General Discussion

General DiscussionEarly orchid on SF (rightclick build)?

Early orchid on SF (rightclick build)? in General Discussion
Soul Eater

    Is it acceptable to buy it as a 2nd item (after Shadow Blade,so ~15min) if your team lacks catch against slippery heroes?



      Soul Eater

        It would seem like a nobrainer yes if you rly need catch, but I myself like building early stats on this hero when playing the physical route.


          I would say no on sf unless you're building thorn. But then you would get it much later like 5th or 6th item.

          Still orchid is very much a timing kind of item to help u snowball if u have a lot of early game roam and solo kill potential. And Thats if you get it as a first item. You don't really burst ppl reliably as sf outside of euls>ult. which is why orchid is kinda expensive and wasted on sf as a second item.

          Shadowblade helps u to set up for ult similar to euls. You already have an item to help u kill ppl whenever ult is off cd. An additional orchid isn't going to add any additional benefit on TOP of that. Even slippery heroes will get blown up by eul req combo. Unless you lack damage in which case orchid second is still not the answer.

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            It rlly depends, getting it early against an am is often pointless because he will go manta second item
            But against something like a storm, if you hide the components and he doesn't realize you have it you can rlly mess with him.


              Shadow blade into orchid?

              Do you wanna die in 2 seconds every time enemy has a dust?


                i think sb bkb orchid isnt the worst thing ever
                if u get a fast bkb timing ull be fine imo


                  idk its a lot of gold with minimal impact until u get it all
                  it might be ok in weird situations
                  wait against those slippery heroes its probably better to go blink euls to kill them


                    ok so this match the sf did go sb into orchid, check the builds tab to see, ik he sold his items at the end for blinks
                    thing is, i got dumpstered hard mid as mirana, because im a stupid baboon and it was a 1v1 instead of a trilane but whatever
                    so he managed to get these 2 at 17 min
                    but he had only the window between his orchid timing and my manta timing to do anything to me, and even then i have an abaddon
                    in this circumstance, even though he got it rlly fast, we had simple ways of dealing with it, and thats the main problem
                    i think though that there is a rare circumstance where this might be ok, but it would have to be a team without reliable saves, who don't go manta or euls or lotus, maybe against a lifestealer with no saves on his team, if u can get it super fast too.
                    you can dominate in that window where u deal ridiculous damage but youre a glass cannon who will suffer once they can deal with ur 4kish gold investment in orchid without u having good defensive options

                    Soul Eater

                      The limit for error in euls-requiem combo is equal to your targets escape spell cast point... it can be hard to blow storm up with it.

                      But uts not like you die in 1 sec at 18~ minutes lol you have str treads, aquila wand and mb a casual wraith band (pike after orchid, to beeak linkens) its not to hoerrible hps...

                      If you go sny not sb, this problem dissapears entirely.

                      However sb+orchid massively increases your map threat levels for the elusive squishy heroes :)

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                        U can catch but u can die in 2 hits easy or 1 suport burst u


                          It's just bad. Don't do it

                          30 YEAR OLD DOTA VETERAN

                            You buy first item blink against slippery heroes.


                              it's actually quite good along with shadow blade and nullifer

                              👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                i can definitely see this working out if there's a need for it

                                Player 345996680

                                  >You buy first item blink against slippery heroes.
                                  Assuming you have catch on your team


                                    The limit for error in euls-requiem combo is equal to your targets escape spell cast point... it can be hard to blow storm up with it.

                                    dude wtf, if you time euls right there is 0,00000000000 seconds between landing and requiem (btw requiem deals around 2,1k dmg).

                                    if you really want to fuck someone up then go blink bkb sheepstick or skip the blink and just get that bkbk+hex. Hex cannot be dispelled and is way superior than orchid (also a little bit more expensive and not that much +dmg, but it lets you also hit razes and requiem)

                                    Player 345996680

                                      Is it really a physical carry sf build though if you rush hex...

                                      I myself am not confident that I will 100% every time time my blink-euls-requiem to the miliseconds.

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                                        I don't think this build is unlegit but then the orchid nullifier combo is far superior and comes later
                                        If u were to go bkb then orchid + nullifier it wud be better
                                        Maybe sny/sb bkb orchid nullifier

                                        casual gamer

                                          a really low skill player actually raped with this in one of my ranked games a long time ago, so yes it’s good

                                          genuine answer, he was bad at dota but the orchid did a ridiculous amount of work

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