General Discussion

General DiscussionFuck 33 is garbage

Fuck 33 is garbage in General Discussion
flourishing new leaf

    Sad for Optic cause they played well both games and could've won both but this 33 dude fucking shit noob. In game 2 he had no way to lose the lane and he did, then he had no way to throw it and omfg this useless fuck is unbelievable. Insta kick after TI hopefully


      rofl , i dont think u can even comprehend what goes on in that tier of dota xd

      flourishing new leaf

        And someone please teach this zai fucktard how to play roam furion my god
        got fucking cancer watching this shit and his starting build

        Get circlet 2 branch tango potion!!!!!!! You don't need ANYTHING ELSE. What does fucking blight stone do if you're the only shit hitting, you get more off fucking stats!! They are more afraid of turning and going apeshit on you too!!!! SAFE DOTA, EFFECTIVE DOTA!!

        Just fucking queue blight stone, not fucking hard...

        And PPD? Are you braindeaed? wtf are wards good for early game you stupid fuck, you're not playing with fucking braindead teammates!!!! What can a fucking level 2-3 hero do that he can't with you watching him doing it?`TELL ME!! You can expect it anyway!!

        What you can't do is fucking walk around the whole game without fucking boots, without that 325 gold ms shit item!! Are you retarded? Because that's what fucking @kuro thinks of YOU! He gets green boots + that 325 gold ms shit and shits on you the whole fucking game!!!

        Get some fucking neurons u retard, you're not a wardbitch, at least not early, you're a fucking hero aiding your teammates but what are you doing? walking around fucking around with like 10 ms and feeding! Do you get that? Items > ward early stupid fuck. You need at least a fucking basic movement speed build!!! Is it so hard to get some cs? Is it? What kind of retard cores do you play with that they can't handle being 50-200 gold under for a bit? Does it help that you die, he can't get close to cs? Does it? Fucking retard!!!

        Here's hoping you fix that shit and I can see you reach the lower bracket finals.

        FUCK YOU

        flourishing new leaf

          You're the shit one not understanding, same as those trash casters


            Here we go...

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              ancient 4 wisdom

              Pale Mannie


                Pale Mannie


                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    "Following an underwhelming performance at TI, we decided to part ways with Neta "33" Shapira. We wish him best of luck in his future endeavours and thank him for out time together.

                    Our new recruit is the rising pub star Rhetr "flourishing new leaf" Dayshawn, who has been terrorizing ancient pubs with his signature roaming Furion. We hope to achieve great success together and trust Rhetr to carry us to a win at TI 9."

                    flourishing new leaf

                      I have a more renowned name but welp, looks good!




                          How much money did you lose?



                            Mungo Time

                              Clearly Gh and kuro WON the game for Liquid instead of 33 losing it.

                              They made miracle's life a breeze in the early mid game.

                              After winning the safe lane, they just stacked and camped mid protecting their win condition.

                              Mutumba played selfless in sacrificing his progression on the map by playing agressively while miracle is free farming.

                              It's waaaaaaaaay more liquid WINNING the game than Optic losing it!


                                benao reincarnate


                                  benao 2.0 feelsgoodman


                                    makes me wonder these types of posts are straight up trolls or posters are retarded., hmm :thinking:


                                      another 4k trash trying to critic a player who has 2x more mmr than him hahhaaha


                                        Clearly Gh and kuro WON the game for Liquid instead of 33 losing it.

                                        They made miracle's life a breeze in the early mid game.

                                        After winning the safe lane, they just stacked and camped mid protecting their win condition.

                                        Mutumba played selfless in sacrificing his progression on the map by playing agressively while miracle is free farming.

                                        It's waaaaaaaaay more liquid WINNING the game than Optic losing it!


                                          Really makes you think 🤔


                                            my eyes are burning from reading this

                                            flourishing new leaf

                                              Burning? Ppd listened to me and beat that tier 4 team serenity and last time he listened to me previous to that one was when he won TI5 so yeah. Probably holy water for your noob demon shit trash dota skills


                                                yeah ppd did everything thanks to flourishing new leaf


                                                  SEA ranked #1 Feeder KEK

                                                    Flourishing new dick come carry me to TI next yr pls. Pls add me on my main. Thx