General Discussion

General DiscussionIs EU good or a bad server? How does it differ from SEA server?

Is EU good or a bad server? How does it differ from SEA server? in General Discussion

    I am talking about the gameplays, role picking, teamates and the level of toxicity in that server. I am from SEA and I once had a game (turbo) to EU and they are so quiet AF. They maintain creep equilibrium even in turbo and they don't complain that much.

    Are they always/mostly like this?

    Story Time

      yes, eu west is the best


        eu west is the best


          Well that explains why I am having hardtime with my fellow SEA players while at EU I feel comforted. One thing I conclude about them is that they are selfless while at SEA it is completely opposite.

          I hope I can play with them with low ping. :(


            the west is the best


              only bad games on EU W is when arabs and iranians/turks qeue there. pla no ban


                Or when tryhard germans get triggered.


                  I wish dotabuff add server winrates so I could observe more. I would rly love to play in that server but my internet speed isnt enough to meet the required ping so I can play with no lag. Playing ranked match should be fun there because people are serious and not toxic as SEA? Now I see why some smurfs and boosters are succesful.

                  FUN FACT: SEA players are always outdated when it comes to meta and adjustments to the game. They are tryhard imitators and attention seekers. Selfish and greedy, blamers and unforgiving, toxic and wild, and etc. I know I also belong to the "hell server" but I am different. (AND IM PROUD OF IT) Good luck to me grinding mmr to this server... I might end up losing a lot mmr because of them or maybe im just bad at playing dota...


                    Everything are better than SEA my brother. My grandma can play dota better than these bunch of toxic sea kids


                      EU West not toxic


                      死の恐怖 Haseo



                          In my shit bracket I get some really nice people so I guess that EU isn't that bad after all?

                          SASA POPOVIC

                            Pls dont invade EU west from your shitty laggy regions, ty!

                            We need to build a wall to protect oit safe utopia, make EU west great again! Region lock all filthy imigrants!


                              What? I played turbo there instead of normal because I know it would ruin their game. And even if I "invade" your server it wont make a difference. I may be a SEA player physically but EU player socially and mentally XD (doesnt matter if its good or bad) :)


                                funny to hear that all the time.

                                SEA server is they way it is becaus of SEA players.

                                if all the crybabies that cry about how bad SEA server is were to move to EU W, they would turn EU W into SEA and then cry about how bad EU W is.

                                Этот комментарий был изменён

                                  HI OP , where are you from in SEA?
                                  Also how old are you ? You seem like a teenager getting into dota 2.