General Discussion

General DiscussionIs MK solo offlane viable?

Is MK solo offlane viable? in General Discussion
Schrödinger no Kaeru

    Or it is total garbage?


      Sucks against a tri or even dual lane
      Has 0 armor and is super squishy
      I think mk as a 4 aggressively playing with another 3 would be good tho

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        its shit. he can only lane properly in 1v1s and only against melee heroes (and select ranged heroes). if you wanna afk in the trees and get exp, sure, but you need farm on this hero.


          How do you plan to deal with the zoning support?

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            Nah impossible too paper


              maybe you can put it in a solo safelane against a solo offlaner (or the other way around->mk needs the 1v1 or 2v2), but thats very situational.
              but i like the idea of mk as the pos 4 offlane support^^


                it's just a meh hero nothing is viable with it
                very weak carry really his nothing without those 4 attacks!
                good at 1v1 but falls super hard later or even with a support roaming mid
                weak roamer with just a slow with is hard to land(u can hear him before coming) and a stun which is barely do any of them STUNs!


                  Very good offlaner

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                  Andre Kairalla

                    Ia a dual offlane you kinda can, but people hardly do it nowadays (and mostly on low mmr like me lol)


                      If he had pms it would be much better but even then it would be situational


                        With a very specific start it can be viable.
                        Buy only tangos and HOLD UR SKILL point and at the start of the game go into courier form in your base. Walk to the enemy base avoiding going directly into where the enemy will see you like where they will have there camera placed. Avoid common places they walk as you will be invis on map and will not draw tower aggro in this form. Check for the courier moved outside the fountain for efficiency if it is there you can snipe it. If u sniped the courier turn skill tree jump if not do not use your skill point. Buy your starting items can be more greedy if u sniped courier in enemy's shop (buy qb if u are bad at last hitting). Hang about at top lane tier 3 either in courier from where the creeps spawn or in the trees just after tower aggro range where creeps will spawn. When creeps spawn pull draw aggro and pull them towards the mid lane, make sure to watch out for support rotations and either attempt to pull this wave after heavily delaying it to between your own 2 towers for last hitting or ensure u get a double wave by delaying it long enough if supports rotate. You know should have a v good start but depending on the match up the lane can still be difficult. your power spike is after u get level 3 4 and 5. I usually level passive but it depends on the game.


                          Pull it to where in the midlane, and why not start with boots to do this

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            you dont start with boots because courier has a set speed (380).


                              Because the cost benefit ratio of boots is godawful and they are entirely unnecessary to pull in this way. You pull the creeps towards the midlane then back to your lane if the enemy supports rotate to haras you you just leap into the trees, return to the off lane and await the double wave


                                If all melee and they always let you get stacks yeah


                                  Wait but u can't courier the creeps cuz they lose aggro, and I thought if u go for offlane pull, starting with boots is needed to outrun the creeps to take less harass and outrun the supports to become harder to kill.


                                    You have tree jump and you can draw and drop aggro by skipping in and out of ur special form to take less harass

                                    Lruce Bee

                                      He is a fantastic offlaner because u can just hide in trees and leech.

                                      Weak and out of position supports will die once u have your OP passive and stun.


                                        I guess but tree jump does force you to abandon the pull
                                        I guess since u disrupt the equilibrium it is still fine


                                          unless you have fucking lich or aggro trilane. Solo is fucking dumb, so is pos 4 mk. Mk need some farm and need exp to dominate


                                            MK on your team = insta lose.
                                            MK on enemy team = insta lose.