General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy don't people get mek anymore?

Why don't people get mek anymore? in General Discussion
One Fourth of a Concubine

    Uh that ^

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      flourishing new leaf

        Because they think it's bad. Same reason they don't get vladimir and why people didn't go diffusal before it turned META

        in other words, cause pro's are limited in their thinking and lowbrain shit copycats out there with their restricted view of the game


          its because the item is too expensive and comes too late for a support and is only valuable on certain core heroes who can get it fast
          however the alternatives to the same type of pushing aura type of item like helm, are superior
          thus mek ends up like an item that u only situationally get on very specific utility core heroes who want the greaves later on imo

          One Fourth of a Concubine

            I really do wish I wouldn't get crusaders answering my questions man

            low prio master

              Im the last one copy pros builds,crying for mac buff over 1 year here,same as bottle which finally got "something".
              As a io player im very sad about mac,in my eyes its been bad for longtime in pubs,for sure still have space in pro games.
              There is a huge manacost which need to be lowered.Or actually any buff to item will take my attention.
              Most supp heroes would go for super value item like glimmer-this item put mac away from my io.And there is pretty much every utility item better than mac,for sure cost/value.

              Leafclubb🍃 ♫

                Mmr being low doesn't invalidate the points they make. You could have amazing understanding of the game and knowledge of hero abilities/items but still have bad mechanical skill, decision making, efficiency, etc.

                Mekansm manacost is too expensive = = CD also too long. It's only ever bought by heroes going for Greaves. Mekansm on its own is an early game 4-5 man pushing item(unless it's Io) but Helm is usually better imo. Mek has 3.5 hp regen aura while Helm has 7 hp regen aura, Not to mention the utility of different creeps give. Idk, im scrub.

                One Fourth of a Concubine

                  Yeah but I don't need trash reasoning like "pros are limited in their thinking" when in fact dota is practically their life.

                  Suck my tiny curry dick

                    I wish you would stop playing this game. You’re just bad


                      when ur right so they so "archon LUL"


                        Hey Washed Up, the blue star was talking abt you. Great game knowledge but not fully translated into mechanical skill. xD


                          ik that much abt myself
                          and i wouldnt call my knowledge great, but much better than my mechanics lol

                          Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                            Because Crimson Guard or Pipe of Inisight is a lot more flexible and useful than a Mek. Also, if you need healing, Urn or a Spirit Vessel if a better choice imo.

                            Mek is currently mediocre, but a Guardian Greaves is a different story. If you go mek, buy Guardian Greaves right away!


                              It was only ever popular around 2014 when deathball push strats were how TI was won/lost. Since then the cooldown has been increased, the mana cost increased, the price increased.

                              Supports build it too late and it provides too little utility compared to force staff, blink, medallion, urn, mid cores like Razor and Viper who used to build it don’t build it any more because the deathball doesn’t work. The only ones that will build it are the tanky offlaners who have enough mana pools and build it into greaves (Tide, dark seer etc).

                              For pushing strats the helm of dominator is better. For extra health pipe is better since it stops 400 damage rather than heal only 250 plus gives whole team extra magic resist and higher health regen. Since these items both cost around the same cost as Mekansm they are built instead.

                              The item needs a big buff to become good/meta again. It hasn’t had a buff in 3 years.

                              Machado98 #xatubaking

                                Super high manacost
                                Comes too late for supports, the heal is already meh by then
                                Helm is a better alternative early
                                I still build it in some heroes tho, IO in the rare ocasions I play it and Chen because it just adds up to the ult, healing a lot in teamfights with ToF, Hand of God and Mek and later Greaves


                                  Omg I’ve got a blue house. Has it really been that long?