General Discussion

General DiscussionEarly Game Tactics

Early Game Tactics in General Discussion

    What is actually supposed to be done early game?? Is getting kills important or getting last hits. In a viewpoint of a hero like Clinkz.


      Farm if you can't kill for reasonable amount of time


        Same thing with every hero


          There are 2 important question that you must question yourself before going after kill(s)
          Will the creep equalibrium be messed up if you go after the kill. To ensure this you are reccomended to deny the first creep instead of going after the first last hit in the lane as it will make the wave momentum into you and another important note is not to let too much creep go into your tower since you are a range hero you cant afford to tank 3-4 creep or you will lose most of your hp. The next question is will i gain more gold if i just normally last hit or will it be worth it to restrain enemy offlaner xp and income. And yeah that generally the question you need to ask yourself


            lane efficiency


              Don't win early game, your teammates will throw the lead away by shit positioning and feeding hundreds in comeback gold. Don't lose early game, the opposing team will group up and snowball to win. Don't play early game. Don't play dota.

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