General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy does bounty hunter have such a high leap in pick and win rate fro...

Why does bounty hunter have such a high leap in pick and win rate from 4k to 5k? in General Discussion
#1 Philippine player

    P% 11.08%
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    W% 55.50%

    chicken spook,,,,

      because he works better with coordinated teams?

      chicken spook,,,,

        you'll notice that if you play the hero for some time btw


          That hero does nothing in Low mmr buddy. What does track do? Nothing. Carry bounty? Doesn't work.

          Potato Marshal

            His winrate is only lower in lower brackets because people still go phase deso on him for whatever reason.


              ^im offended :(


                i think that they'll remove track speed bonus later or something
                this hero is seriously cancer to play against

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  People are autistic when playing against this hero. They dont understand how the hero works and how he doesnt do anything useful in a teamfight.


                    The hero requires a team backing him up

                    Soul Eater

                      because the hero has a relatively large "skill floor", and also requires some teamplay to execute well, while not always being strong in 5v5s.
                      Like even Earth Spirit requires less teamplay and its stronger in teamfights... it just has a higher skill floor.


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                      Suck my tiny curry dick

                        The hero does not require a team


                          because in lower brackets, there are retards like me who meme and play pos 2 mid Bounty Hunter

                          Soul Eater

                            pos 4 bounty hunter does not have solo kill potential on almost any heroes, you provide superior map control early game, and you kinda do need a "team" to properly exploit said "map control".

                            👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                              map control is being exploited to its finest at 5k


                                It's vision that 5ks can exploit. Noobs.

                                👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                  vision grants map control mate

                                  the more vision you have and less vision the enemies have, the more you are safe moving around. the more your're safe moving around, the more dominant you are in the map. hence map control


                                    Vision does not grant map control mate.

                                    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                      so what does?


                                        Vision alleviates the lack of map control. Vision is more for team fights.


                                          Map control is gained by taking towers and having strong ganking potential and good catch. Eg pudge and spirit breaker. It has to do with kill potential of the other team and lack of counter rotations in your team, due to lack of towers, while having high mobility on the aggressor.

                                          Another example is having a storm in late game grants huge map control because your movements are restricted.

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                                          👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                            without vision, how can you be safe moving around? you are blind, you have to stick together and either blindly attempt to move or wait for the other team to make a move. they would be those with the control on the map. you have to be reactive without vision, they can be proactive with vision

                                            if you can be proactive, you have map control, and for that you need vision

                                            and towers grant alot of vision, taking them results less vision for the enemy teams. and yes also good movement, thats a part of map control, vision as well is a part of it

                                            Этот комментарий был изменён

                                              I can move around blindly without vision if the entire enemy is trapped in their base. And I'm the most farmed Mother fukre on the map. And I don't care if I have no wards if my supports won't buy them. Please check your logic and understanding of Dota concepts again.

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                                              👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                if they have vision why would they be stuck in their base?
                                                they are stuck because they are blind

                                                if you manage to force them inside their base you can also get superior vision around their base, theres no need to be blind at that point


                                                  Map control is about who can move freely around the map and which team is in control. If my entire team is farming on their side of the map and farming 2 lanes. And 2 lanes are constantly
                                                  Pushed into their base. You really don't need vision to have mapncontrol. Similarly if the team that's turtling has one ward out in their jungle they can still only move to one lane and try to farm the enemy jungle. That is my example of "alleviating a lack of map control". But they'll be scared af and can't go far if all towers are still up because anyone can still rotate to catch them as soon as they show on lane.


                                                    I mean I understand that in Guardian this doesn't apply because they will never farm enemy side of the map even with an advantage unless they have vision. But try to stretch your mind a little and maybe you'll improve to archon.


                                                      "If they have vision why would they be stuck in their base? "

                                                      That's what map control is. good god.

                                                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                        Guardian player giving some thoughts advise. 🤔😂😃🙊

                                                        Ser Lactose De Intolerant

                                                          You'll be forever stucked in your bracket if you do not realise that vision correlates to map control.


                                                            Why would I be stuck in my bracket (I'm not) for having the right thinking?

                                                            👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                              that's exactly the opposite of what he said

                                                              주 롄양

                                                                u need to add kappa before that

                                                                but seriously jst pick it + tinker and watch ur enemy tilted

                                                                Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                LIKE A SOMEBODEE

                                                                  just spammed bounty hunter recently, won 9/10.


                                                                    my main account. sometimes i pick bounty cuz i know we win that game . i considered bounty hunter as a non dependent hero


                                                                      Vision is only part of map control, you could have vision over teh entire map but if you can't walk past your highground without dieing then you have no map control. Vision allows you to take better fights and avoid bad fights which makes it easier to gain or avoid losing map control. Just having vision does not give you map control. I'd also argue that there are different types of map control. You can have team or partial map control, where if your entire team goes there you can take a favorable fight. You could also have solo or total map control, where my hero by itself can go there with reasonable safety. Then also there is circumstantial map control, which is, since X hero is there we have map control here. Vision helps greatest with circumstantial map control as the other two are more impacted by your teams ability to take a fight, though vision is important in determining the boundries of the other two types.


                                                                        Granted I'm not fantastic but I've won like 60% of my bh games at a reasonable mmr (~4700 or so).

                                                                        1. He's a tax on supports, massively. Almost every game i play him the supports end up buying something like 15-25 sentries and 5-10 dusts.
                                                                        2. He makes his own space, somewhat, and doesnt rely on CS or pulls or anything else to have gold.
                                                                        3. Vision -- obviously. A good bh isn't just tracking for the hell of it, he's giving vision and letting you know where the enemy isn't.
                                                                        4. Obviously in higher tier there's a higher incentive to team fights over just afk farming.
                                                                        5. Most of the 'in' mid heroes right now he does really great against. SF, Tinker, Storm, Invo, all feel like every game picks, and he's great against them basically all game. He's also great WITH them. Nothing like a storm or tinker just being leashed on an enemy WD that thinks he's safe farming an easy camp. This wasn't really the case a few patches ago where heroes like Puck / Qop / TA were more in, as BH is both worse against them and worse for them.
                                                                        6. Higher mmr players aren't screwing around with unused map xp. I think it's very difficult for a BH to get 6 at a reasonable time frame in lower mmr games without either being an XP leech or the other team just outright feeding. A higher level BH is going to be in on every bounty rune, and will not be sitting at level 4 12 minutes in.
                                                                        Higher mmr players are going to be able to capitalize on the extra gold more. There's no point to having a BH in a farm fest, and you know what 3/4k players do better than anything is just sit on their asses and farm creeps. BH does well at making the game speed up, and giving your team the advantage.