General Discussion

General DiscussionState of the Game

State of the Game in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    What is your overall feel of the game so far? From a veteran, intermediate or beginner's perspective? Kindly share your thoughts. Thanks

    Dark Hunter

      I'm not sure tbh. The deathpush meta seems to be back, not a great fan of that.
      You just lane for 10 minutes and then start pushing as 5 till either wins. Sure its better than afk farming for 50 minutes but still.

      you can definitely feel the change to attributes though.

      I think the following heroes benefit a lot from this:
      DK: even tankier and more dmg
      OD: insane mana pool -> insane dmg
      Bristle: more magic resist makes him even more unkillable
      and morph: that attack speed increase is so op

      Edit: Seems like axe is doing good aswell

      Этот комментарий был изменён

        Game is literally unplayable right now


          Nah joking,im happy i think icefrog deserve more than 24/7 complaining on reddit