive for a low-ranked huskar player to realise he must cast the knockback as soon as he finishes ult because he realises he made a mistake, which most low ranked players do not.

                                                              i guess he can then try to dive you under tower for 4 seconds because you are slowed (if you didnt cancel ult he cant dive you coz hes slowed as well), but any support tp is death and even without supports, best huskar can get is 1 for 1 trade if sf doesnt have a tp and decides to manually run and then kill huskar under tower with razes

                                                              oh and because of the turnrate/range shadow fiend can harass huskar without getting harassed back before 6, to top it off most low rank huskars will -try- to harass you back and fail, also draw creep aggro in the process and eat razes on top of that.

                                                              Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                              EX Crusader player

                                                                Made some progress boys

                                                                1400 mmr

                                                                Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                  you people play fgo too? i just finished babylonia

                                                                  fgo na tho

                                                                  i've tried multiple times but f/go devs really don't like people playing on emulators and i've never managed make it work (and it supposedly breaks after every update)

                                                                  kinda ironic that i cosplay (and plan to cosplay more) characters from a game that i can't even play

                                                                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                    i dont think vertoxity needs to keep updating us on his progress, i mean perma isnt even spamming ranked so their would-be race doesnt even exist.

                                                                    Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                    EX Crusader player


                                                                      I will, just in case she comes a week, two or even a month from now to say how 1k is harder than 3k and how she can't escape the 1k because of team-mates.

                                                                      This way she'll have easy proof that it's her, and not others.


                                                                        she never said 1k is actually harder than 3k though, she said that its harder to 1v9 1k games than it is to 5v5 in 3-4k; which might as well be true if its your first time boosting an account and youve never gone through cookies anal training on how to stomp noobs with a 100% win rate.

                                                                        talk about reading comprehension.

                                                                        Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                        EX Crusader player

                                                                          she never said 1k is actually harder than 3k though

                                                                          She did. That's how this thread is name after. 1k games are harder than 3k.

                                                                          she said that its harder to 1v9 1k games than it is to 5v5 in 3-4k

                                                                          But it's not. it's actually way easier. If I would have this success rate in 4k, I'd be 6k by now.

                                                                          hrough cookies anal training on how to stomp noobs with a 100% win rate.

                                                                          She can do the same, learn how to stomp 1ks and get out of that bracket easily.

                                                                          As a matter of a fact, it's been 3+ months since she made this topic. She could've literally been at least 2.5k-3k mmr by now if she wanted to.

                                                                          What she wants, instead, is to actually whine about how 1k is impossible and hard, and because of that, I'll make sure to leave my proofs that she's wrong.

                                                                          Hey, if nothing changes for her, maybe it'll serve the purpose for someone else who's just passing by.

                                                                          Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                            she never said 1k is actually harder than 3k though, she said that its harder to 1v9 1k games than it is to 5v5 in 3-4k; which might as well be true if its your first time boosting an account and youve never gone through cookies anal training on how to stomp noobs with a 100% win rate.

                                                                            talk about reading comprehension.

                                                                            It's quite literally in the OP

                                                                            Winning in 1k is far harder than 3k

                                                                            Talk about reading compehension.

                                                                            Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                              it depends on the skillset you have, though.

                                                                              before i learned to 1v9 noobs in 1k, i could already win in 4k as lich offlane support, easy! i could even sometimes win in 4k as slark! but i would struggle to carry in 1k because i hadn't adapted to the playstyle of not trusting teammates at all and singlehandedly carrying.

                                                                              im pretty sure you put a random 5k support player who has not grinded to 5k via carry or did so a long time ago/started 5k, doesnt smurf, he wouldnt win 100% in 1k.

                                                                              and this is all normal, because the skill to 1v9 noobs is, while a necessary skill to climb solo mmr in any rank, is not actually a requirement for any given high rank (especially support, like op) player to have.

                                                                              Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                okay maybe when you take words out of context you may have a point, but she never compared 1v9 in 1k and 1v9 in 3k (which is obviously hardly comparable).

                                                                                which is literally what you are talking and dissing about.

                                                                                plus this is an opinion and case by case basis post not a statement you should take as cookies gospel.

                                                                                Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                                Sygma zxc ghoul 2y.o dead...

                                                                                  Winning in 1k is far harder than 3k

                                                                                  I HAVE READING COMPREHENSION ISSUES, IS "HARDER" A PLACE I CANT FIND IT ON GOOGLE MAPS ?

                                                                                  PLEASE HELP


                                                                                  im pretty sure you put a random 5k support player who has not grinded to 5k via carry or did so a long time ago/started 5k, doesnt smurf.

                                                                                  ???????????????????????? started 5k ????????????????????????
                                                                                  Man even with the micro/macro of a pro stacraft II player you need a decent knowledge of the picks, items and mechanics of dota to reach 5k. You don't start 5k.

                                                                                  , he wouldnt win 100% in 1k

                                                                                  He will still have a crazy score and find the games MUCH MUCH easier in terms of pattern, map awareness, etc...
                                                                                  Man, those games where you could just draft nyx and not worry about the 'do they have vision ?', the 'is the support around ?' or the 'is this guy a bait and they have 8374987398 dusts + cc to catch me if i greed ?'

                                                                                  Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                                  EX Crusader player

                                                                                    I'm playing/streaming the progress now, but I will get back to answer you what I think about your posts above a bit later.


                                                                                      okay maybe when you take words out of context you may have a point, but she never compared 1v9 in 1k and 1v9 in 3k (which is obviously hardly comparable).

                                                                                      Okay maybe if you learned to read at any point in your life you would have noticed that this whole 1v9 in 1k vs 5v5 in 3k is nothing but a figment of your imagination and the OP is exclusively

                                                                                      Winning in 1k is far harder than 3k. Ive read all of the posts on how to gain mmr and how to escape the trench of 1-2k but nothing works. Despite winning my lane in practically every game ive played in solo ranked my team will be so poor that the game will be untenable.
                                                                                      this kind of shit.

                                                                                      This kind of deluded garbage

                                                                                      I know I am not a 1k player because I dominate and control the pace of my 3-4k party games and yet in the week that ive been trying to grind solo mmr I have made it from 950 to 1100 mmr and got stuck. I implore valve to allow for the recalibration of solo mmr.
                                                                                      Not even when talking about their party games does this worthless excuse for a human-shaped bag of intestines acknowledges other people and their contribution. They dominate and dictate the pace, just like in 1k in their words.

                                                                                      So, I'll have to reiterate. Talk about reading compehension.


                                                                                        @Mr I change my nick every day since I lack any discernable identity

                                                                                        I HAVE READING COMPREHENSION ISSUES, IS "HARDER" A PLACE I CANT FIND IT ON GOOGLE MAPS ?
                                                                                        PLEASE HELP

                                                                                        Hide your women and children, the troll god is here with an extremely subtle and nuanced full caps milking of the wrong premise. Too bad you actually failed to make it obvious you are not a retard beforehand, could have worked otherwise. What's next? Yo momma jokes?



                                                                                          especially support, like op

                                                                                          I would assume you are trolling here, but general retardation works just as well for an explanation. So Occam's Razor decrees you a general retard I guess.

                                                                                          Sygma zxc ghoul 2y.o dead...

                                                                                            HELP ME PLZ BROKE CAPS LOCK WITH "ANGRY GERMAN KID" VIDEO TUTORIAL KEYBOARD FIXING.
                                                                                            PLEASE HELP

                                                                                            '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                                              My god I really wish this guy would shut up


                                                                                                you know people who play since around beginning of dota2 actually started ~5k right? the people who were already real good at dota1 and in the beta etc.

                                                                                                as in there are people who have never in their lives been below 5k mmr.

                                                                                                you dont have to answer this nonsense beef anyway, she told me she never thought that a 1v9 in 3k was any easier than 1v9 in 1k, thats all i need to know to base my opinion about this post. you are arguing with yourself.

                                                                                                feel free to talk about sf vs huskar matchup though, thats a legitimate and constructive topic for an actual conversation.

                                                                                                and the fuck, if your highest winrate hero is an exclusively support, i sure as hell classify you as a support player.
                                                                                                crazy stuff right? OPs a support/mid though.

                                                                                                Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                                                EX Crusader player

                                                                                                  I have nothing else to add since @ SayingPleaseHelps pretty much said everythign I wanted to.

                                                                                                  On the other hand, there's no such thing as 1k/2k/3k/4k is hard for competent and good player.

                                                                                                  It's just gonna be difference between: are you satisfied with your current skill/mmr or not? If not, get good. If you are or if you don't really care, stay where you are and stop crying.


                                                                                                    i never said it would be hard, but its a fact that people who havent needed to actually 1v9 in their recent memory might fail to 1v9 even in 1k at some point.

                                                                                                    its true, not just in dota but in many other games as well. carrying 1ks is a skill on its own and, while necessary to climb, is not something you will ever use in actual high mmr gameplay (thus relevant only for boosters/not-peak players; however it IS extremely important you learn to do this as a new player because it is the best way to learn how to abuse your lead and play around your win conditions, and so on. - extremely important stuff for a developing dota player).

                                                                                                    which, by the way, perfectly explains why you suck at 4k but own in 1k - being good at carrying 1k trash does not on its own make you good at dota!! just like being unable to carry 1k trash, on its own, doesnt make you by default completely bad at the game.

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