General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is the current meta ?

What is the current meta ? in General Discussion

    Hey guys just wondering what is the meta ? I cant seem to figure it out is it early push etc what heroes are the most successful for the patch any information would be great thank you :)


      Early push heroes seem to me the best way currently. Visage, lycan, huskar.


        Now with defending and denying towers far more rewarding, expect matches to slow down than before.

        Alchemist is dead with the roamers. Roaming no more impactful nowadays.

        Riki is still strong.
        SF is still shit.


          Alchemist benefits anytime a teammate even picks up rune. He went up like 3% winrate..


            Okay thank you guys for the help :)


              Duals, early teamfights, mid game cores, push.


                Yeah 2-1-2 laning is the meta rn, or much better if you can aggro their carry

                Lruce Bee

                  Teamfight hero


                    clearly safelane is not 'safe' anymore



                      Story Time

                        win the lane = win the game?