General Discussion

General DiscussionThis is what a real slark player looks like

This is what a real slark player looks like in General Discussion
Story Time

    picking slark is like screaming in public that you are a retard...


      You're right. I do possess the confidence needed to scream in public that I'm a retard and pull it off cool.

      Story Time

        it is not illegal but somehow i would avoid to see a show like that

        Potato Marshal

          Honestly not really that impressive for somebody with 7000+ matches in a 3k match.

          SASA POPOVIC

            Evry support main has nighmares about slark. No wards and moving around the map allowed, aslo hex is expensive as hell. :)


              Not impressive but fascinating.

              Story Time

                i like how you dont want to discuss your bad performance with slark like here where you fed most of all


                  you should be ashamed having 10 deaths


                    Everyone loses sometimes, but at least I can say that with consistency I provide a good fight when I do end up losing. And I did, provided the circumstances. The pudge abandoned but I almost won it still. AM is a hard counter to slark also.

                    Story Time

                      ^that is the thing with slark, he either snowballs with 20+ kills, or loses the game with 10+ deaths. That is why the hero is a magnet for children players and others with downing-kruger syndromes


                        Actually, if I only played Slark then my MMR would skyrocket to where it should be. My low MMR is by choice i.e. I don't always pick 'intelligently.'


                          Slark pickers tend to be tryhards. They either snowball out of control and carry the game, or they feed endlessly.


                            u have 7k matches u fucktard


                              my low mmr is by choice LMAOO


                                I don't play as much nowadays though, so I have to focus on using strategic picks if I want to win. Sometimes I just say whatever I'm mid, invoker. I will start being as tryhard as I can be so I can show you a fast climb. With time.

                                Suck my tiny curry dick

                                  Wow so good!!!! I can’t wait to see you win ti8 with your slark


                                    im 3k by choice, i played 5k ranked matches and lost half of them by choice smileyface


                                      It doesn't mean anything that when I pick a hero I know well and enjoy, I do very well with consistency. Alright, boyo :)


                                        Hmm..Ok jugg is still the best tho