General Discussion

General DiscussionWeird reasons we get reported...

Weird reasons we get reported... in General Discussion

    So at the end of every win there 'might' be one or two commends floating around.
    But at the end of every loss there are definitely more than a fair share of reports that get aggressively launched in every direction lol

    Feel free to share the really stupid reports you've received so we can all have a laugh at the ragers and flamers.


    So, today a guy in my team FIRST PICKS Riki (and gets instantly countered by a Bounty pick). He then comes to my offlane (i'm Abba) and takes all my last hits. So I tp to bot lane to stop a gank on our Luna (successfully) and also let Riki farm. I TELL the team this and that I will jungle with my Midas to farm. Riki wonders why he keeps dying even though he is constantly Tracked lul.

    End of the game i get told i lost top lane and have no farm (even tho I have Radiance, Halberd, Heart and BKB) and a higher networth than Riki - insta-report apparently.

    Riki offlane - newmeta




        I got reported for asking people to talk in english
        I'm not kidding

        low prio master

          I didn't get report for aegis road to 2k commends is real,but yesterday i played pudge,i played pos 5 ward as i could i did a lot of hooks and damage,my carry after game said we lost couse not map control,i went straight to report this guy.


            i got reported by salty opponent who got stomped once lol


              maybe you have made a very crucial mistake that made your team to lose the game.


                Most of my visage losses were caused by me playing on shitty pc in a net cafe, i keep getting disconnected, and my teammates flame the shit out of me, weird teammates huh xD

                Pronocol | Røhd Tu Tåpp Wåhn

                  bounty hunter counter riki LOOOOOOOL :axe_laugh:


                    thats what i like most, people picking BH because theres a riki, then they have no impact all game while riki destroys all lanes pre lvl 6


                      BH counter riki on paper yes but if you rush gem on riki straight after diffusal it may actually be u who counter him. I always build manta against BH and its deleting that hero concept completely. Slardar is even worse than BH because he needs to initiate into riki, if you are not stunlocked and use ult slardar is really cucked.

                      For me personally counters to riki are as following:
                      1. Ghost Scepter & Bristleback (kings of counter).
                      2. Force Staff
                      3. Radiance users
                      4. STRength based cores.

                      @OP: About original topic. I was reported few times by acting ballzy while I was carried. I like to troll enemies if they rape me early but they lose game. I had clinkz game when i died 7 times on mid vs SF, then i build Hood and other items were also defensive. We won, I wrote 'ez mid', better than getting laid.

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                        I flame enemies and allies all the time for national pride


                          One archon 4 player wanted to report me coz i got matched with them at a ranked game. He also stole my lane for me it was very weird and depressing at the same time

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                              I'm getting reported too often on party games I should stop playing with RL friends -.-

                              Last game I got reported because They kept telling me to go Aghanim after Manta while I went Butterfly against Morph, OD, WK. Then they called me names for saving for Buyback and informed me that when I die I lose some gold so i should just buy it. 3 reports I think.

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