General Discussion

General DiscussionHow can i improve myself base on what you see on my Dotabuff account?

How can i improve myself base on what you see on my Dotabuff account? in General Discussion

    I've been really sad lately, so depressed and its like dota is my anti depressant. Every game i always try my hardest but i'm always stuck at Normal Skill bracket. Can u guys check if what is wrong with my playstyle? maybe im just too greedy? how can i improve myself? any advice/suggestions? Thank you very much in advance. :)

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      Go youtube, watch Mericgaming. I used to be shit player, I played dota for 6 months and played rank and got into 1k. So now its been 2 years I've been playin dota and thanks to this guy I went from 2k to 3k in about 2-3 months time. Now I'm aiming for 4k. Best of luck to you.


        really hard to tell, but just watch youtube tutorial there is a lot of tip there

        Saucy Edwin

          Question, is this your first account, or a smurf?

          not getting help

            Maybe try to play in a team.
            If you want we can try partying. What's your rank or MMR?


              don't be sad


                playing in a team doesnt improve ur individual skill as much as playing individually


                  Dota is a game of information. Principles like "don't be too greedy" have no application in pub Dota.

                  The more information you have, the More informed your plays will be. Simple as that. If you have information that alllows you to be greedy, but you blindly operate by principle to "not be greedy" you will lose the game. The key is how to get information, and what information is relevant.

                  For example, if I ask you how to play an ursa vs necro lane, and who would win at level 3, could you tell me? If you can't you don't know enough. You will play the lane wrong. You will lose despite advice you hear like "playing safe" or "just farm".

                  Ser Lactose De Intolerant

                    You actually have a very high winrate. as a support too. If i had to guess, i'll say you are in normal bracket because you have not have enough games to progress on to the next bracket


                      OP's asking for advices on how to git gud and ironically, it's a guardian that has the best reply. Lol.

                      Kapitan Timba

                        spam shadow shaman


                          destroy enemy ancient


                            embrace depression.

                            chicken spook,,,,

                              play more


                                Dota really isn't a good escape from depression. If anything, it strengthens it. Look at my recent matches. Depression + Tilt from being depressed = trashy dota. To not deviate that much from the topic, I really couldn't say anything about a specific facet of your game for you to focus on improving since I don't have the time to review at least 3 matches, but I guess I can give some advices-- though these might suck since I'm not the best in conveying what I want to say across-- the best advice I can give is to try watching pros and analyze why they do action x and y. A player's action shouldn't be just right clicking like a child who just saw a PC mouse for the first time, you should think why would I go there? Is there any objective there that needs to be fulfilled? Will going to X prove to be more beneficial to the team? Also, since you seem to like to supp... it's good for you to gain more knowledge about strategizing where to ward and why you should ward there. Vision gives you information and information will allow your team make better decisions. Also, you should be able to help your carries in the early stages. Harassing their lane enemy carry will help as in LS bracket, people back away from the slightest of pressure which will lead to said enemy carry to make bad decisions 8/10 in LS bracket. I have a friend who used to say, "the support is the real carry" because of how good a carry could possibly be when there's the presence of a good support with him. Keep the magic of supporting alive in your bracket!

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                                  I don't see any problems keep playing good and u will reach it high skill bracket is around 3.4k to 3.8k i guess