General Discussion

General DiscussionMutation Idea: Towers are captured instead of destroyed

Mutation Idea: Towers are captured instead of destroyed in General Discussion

    Towers are captured instead of destroyed, resetting to 100% HP and defecting to the enemy team, can be recaptured again.

    Melee Barracks and Ranged Barracks are also captured instead of destroyed, still the same effect and spawns Super Creeps on enemy team, but can be recaptured, killing all Super Creeps in that lane and stopping the spawning of Super Creeps.

    Everytime a Barracks is captured or recaptured, its maximum HP rises 2x.

    Tier 3 and Tier 4 Towers are disarmed when captured, unable to attack, until it's recaptured again.

    Structures can only be captured in a linear order, Tier 4 -> Barracks -> Tier 3 -> Tier 2 -> Tier 1.

    Shrines are also captured instead of destroyed, and can be used by enemy team to regen. Only a Tier 3 tower is necessary to be able to recapture Shrines.

    posted a similar thread on reddit,


      that would be absolutely broken


        Seems fun.
        But i think barracks and tier 3-4 towers should remain the same.

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          This doesn't sound like it has any cool merit to it. Just kick any comeback potential in the balls. Maybe could work if towers received some modifications. Like if they had way less HP and did something useful for the team like auras or something.


            Or just make "Capture the Flag" in dota but nc idea anyway