General Discussion

General DiscussionCan anybody help me out to get out of lp

Can anybody help me out to get out of lp in General Discussion
pick Supp0rt first

    it's not like I abandon games becoz I am irritated or something its like I have network issue and I got out for like 5min as my team don't pause even for a sec so I got too many abandons but even sometimes if they pause due to opp. site as they unpause so any help would be appreciated


      that somebody is YOU

      pick Supp0rt first

        ya i am trying but its like too much coz i dont know why but the opp team always snowball us mainly becoz one or 2 lanes feed excessively as they dont know hw to play wid that 3 heros only


          then git gut and destroy scrubs 1v5

          pick Supp0rt first

            didnt get that previous one

            Gabba Gabba Games TTV

              Yeah if you consistently get LP from bad networking, and still continue to play and ruin the game for your team you deserve to have a miserable time in LP.

              pick Supp0rt first

                somehow cleared all of them in just 7 games

                Story Time

                  in just 7 games


                  Disturbed Jawker

                    not clearing 5 lp games in 4 games what are you


                      " becoz one or 2 lanes feed excessively as they dont know hw to play wid that 3 heros only " you are one of the feeders im sure.

                      pick Supp0rt first

                        REALLY CAN CHECK ALLMY GAMES


                          I remember getting lp in my main, and got stuck for like 20 games which made me quit dota xD