General Discussion

General Discussion1k games are harder than 3k.

1k games are harder than 3k. in General Discussion

    @parmaviolets %1 of the time = situational


      @SayingPleaseHelps, again this comment was from 3 days ago and ditn see it until now, but you seem to think I was trying to say 1k is good because of some matches? No way, Im just sharing those videos because I thought they were interesting. we got obliterated outright against the 5ks, and the 3ks stomped the 2ks. I just commented that we beat the 2ks in the series, but I know they were tilted from the series before and it was like 1am over there or seomthing, and some of our team mates were kin of high 1ks and they were like low 2ks. I dont believe we win that 9 times out of 10 under fair circumstances, I just wanted to share these videos and show MMR isnt just a number, and you really do belong where you are.

      '96 Neve Campbell

        %1 of the time = situational
        less than 1% isnt situational. less than 1% is negligible to the point of irrelevance. I'm sure playing void is interesting but I can not think of one matchup where void would be the best hero you could put mid. He brings nothing to that lane that more established midlaners dont do better. In my mind situational midlaners are heros with a presence of 10-20%. Heros such as Phantom Assassin, Silencer, Bloodseeker and Timbersaw. All heros which bring certain abilities to the mid lane that counter specific heros. Faceless Void has no abilities that help him win mid.


          well you're also 1k so what do you know

          play for fun

            you don't put void mid to win it, do you go mid with dk/alch to win it?


              @parmaviolets I highly recommend you to check the image again. Void's icon is first in the midlane, so if

              When you select your hero it automatically puts you to the back of the lane markings
              I forced his hand by picking my hero earlier than he did
              shouldn't he get second in that picture?

              That is irrelevant though. You forced his hand, as you say, by being a dick. Was he wrong to ignore the roll results (if that did actually happen)? Yes, but compounding the problem with your own mistake is not helpful in the slightest. And when you say

              Also the context of that screenshot was to point out how laughable the people of the bracket are when it comes to drafting.
              You may be forgetting that you are one of them. Void is very much a stable laner (there is a reason he was viable offlane during the "welcome to dying repeatedly to a trilane" times) and can hold his own against basically any melee hero and a lot of burst-oriented ranged ones. He also benefits really well from both farm and exp that the midlane offers.

              Don't forget that the context of this thread is to point out how laughable your original claim is. So I will repeat the question: Can you provide an example of you stomping a 3k game or even doing average on a 3k account that was provided to you? Or are deflections and excuses the only thing you are practicing instead of your DOTA skills? I'm asking because the 4 games that you posted all showed that you are utterly lost in 3k games even if you get a good start.


                @pls report me My bad, I did not get the full context for it, I saw way too many videos to actually watch in your link and accepted someone else's statements about some of your players being smurfs on faith.

                @parmaviolets Well, when you say

                In my mind situational midlaners are heros with a presence of 10-20%. Heros such as Phantom Assassin, Silencer, Bloodseeker and Timbersaw
                do you actually understand that PA and Timbersaw are decent matchups for Void? He has like 20 more damage on both of them and is under no threat of dying to them alone. He also destroys them lategame. Void can hinder their early farm and accelerate himself, and while he can't be expected to take enemies' tower he can defend his own well enough and even tp countergank with chrono when their frustration forces them to rotate.

                Nobody cares what is the definition of situational in your silly head when there is a widely accepted definition available "of, relating to, or appropriate to a situation", which means that Void mid is situationally viable, because he has decent matchups and can use farm and exp well. Even CM mid is situationally viable because of her aspd talent. The only truly unviable mids are heros who do not use farm well.

                Этот комментарий был изменён
                Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                  @ pls report me

                  No, Benao played with you guys. We were on steam-chat laughing so hard, because no one at that time realized he smurfed his way.. :D


                    oh you mean taht guy who played Chaos Knight, then Gyro then Tiny? He told me he was 4k smurf later but if thats true Im rtz. you watch the games and you tell me about that. Plus you said the Tide played 5k which is me so boom

                    Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                      Yeah, CK Gyro and Tiny, he was like 4.6k backthen

                      '96 Neve Campbell

                        shouldn't he get second in that picture?
                        no.... because I first picked like I said... when you pick it replacesyour original grayed out marking with your hero portrait which goes to the back of the lane markings.

                        That is irrelevant though. You forced his hand, as you say, by being a dick. Was he wrong to ignore the roll results (if that did actually happen)? Yes, but compounding the problem with your own mistake is not helpful in the slightest.
                        Since when does contesting a mid lane make you a dick? Refer to what I said please. He DISRESPECTED a roll which he agreed to take part in. I dont see how that is my mistake or how I am in the wrong for going mid after winning a roll for it. If I lose a roll for mid I always go to another lane because I am not an asshole.
                        You may be forgetting that you are one of them.
                        I have had people from this thread watch and play with me and the concensus is that I am not one of these braindead 1ks.

                        Don't forget that the context of this thread is to point out how laughable your original claim is. So I will repeat the question: Can you provide an example of you stomping a 3k game or even doing average on a 3k account that was provided to you? Or are deflections and excuses the only thing you are practicing instead of your DOTA skills? I'm asking because the 4 games that you posted all showed that you are utterly lost in 3k games even if you get a good start.
                        Utterly lost? There was not a single 3k game where I got stomped or was utterly lost... The worst game I played was a 3-11 roaming mirana. How is going 3-11 on roaming mirana an utter loss? I did not play a single 3k game where i underperformed in relation to my team. Also here are some recent high/vhs games I played on my main where I supported to a high ability in a lobby full of 4-5ks+ -->

                        do you actually understand that PA and Timbersaw are decent matchups for Void? He has like 20 more damage on both of them and is under no threat of dying to them alone. He also destroys them lategame. Void can hinder their early farm and accelerate himself, and while he can't be expected to take enemies' tower he can defend his own well enough and even tp countergank with chrono when their frustration forces them to rotate.
                        Nobody cares what is the definition of situational in your silly head when there is a widely accepted definition available "of, relating to, or appropriate to a situation", which means that Void mid is situationally viable, because he has decent matchups and can use farm and exp well. Even CM mid is situationally viable because of her aspd talent. The only truly unviable mids are heros who do not use farm well.

                        What? Nowhere did I claim that those heros are good vs. a void mid. And void beating PA and Timber in a solo lane? Lol? Maybe if the PA/Timbersaw player suffers a stroke in the lane phase. Timber would never die to a void in lane due to reactive armor and would provide a constant source of harrass for a void trying to cs, and a PA outright destroys Void in lane due to sustained damage output from daggers and her blur passive which negates voids only source of damage in lane. Again I refer to what I said - that there is not a single matchup I can think of mid where Void is more viable than any other hero. I have played well over 3000 games and I have never seen a Void midlane (or a CM one), and for good reason.

                        You have basically misunderstood everything that I have wrote so congrats on that.

                        Этот комментарий был изменён
                        '96 Neve Campbell

                          you don't put void mid to win it, do you go mid with dk/alch to win it?
                          I dont play Dragon Knight mid but Alchemist sure as hell wins midlanes in 1k. They dont understand how to harass you and take agro off of your acid spray and since the trend is to play ranged heros mid they cant out-cs you either because you have higher base damage than almost any ranged midlaner and you dont have to worry about projectile speed.

                          Этот комментарий был изменён
                          '96 Neve Campbell

                            Oh and also the fact that your reasoning for void being a viable midlaner comes from the fact that he doesnt die easily shows that he isnt a viable midlaner. You do not win a midlane by not dying. You win a midlane by outfarming and killing your opponent. As I said Void does not have abilities that would enable him to reliabley kill an enemy midlaner without a rotation to his lane.

                            Suck my tiny curry dick

                              But dk doesn’t kill people in mid and is still put in mid.

                              '96 Neve Campbell

                                But dk doesn’t kill people in mid and is still put in mid.
                                dk has a reliable stun, damage dealing spells and better lane sustain than void, hence he is a more viable midlaner. Also very humbling you would tribute your name to me.

                                Этот комментарий был изменён
                                Suck my tiny curry dick

                                  Void is a fine mid depending on you’re facing.
                                  Want to send me nudes?

                                  '96 Neve Campbell

                                    Want to send me nudes?
                                    I only send nudes to people who deserve them sorry hun

                                    Suck my tiny curry dick

                                      Trade? You like hairy Indian penis?

                                      '96 Neve Campbell

                                        Trade? You like hairy Indian penis?
                                        Cant say that I do

                                        Suck my tiny curry dick

                                          Want me to send you some. You’ll love it when you see it

                                          Bubbles go Pop

                                            I would quit, if I were you. I did, I quit so I wouldn’t have to put up with arrogant feckers like you. You should quit so people like me don’t need to.

                                            Gg, problem solved. Ta da


                                              Just play BS mid if you want to climb

                                              '96 Neve Campbell

                                                I would quit, if I were you. I did, I quit so I wouldn’t have to put up with arrogant feckers like you. You should quit so people like me don’t need to.
                                                Gg, problem solved. Ta da
                                                what a shit attitude to have

                                                Suck my tiny curry dick

                                                  yeah leave my girl alone you asshole



                                                    Since when does contesting a mid lane make you a dick? Refer to what I said please. He DISRESPECTED a roll which he agreed to take part in. I dont see how that is my mistake or how I am in the wrong for going mid after winning a roll for it. If I lose a roll for mid I always go to another lane because I am not an asshole.

                                                    If you read my statement carefully you will notice that I'm not arguing about Void being right or anything. IF he rolled and ignored the result he is undoubtedly a dick, however, when you just pick mid first you are making it worse for the team. Because that's how double mid disasters happen.
                                                    What if he insists to go mid? He already has shown a propensity for being a dick (allegedly), he might just ruin intentionally. But if you let him mid and play some other role (should be a cakewalk for an inner 3k) you will maximize your chances in that situation. You can even warn the guy that he's on his own in that lane, no ganks or counterganks from you, so that he has an incentive to reconsider his attitude, but fcking over your other teammates because this guy acted like a dick is on the same, if not worse, level of shitty behaviour. So, in a way, you are an asshole (In more than one way mind you).

                                                    I have had people from this thread watch and play with me and the concensus is that I am not one of these braindead 1ks.

                                                    Show me one person who is 3k+ who played with you or watched your games and confirmed that you are yourself 3k+ and I'll show you a person blinded by the allure of unsubstantiated virtual girl points. And I will destroy any and all the argumets they can offer in favor of that obviously faulty assertion.

                                                    Utterly lost? There was not a single 3k game where I got stomped or was utterly lost...

                                                    Who are you trying to fool ffs? I watched all 4 of them. You had no idea what to do in EVERY SINGLE ONE.

                                                    Match ID 4117446815: You ran around like a headless chicken dying randomly on a Huskar. At least you built good huskar items, so that you could die slowly enough for your Ursa to carry the game. You end up with 13 deaths, tied for most in the game with support warlock and support SB and have an abysmal for 30 min Huskar game 1,4 KDA. For reference, those two supports that died 13 times as well have 1.0 and 2.3 KDA respectively. You dealt decent HD, but that is Huskar for you - the only thing he does is a lot of DMG.

                                                    Match ID 4117799752: You never arrowed the hard camp as a "support" Mirana, resulting in being lvl 5 12 mins into the game (in a dual lane meta ffs), you maxed arrow first with no reliable setup, you made no rotations with your maxed arrow and you built Eul's, Hurricane Pike and BoTs as a "support" Mirana that basically never left Radiant top jungle. You ended up with the lowest Networth in the game (as a fking Mirana with Starstorm), 11 deaths (1,27 KDA) (as Mirana with 3 charges of leap) and lowest HD in the game (I repeat as Mirana with her skillset ffs). You did successfully defend top tier 1 though, so grats on that.

                                                    Match ID 4117939720: This was a game to prove your worth - you got Ursa against three melees and zues, with LC moving to jungle early on, so you got all the lasthits and even some denies early on. Sadly, you have no idea what to do in a game. Because, instead of smoking for rosh after getting mask, you happily transitioned into 5 minutes of farming your own safelane jungle, effectively removing the most powerful hero of your team from your team. I guess you wanted to match the enemies jungling tendencies, except they have way stronger lategame, so your good laning phase should have transitioned into agression all over the map and constricting their farming space. You were happy to farm the Radiant saflelane jungle though, where you obviously got ganked couple times, lost your advantage and quetly conceded the game at 45 never trying anything daring to turn it around. You ended the game with 7 deaths (which on Ursa suggests something went horribly wrong or horribly late) and a respectable 3.0 KDA. You did not perform best of your team though - your GPM/farm was surpassed by the absolutely horrendous Void you had (who did not go farming items btw), and your item choices are vastly inferior to clinkz's who also did this whole "pushing the lane" thing a lot and did not just farm jungle. Do you even understand how bad you are when your Void is making wrong decisions all the game, feeds 10 times and still has higher GPM than you when you are on a snowball hero with the snowball-enabling start?

                                                    Match ID 4118015584: The game where you failed to come to an agreement with your MK so he went jungle and "AFK'd all game". Except it's SS and that very MK who are ready for two SB's and a bounty hunter with a dust/sentry in their inventory and you are running around with just an empty slot. As an offlane WR against Spectre/Omni/SF cores you ended the game with 1,4 KDA, tied with AFK MK on deaths with 10. Instead of preying on the BH (the good old 1k battlefury deso bfly squishy BH) with preplaced sentries and jungling MK as a bait you got preyed upon. You ended the game with the second lowest (behind support SS) Networth, second lowest behind AFK MK Hero Damage (yes, support SS without blink and definitely without Aghs/Refresher got more HD) and second lowest behind AFK MK Building Damage. What were you doing all game as WR? Building Maelstrom, Orchid, Blink and BKB apparently. Because that set of items enables you to do jack shit against the enemy comp, so that's why you ended up being useless.

                                                    Not in a single game have you demonstrated anywhere near average performance for the role you were in. And this kinda bullshit

                                                    Also here are some recent high/vhs games I played on my main where I supported to a high ability in a lobby full of 4-5ks
                                                    is exactly where your problem lies. You assume that sitting behind a player who has good decisionmaking and getting carried by him gives you the same level of decisionmaking. Guess what? It only shows the bounds (or lack thereof) of your delusion. Ppl, including .eXceL who is in that party, spent some time in this thread trying to explain to you that getting carried does not mean you are as good as ppl who carry you and still you repeat the same bullshit. Are you deliberately averse to learning?

                                                    And finally we come to the overall lack of an understanding of the win condition in a game by a person who played the game for 1000+ hours.

                                                    You do not win a midlane by not dying. You win a midlane by outfarming and killing your opponent
                                                    Ladies and gentlemen (oh, who am I kidding, just gentlemen)! Allow me to introduce to you OP, the most obtuse moron you will ever see anywhere ever at all. Dumber that the trumpster and all the media that elected him combined!

                                                    Yes you fking do. You do win midlane by not dying. You see (well, you don't obviously, but that's what i am trying to amend) there are different heroes in dota. With different skillsets and strengths and power spike and falloff timings. Which means that different matchups are expected to go a certain way. For example, in the Brood vs a non counter matchup, the one you are quite familiar with (Match ID 4113283313 and 4105421017 for example) the expectation goes as follows: Brood loses some cs and regen at early levels but by level 5 her opponent is zoned out and has to soak exp and by 7 to 10 minutes they lose the tower. Any positioning mistake results in Brood taking a kill, so a couple of those are also expected, especially after Brood gets her lvl 6 ahead of the opponent. Heroes who can defend the tower and not die against Brood win the lane, because they thwart her expected laning outcome that her whole gameplan is built upon. If Grimstroke goes mid vs an SF, kills him 3 times before lvl6 and has 10 cs lead, did he "win" midlane? Nope, because grimstroke falls off a cliff lategame and SF is extremely good at catchup farm, that's why he is a popular mid despite being super weak at early levels. You are under the false impression that kills and farm on it's own have any merit in the laning setup, when in reality it's taking the tower and farm levels relative to how useful farm is on a hero relative to the same ratio for the opposing hero.

                                                    Void does not have abilities that would enable him to reliabley kill an enemy midlaner without a rotation to his lane

                                                    So, armed with the newly found understanding that kills don't matter, do you see why that is an asinine argument? Sure Void does not kill anyone in the laning phase (outside of chrono), but does he need to? What's void's game plan? Does he need early kills to accelerate to being the lategame monster only rivaled by Spectre and Dusa in terms of teamfight impact? Go check gold sources for TI to get that answer. Void is some of the best lategame there is, so all he needs is time. AND GUESS WHAT BUYS HIM TIME? Not dying and therefore not losing the tower.

                                                    Now here is a true gem

                                                    And void beating PA and Timber in a solo lane
                                                    PA outright destroys Void in lane due to sustained damage output from daggers and her blur passive which negates voids only source of damage in lane
                                                    have played well over 3000 games and I have never seen a Void midlane (or a CM one), and for good reason
                                                    You should probably stop offering your 1k after 3k games understanding as the truth mate. Because Void has 10 base damage on PA and Timber. He will deny the everloving shit out of them and force them to continuously spend mana to get any lasthits. You should be throwing daggers for lasthits, not harass. And what are PA and Timbersaw offering in a game? An anti-rightclick passive and some burst (physical and magical/true respectively) with short cooldown spells. What does Void offer? In-built anti-burst in his mobility tool, a spam counter in Time Dilation, propensity to go SB as one of the early items (making Silver Edge upgrade natural) and a healthy mix of physical and magical damage along with the best CC in the game. And this whole dagger spam thing? Void will get an aquila first item and carry couple tangoes to deal with the remaining tickling. And if you ferry mangoes to counteract you are losing gold you are already losing by getting denied. Void can't really push mid hard, that's why he is rarely seen in mid, but it's not like PA can either, so it's almost as if I was right when I said Void is situationally viable mid.

                                                    "You do not win midlane by not dying", have you even watched TI? OG lost the lanes by your metrics all the time, but they got enough out of them to actually win them within their gameplan. They did so consistently throughout 3 best of series in the upper bracket of the most competitive tournament in years. Keep thinking that your "You do not win midlane by not dying", I mean for real, that is something a person with 3000+ games of DOTA is saying, a person who received proper first world education, it's fking laughable, has any merit at all and stay in your native 1k while using the games carried by other people to pad your ego, coz everything else failed apparently.

                                                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                      For all the connoisseurs of the truly exemplary 1k plays resembling the best of "Purge casts a pub" without actual Purge commentary on it I highly recommend Match ID 4126922571.

                                                      In this gripping tale of Failure, Failure and Failure, the OP sports the cool LC arcana, cavern crawl LC set, ALL of DOTA+ LC runes and absolutely no understanding of how to play LC the hero. Laning in the bottom lane with their partymate Omniknight against Magnus and Lina, they start spectacularly well by grouping up at the rune allowing Magnus to skewer them both and secure it. Procceeding to have 0 duel damage and 0 levels of Overwhelming Odds (LC's Q) skilled at 22 minutes, OP turns to the true and trusted "Flaming the teammate in allchat" maneuver that works wonders when you fudged literally everything you could have outside of outright intentionally ruining the game. Defaulting to their favourite "farm own safelane jungle" tactic OP tries to trick the enemy misleadingly exclaiming "afk", but expectedly still gets ganked and killed, because what the fuck are you doing in your safelane jungle after T1 fell while being behind.

                                                      OP finally decides to move to the enemy jungle, carefully avoiding pushing T1, apparently maintaining the "afk" ruse, which leads to an unsuspecting Sniper trying to defend his T1 and finally feeding the OP their coveted first duel win at 25 minutes into the game. Having the Duel urge satisfied OP moves back to their own jungle (I mean who would ever want to share the lane with those dirty, ugly lane creeps?) and swiftly falls victim to a bait after going for a solo duel on a 2,5k HP Magnus with no enemies showing on the map. Deciding to farm the jungle till the end OP fails to fulfill that and dies again to the Void after a failed duel, commenting about it in the allchat, like any good DOTA failure of a player would.

                                                      Somehow, (well, we all know how, that's 1k games for you) the enemy overextend after taking 2 rax and the OP gets their second duel of the game at 32 minutes. Inspired by this success they walk into Rosh where both surviving enemies are asking for it by roshing vs 5 alive and duels the Linkens Lina instead of Sniper. Hilarity ensues.

                                                      In the end, in an incredible gesture of defiance, OP sells their items (outside of blademail and quelling coz precise clicking is hard) and buys up on the stout shield, signifying their stout insistence on flaming their teammates.

                                                      "This is a magnifiscent examination of arrogance, stubborness and stupidity, a must for sure" writes Manohla Dargis
                                                      "The precise and detailed way the depths of failure are presented around a supposedly innocent hobby is truly impressive" notes Roger Moore
                                                      "I reconsidered videogames actually being capable of producing art after seeing this" says Roger Ebert from the grave.
                                                      "I would mute and report both that fucker and the pudge right on the spot" adds some random shmuck from the Internet.

                                                      Available now in every DOTA client at Match ID 4126922571, watch it today before the replay expires, "How Dunning met Krueger's mother"! With literally one Overwhelming Odds use in the entirety of 34:22 minutes.

                                                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                        Stop stop she’s already dead 😂😂😂

                                                        Disturbed Jawker

                                                          You ok there bud


                                                            @ETdAWESOME I'd have to hear it from the OP directly.

                                                            @I just wanna play good dotes Got a bit of a cold I guess, otherwise fine, thanks for the concern mate.

                                                            play for fun

                                                              how will OP ever recover? use the "you're a trolling virgin1!!1" card maybe?


                                                                Wow I even learned something on this topic.
                                                                No lock mods

                                                                '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                  you're a trolling virgin1!!1

                                                                  for real though the vast majority of what you wrote was clutching at straws at best and I really do not have the patience to reply to every individual point so congrats for boring me into silence. As for the LC game. Our teammates flamed so hard that I couldnt be bothered after about 5m. That whole game had a disgusting toxic atmosphere and I had every interest in ending it as fast as I could by going AFK. Abandoning would just shoot myself in the foot.

                                                                  '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                    Stop stop she’s already dead 😂😂😂
                                                                    not really. its not a subject I care about to truly get mad about. If someone has a better argument then whatever good for them... Shame it doesnt translate to being successful outside of what is essentially a hobby.


                                                                      Lose the argument - > "I don't really care about this subject anyways". May wanna delete all your previous posts here to make it more convincing. You are quite a collection of all the obvious excuses. Even obliged play for fun and

                                                                      Shame it doesnt translate to being successful outside of what is essentially a hobby
                                                                      used the
                                                                      you're a trolling virgin1!!1
                                                                      argument unironically the second time. Isn't it time to admit that you don't care about climbing the MMRs? That's what all your excuses allude to. It's time, admit you belong in 1k shitter and enjoy the most out of it. Or is this morbid attention of people curious about the mental disorders that plague you still good enough, adding one more to the laundry list of said disorders?


                                                                        Speaking of "clutching at straws", isn't dismissing a valid argument on the basis of "clutching at straws" unsubstantiated assertion an example of such? I can repeat the actually important question again if reading the whole post is too hard for you: Can you provide anything to corroborate your original assertion about being on the level of 3k players? Outside of your atrocious performance in those 4 games and getting carried in parties that you interpreted as doing well, but anyone with eyes saw as being a shitter? Anything that may be considered methodologically sound?

                                                                        '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                          is this morbid attention of people curious about the mental disorders that plague you still good enough, adding one more to the laundry list of said disorders?
                                                                          are you alright there buddy? sounds like you are speaking from the soul there. . . . . Do you need someone to give you a hug?

                                                                          Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                          play for fun

                                                                            are you alright there buddy? sounds like you are speaking from the soul there. . . . . Do you need someone to give you a hug?

                                                                            translation: i can't find a way to refute any of your arguments therefore i will resort to personal insults and imply that your current life situation is non-satisfactory and subpar

                                                                            '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                              translation: i can't find a way to refute any of your arguments therefore i will resort to personal insults and imply that your current life situation is non-satisfactory and subpar
                                                                              Was I the one who started carping on about mental health?? This guy started getting personal well before me. I COULD write a lengthy response to his argument critiquing all of the flaws and absurdities of it but frankly I just cant be bothered fighting with a brick wall.


                                                                                I got a mild cold atm, as I've mentioned to the previous genuine-sounding concerned citizen. That's the worst of it. Of course if you were capable of actually perceiving reality you would have noticed that and understood there is no need to ask the same question twice. Granted, if you were capable of perceiving reality you would have noticed your own inadequacies as a DOTA player as well and abstained from starting this thread as well so my bad.

                                                                                Speaking of inadequacies, your lack of either capacity for learning, or reading comprehension is clearly documented in this very thread (assuming your answers are genuine and I'm the last person to assume bad faith), so when I mention that well-established fact, it's just that - a fact. When you jump to mental health assertions about me without any evidence or even argument it's just that - a baseless assertion.


                                                                                I COULD write a lengthy response to his argument critiquing all of the flaws and absurdities of it but frankly I just cant be bothered fighting with a brick wall
                                                                                just means you COULDN'T. You don't see me giving up despite your absurd level of uncooperativeness and asshatery.

                                                                                What new dodge will your dodgy personality come up with on this iteration of the question: Can you provide anything to corroborate your original assertion about being on the level of 3k players? Outside of your atrocious performance in those 4 games and getting carried in parties that you interpreted as doing well, but anyone with eyes saw as being a shitter? Anything that may be considered methodologically sound?

                                                                                '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                                  Speaking of inadequacies, your lack of either capacity for learning, or reading comprehension is clearly documented in this very thread
                                                                                  Again with the insane attacks of personality.... I am a university student who is currently working on getting a masters in but yeah I have a lack of capacity for learning and reading comprehension...

                                                                                  What new dodge will your dodgy personality come up with on this iteration of the question: Can you provide anything to corroborate your original assertion about being on the level of 3k players? Outside of your atrocious performance in those 4 games and getting carried in parties that you interpreted as doing well, but anyone with eyes saw as being a shitter? Anything that may be considered methodologically sound?
                                                                                  A sample size of 4 is enough to be methodologically sound in your eyes? And how is doing well as a position 5 and setting up your team for victory getting carried? When I find the time to play more 3k games i will link them. Also the fact that I stomp 4/5 of my solo games should be enough proof alone that I dont belong in my bracket.

                                                                                  I believe I posted this thread in the first place to highlight some of the issues with the MMR system, not to be defamed by some keyboard warrior.

                                                                                  Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                                  Suck my tiny curry dick

                                                                                    Just send me nudes and forget about them.

                                                                                    play for fun

                                                                                      there are no issues with the mmr system, the only problem here is you

                                                                                      '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                                        there are no issues with the mmr system
                                                                                        there are no issues with the mmr system

                                                                                        there are no issues with the mmr system

                                                                                        there are no issues with the mmr system

                                                                                        there are no issues with the mmr system

                                                                                        there are no issues with the mmr system

                                                                                        there are no issues with the mmr system

                                                                                        there are no issues with the mmr system

                                                                                        there are no issues with the mmr system

                                                                                        there are no issues with the mmr system

                                                                                        there are no issues with the mmr system
                                                                                        there are no issues with the mmr system
                                                                                        there are no issues with the mmr system
                                                                                        good one


                                                                                          cant believe this thread is stilll alive, this is getting interesting.

                                                                                          Suck my tiny curry dick

                                                                                            Can we hit 20 pages?

                                                                                            play for fun

                                                                                              i will say it again. there is nothing wrong with mmr system and you can't prove me wrong. you're actually the perfect example of mmr system working as intended (solo mmr at least, but we all know that party queue is worthless)


                                                                                                Of course there's issues with the mmr system, for you play solo on a team game who require a lot of coordination, knowledge and strategy.
                                                                                                But that's the only way to judge someone skill in the long term. I also beat one or two 6/7k players like Miracle's friend, Makaveli, but in the end getting carried doesn't mean anything.

                                                                                                Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                                                                                                  xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD

                                                                                                  THAT BITCH CAROLE BASKINS

                                                                                                    dude ou got sent to the fucking grave. what a sad little bitch you are. @SayingPleaseHelps is completely right just admit it, whats your issue. You already admitted its a stupid game that amounts to nothing why are you so defensive. Please can anyone resassure me that I'm better than this asshole