General Discussion

General DiscussionIf I were to nerf riki

If I were to nerf riki in General Discussion

    Increase Trick of the Trade attack rate to 1/0.8/0.5 from 0.5/0.45/0.4
    Increase Trick of the Trade cast point to 1 from 0.3

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    Story Time

      there is a reason why people write first "from" and then "to" and not otherwise as you do it in your sentence. Please consider it, so we can all enjoy easy read

      low impact palyer

        7.14: 1k players now have Force Staff in all default guides

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        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

          Delete riki


            yes, delete every hero who looks OP to 1Ks
            then proceed with the game itself


              Have you tried destroying the enemy ancient?


                sorry sire i ain't good in english grammar


                  force is all good until riki buys nullifier


                    nah, if it were to be nerfed like this, Riki winrate would drop from 57% to 40%.
                    Not only it would make the ult a lot more terrible than the pre 7.13, even at late game, 1 scnd cast point is absolutely terrible unless he has agha.
                    Riki's early potential go down to the drain beyond unsalvagable and even in late game he cant do blink strike + ult combo.

                    It's just like saying, lets nerf am spell shield so at lvl 1 spell shield only provides 5% magic resistance, while at lvl 4 provides 50% magic resistance but just for 6 instances.


                      make the game crash instantly upon riki getting picked while ure at it


                        nerf AM to make his illusion burn 16 mana per hit like diffu


                          tricks of the trade attacks once every second but isn't aoe

                          bam, now theres no chance he can be viable right


                            Lower his stats. Make Dust and Sentry and Gem cost less.

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                              He is already overnerfed.


                                They should remake him. I would like to see:

                                1. Backstab goes to his W. W deals no extra dmg.

                                2. E gives hp regen (1/2/3/4). Fade time increased on early lvls. Invis can be turned off/on (so he can aggro creeps easier).

                                3. Base dmg increased to 50.

                                4. Ulti same as in 7.13.

                                It would make him a viable safe lane carry & pretty much unplayable as position 4. As an assasin he should be an amazing carry, not a shit roamer.


                                  we believe nyx pos1