General Discussion

General DiscussionProguides sites for Divine+ players?!

Proguides sites for Divine+ players?! in General Discussion

    I'm talking about sources like Na'ViGATION, Pvgna and Gameleap. Did some1 try it?
    And i wanna know what's the quality of content of those sites. Will it be usefull for 5k trash players etc?
    Or at least will it help to analyse replays?


      won't be usefull at all


        go on epic npc and find a coach if you want good advices


          symetrical had a gameleap account a few months back, maybe he still has it. Quality is alright, but nothing you couldn't find on the internet already imo. You're just ensured that it has to be somewhat true since a 6k+ shitter wrote the guide. I think it's just super convenient since every thing is easily accessible on a single site


            I guess BSJ streams are a legit source of improvement for 5k players. (not sure since im not a 5k player myself)

            but in his streams he often figures out stuff that he didnt think about or know beforehand, and he is 7k ( i think?). so new stufg for a 6/7k player probably is helpful for a 5k player as well.

            Not sure which site he uploads his guides to, but i would go for that

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              there's thousands of hours of videos on all of those sites, about probably 1 out of 100 of those hours spent will give you what YOU need

              because those guides are primarily made for 2ks, there's millions of them, not the top 0.1% of the playerbase who there are only a couple of thousand of.

              so if you need to learn at 5k+ you either analyse replays yourself or you hire a good coach, like me.


                Gameleap guides are ok, things like lane control and stuff but i wouldn't recommend paying for these sites pay only for coach


                  Well i wanted to start with a free trial which length is 1-2 weeks and was 99% sure that ill find the only useful for me tips in that period of time. It's much cheaper to pay 5$ even for month than to pay around a 100$ for a coach.

                  BTW Cookie we could have already become friends, that much i see u on the DB forum)))))


                    Why is that everyone dotabuff calls 5k trash players and 6k shitters, at what mmr are you not considered a noob rofl


                      Pro Scene lvl ^

                      13 y.o (ghoul) (dead inside)

                        BSJ gives a lot of coaching videos on youtube in which I think helped me a whole lot.
                        He coaches some 5k players sometimes 6k and he exposes a lot of mistakes they make.


                          BSJ coaching sessions are the best advanced educational content out there


                            so if you need to learn at 5k+ you either analyse replays yourself or you hire a good coach, like me.

                            me, government hooker

                              cookie is a fucking cretin, and if you would spend money to have and idiot like him teach you how to play a game you are just as stupid as him


                                Shots fired


                                  If you cant spend money if you dont have money


                                    i seriously felt that cookie is one of the helpful person on the forum,its not like he talks nonsense too
                                    why so much hate,or is this a running joke? lol


                                      Idk, people here admires cookie but loves to act like a bunch of tsunderes



                                        tsun is too short (minimum is 6 characters)


                                          I love cookie though