General Discussion

General Discussionraising my mmr from 2.6 to 3k

raising my mmr from 2.6 to 3k in General Discussion

    heroes i can grind for boostin?

    Mode Idiot

      Spectre with 60% winrate. Ok mate, gl






            give 5$ to acc buster to bust ure acc from 2,6 to 30H(H stands for hecto)

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              PL cuz ur one of the strongest 1v5 carries in game (EZ mmr confirmed)
              Clinkz cuz u shit on enemy carry in every stage of the game and rat like crazy (Confirmation in progress)


                Any hero that can create constant pressure

                Either by being a (1) constant wave shoving carry or (2) a highly kill threat + tower taker hero


                  add 4 boost,5-10$

                  SEA ranked #1 Feeder KEK

                    Just spam zeus. Ez win ez mmr

                    Lruce Bee

                      Good luck because that bracket is impossible to go up no matter what hero or pos


                        dark willow support but become carry in the end, becuz u know all want to pick carry duh

                        SASA POPOVIC

                          Its possible if you play like 2 brackets above your skill level, otherwise those boosters would ran out of business.

                          Or you can pay these guys like a real gentleman to do dirty work for you, remember gentleman pays filthy peasants work!

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                          Jimichael Butordan

                            2.6-2.8 you can use LUNA, go safelane focus on getting treads madness before 15 mins~, push the first tower only if the enemy team is in an engagement with you team with other lanes/you are with atleast one ally hero with you/ward behind tower
                            I got out of this bracket by split pushing but no the whole time, if I think the my team will win a fight near a place that I can tp, then I will go for it (only of there are 3-5 enemy heroes fighting) because it is a 100% win in that engagement with you ULT. After that command your team to push but if they dont push, you can go and push creeps waves in one lane (atleast 2 creep waves) and if you think that no one will defend, you can destroy a tower in a fast manner with MoM even with yourself.
                            2830~ you can go for slark or any hero that can have early game impact and can clear waves/clear neutral camps in low 10 levels. You can't just win every game in this bracket in split pushing because they know how to tp and they actually know how to win a fight knowing that you are split pushing (considering that both teams are BAD lol)
                            Dont play support, go for 1st/3rd pick with the hero I mentioned and you can get out of that shit hole. Got calibrated at 2.8 raised to 3.1k (but still arch 5) then decided to stop for a while then came back, dropped to 2700 and now I got 3000 and a Legend 0 medal.
                            It's all about learning brotha. Glhf


                              i suggest lycan and start destroying towers to ancients 😂😂😂


                                Ember is the best because he can pressure other lanes, has amazing mid game & one of the strongest late game. His only weakness is laning, but that shouldn't be a problem in your bracket. I don't think there is a stronger hero to boost.

                                cURL Method

                                  How about stop trying to game the system and just get good. Focus on your laning phase. Learn creep aggro. Pull creeps. I can pick a garbage hero when I smurf at your mmr and win every game. It's about playing better, not picking the right hero. Ever see Waga smurf and go carry radiance ogre? It's all about the play.


                                    I don't get people who actually pay for only 100 mmr thats like just 4 games you might as well do them yourself xd

                                    cURL Method

                                      Also, stop making smurfs. Focus on getting better at one thing on one hero. Then move from there. There is no hidden secret strat. Just get better at MANY things. One brick in a wall is not more important than the next. Start with the basics "your foundation" and move up from there


                                        @Lone Dog: ROFL....indeed

                                        SASA POPOVIC

                                          @lone dog: Thats 4 games you may or may not win, this is secured and guaranteed, what if you have losing streak for example and now you are short 8 games? It happend to all of us, also lets not forget those losses tilt you and can even give you something called "ladder anxiety" where you start being afraid to lose even more and start doubting that you can make up for it, theres plenty of reasons tons of boosting websites are earning money for something trivial as 100 MMR.


                                            Like I never got into ranked before and after about 2 ish years later where I was more practiced and my brain got smarter (was fairly young) I started playing ranked cause I felt more confident in my capabilities. Started in guardian and made it up to Archion 5 with chen spam. Time frame is about late feb to now. I win most games.


                                              So yeah get practice on a few heroes. Helpful to have one for every role Incase you need full. Find your specialty


                                                Arc warden