General Discussion

General DiscussionNew ranked season

New ranked season in General Discussion

    Only few days left,prepare your best champions for calibration boys.


      who care i'm getting the same shity mmr that i had before anyway

      only difference is for acc buyers and fuckem

      Этот комментарий был изменён

        ^this, seasons are not made to increase your mmr but to fight account buyers/boosters now they have to get boosted every 6 months wich increases chance of getting detected, you can sit on your medal for 6 months only.


          Visage like...

          but u said dota was fun :(

            I doubt that, Harold. They would've done that a long time ago, that is achievable evven without the medal system. The only good thing that will happen is that rank down will now be available. Consistency is the solution.


              I won't bother calibrating solo mmr for quite a while. I'll play after the toxic idiots are done calibrating

              Brünk Hüll

                Fighting boosters is certainly a nice advantage, but it can also help placate people who believe they were put in the wrong bracket. If you mess up, you can try again in six months. We'll see who deserves their spot. We'll see.

                Muhammad Sumbul

                  @P9 one day left? Don't you mean 1 month left.Theres this thing called valve time

                  Potato PC

                    Gonna spam a hero and got shitty medal (?)


                      i dont want to recalibrate as support :(((((

                      SASA POPOVIC

                        @Vandal when you do calibration games you dont transfer on other planet and do it with uncalibrated people only, you start in your bracket and 90% of the time you end it in your bracket because you didnt became Miracle over night, i mean this is second recalibration this year i dont know why are people tripping its some magical MMR well from where you gonna drink and skip up a bracket? From where are you drawing this information? Source and graphs pls!


                          when will the recalibration start btw.


                            Harold is angry about recalibration for some reason - dont snuff out our hopes - deluded we are yes but what if?

                            SASA POPOVIC

                              Im not angry i just dont understand why are yoi hyping it so much? We had calibration in november, evryone stayed around their mmr and whole community figured out its +- 500-ish MMR and people again tripping balls that Archons will became Ancients and shit?


                                What happens at the top end of MMR? Does everyone get trimmed back to 6k or something?

                                SASA POPOVIC

                                  ^ no idea, last time top players were biggest losers, for the rest of ladder nothing changed.

                                  Scarlet van Halisha

                                    WHEN WILL THE RECALIBRATION STARTS ? TY


                                      It's still the same MMR number. Just remove ur badge and waiting for you to play another 10 mmr games then add the badge according to that mmr. Why bother ?


                                        These idiots are hyping it for no reason. There's literally no difference, max +/- 300-500MMR.