General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to play around counters/ anti carries

How to play around counters/ anti carries in General Discussion
Bill Cutting

    I had specific recent games, one I was pl against kunkka and the other I was jugg against shadow blade blademail legion commander

    I won both games but it was a bit annoying getting one shotted/ dueled

    Both had shadowblades

    Bill Cutting

      I bought dust all game and tried to stay back but pushing was tough


        And i winned against sven and earth shaker with PL it doesn't matter if ure countered when u can snowball the game

        13 y.o (ghoul) (dead inside)

          Both games you didn't get linkens.


            i dont understand this post... what is the moral of the story? get detection if the opposition have invis/lothar? ... itemize to counter the opposition? ... isnt that basic knowledge of this game? I mean, good for you that you managed to win... but yeah... i dont get it...

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            Bill Cutting

              My point is that u cannot really have all the detection in the world/ rely on your supports to do this

              ^suggested linken for instance, I didnt get linken in jugg game because I rather wanted evasion/stats with skadi and butter

              And lc can just break linken with w if she’s any good (which she wasn’t)

              Pl can doppelgänger out of x marks

              But I don’t claim to be know it all, is linken the way to go?

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                No, lc cant break linken with w press the attack.

                Bill Cutting

                  Well today I learnt I know nothing, gg wp

                  Potato Marshal

                    Why did you think LC could buff enemies?

                    boni top fan

                      LC doesnt counter jugg lol

                      boni top fan

                        But if its linken, i build force staff on lc most of the time to counter linken carriers

                        13 y.o (ghoul) (dead inside)

                          On jugg, the only way they could kill you is either duel/dismember other than that, you are basically unkillable. You can just Spin > Push tower while your team is behind you. Then repeat. They can't do shit to that if you had linkens to protect you from LC.

                          PL is a good splitpusher and the only way they can kill you is by X-mark or Bara's charge. Once the Linken pops out of nowhere, you doppelganger out of there then tp to another lane and keep pressuring the lanes, this would make so much space for your team and fuck them up.

                          As a carry, you should always be looking at the enemy lineup and think about what hero of them can kill you the most and what's the best item you can get to prevent that from happening. Basically, you counter their counter.


                            And lc can just break linken with w if she’s any good (which she wasn’t)

                            roflmao funniest thing i read today

                            Its not your job to buy dusts/gems anyway. The only time you buy it a lot on cores is if you have high solokill potential and/or a lot of mobility (Slark, storm etc.)

                            Its the job of the supports to predict where fights/ganks will happen and cover the approach points with observers and sentries. Usually pos 3 and 4 are the ones to carry dusts/gems.

                            Also, your itemisation is terrible. 45 minutes in you still have brown boots on pl. Satanic for what? You got hardcarried by OD in that game with almost no impact.

                            I don't understand how did you manage to die 8 times in the jugg game. You went butterfly after bf manta which makes your dps skyrocket and just makes you k1ll yourself on legions blademail. If you just get linkens skadi there's no way you die ever again in that game.


                              Also why is the word "KILL" considered to be an offensive term by dotabuff filters when its literally one of the most commonly used words in DOTA

                              Bill Cutting

                                ^ I didn’t have brown boots I died in their fountain and was buying tp boots when the game ended

                                I died to lc dueling me with silver edge/ blademail before I got skadi butter which slowed me down

                                And I thought she could pop linken can stop rubbing it in I’m embarrassed 😩

                                Bill Cutting

                                  Satanic as I wanted to be tanky against the kunkka, cuz again which I could be wrong but cleave damage doesn’t take armour into account?

                                  Potato Marshal

                                    Satanic is for sustaining, not surviving burst. You should be able to shit all over the Kunkka who just rushes battle fury into several daedaluses. There's a reason people rarely go carry kunkka in higher brackets, and when they do, they get items like drums, armlet, halberd etc. instead of starving themselves for 30+ minutes to get their first daedalus.


                                      Kunkka is a dogshit carry


                                        Forcestaff on LC? Halberd is slightly more expensive & way superior on that hero.

                                        Lruce Bee

                                          it is pretty annoying to play jugg against LC honestly. esp if u get a 1 v 1 lane against her. how u beat that bitch is to have good supports and make sure u snowball ahead of LC. when u tank up with stats LC cant really duel u anymore. the solution is not to buy dust my friend. buy fucking sentries. in fights dont get dueled. in game just make sure u figure out where LC is at all times and youre fine. late game you got it.

                                          just make sure u are very tanky with satanic heart skadi butterfly.


                                            ^when enemy picks lc, it's always a free win for me, cuz that hero is pretty underwhelming compared to other offlaners