General Discussion

General Discussionim a pudge spammer

im a pudge spammer in General Discussion

    and im good

    Potato Marshal


      Story Time

        pudge is stronk this meta. Well played


          berry good

          but u said dota was fun :(

            What mmr did you calibrate at, M. God? Says there, 195 games. I'll assume it's just a recent account and not just played this year or anything?

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              👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                I don't think pudge is that good now, he is pretty lackluster and doesn't fit the current tempo and the top roasters

                but he is hella fun hero to play and to have on your team. so why won't you play him? :)


                  72% wr after like 50 games. That's honestly very impressive mate


                    I mean at least you play him roaming like he's supposed to unlike the braindead spammers that think it's still 2011 and they can go mid.


                      Well played ! I used to be a spammer aswell

                      chicken spook,,,,

                        hello good
                        I'm bws