General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to increase MMR?

How to increase MMR? in General Discussion



      Have you tried destroying the enemy ancient?


        From what I've learned from Cookie's threads, you should try destroying enemy ancient. Works 10/10.

        Gabba Gabba Games TTV

          Man idk what MMR is anymore i only know techies, techies is love techies is life


            Stop playing if you lose more than 2 games in a row. We keep fighting for the 1 win n end up losing a lot more..


              why is destroying enemy ancient so hard? any mmr gainiing hero i shall spam ?

              Andy Salad

                Whats a good hero to spam on rank games tho? Im also slowly losing myself, lost 300 mmr points

                YP ♤♠

                  I see you're Ancient 3.
                  So the difference between you and Divine is team fights. Most Ancient players have great mechanical skill, good lane control, but they lack team fighting capabilities, and the instinct to take calculated fights.
                  First, I suggest you be aware of the map more often, and try countering the enemy's gank by tp-ing to lanes that need help.
                  Second, secure safelane carry farm, wait till he's lvl 6, smoke up and gank their offlaner, down the enemy's tower. Heal up, farm up, wait for safelane ult to be available, smoke gank either mid or top and get that tower. Basically take more team fights than you would now.
                  That's actually how I climbed from Ancient to Divine.

                  Lruce Bee

                    If you're losing it's because it's a reflection that you're bad. Please just accept it and go back to where you belong in 3k.


                      As a divine 5 player currently in the ancient bracket, the reason I'm able to carry so many games is because (as a core) my farming patterns are much better, my approach to teamfights is much better (positioning, use of items, decisions during teamfights) and I play certain heroes that have high impact and can wipe almost an entire team, if done correctly.

                      I'd say work on your farming, under 100 lasthits with qop in a 28 minute game is very low for example (didn't study much more) and positioning in teamfights, when to fight when to farm when to push. This is mainly what differs a divine from an ancient, in my opinion.

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                      Lruce Bee

                        That shit like "decision making" is what separates every bracket. A superior player will always know when it's better to farm vs fight. So it goes that that kind of advice is completely unhelpful


                          You're right, it seperates every bracket. That is how I win my games, so I'm telling him he should work on that if he wants to improve. It's one of the most important things in Dota 2.

                          Guardian 2 talk.

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                            Git gud. But here's a tip for you mid spammer, don't waste your time going out of mid lane to gank support, the only time you should do it is to carries. SOmetimes a good tp when enemy dive can really help out, especially when they dive your safelane carry or enemy carry diving your offlane. Other than simple last hit, you could push out the lane intentional, when rune is about to spawn, or to stack creep. Purposely push the lane so far ahead so you can use that extra time to stack campl or get rune. Communication is key, don't just blame your support. Nicely ask them and they will help you, or try to help you. Blaming only make's it worse. There is time, it's not bad to buy your own sentry to deward mid lane ward if you know where it is, it's literally the same gold return with exp. I know most ancient support might not know this, try to tell them that you will be using the courier a lot in early laning phase. If you really need the thing right away put it on courier and will send it to them after you use it. Knowing how strong your early mid and late game phase compare to the enemies is crucial. You are core spammer, you are supposed to lead your team in to certain objective.