General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp, how to get archon medal?

Help, how to get archon medal? in General Discussion

    My friend is all crusader and at most archon 4, everytime I tried to party with them, the game will always get devastated because my friend cant use support, so I pick support when in party.
    I tried to make another account to get archon medal and tried to play inefficiently, but somehow I still get ancient/legend ID.
    Is there any advice on how to play so I got archon medal ID and could play with my friend?


      Ask your archon friend to make you account, to calibrate at archon you have to forget evrything you know, you have same chance to get it as your archon friend to calibrate at ancient, so aint gonna happen,

      I can give you this account, im not interested in the game anymore i just shitpost with it.

      Barack Onana

        ask your friend to make new id, he'll be crusader for sure. ur welcome


          1. make an account
          2. calibrate legend with it
          3. find someone with a crusader account
          4. swap
          5. swap again when u reach legend
          6. profit?

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          Hide The Pain - Herald

            Can i have your account Harold, for educational purposes.

            SASA POPOVIC

              Sure, but ill change email and remove phone number i hipe you have a spare one ( family & friends)