General Discussion

General DiscussionBest way to get people to give you mid?

Best way to get people to give you mid? in General Discussion

    I say either I'm smurfing or boosting but boosting seems to work better, or should you just mark mid and be nice, and if someone tries to jack ur lane u first pick a core?

    Lruce Bee

      first pick it like a real man. what kinda question is this

      mom said it's my turn to ...

        ofc you first pick it, no poo see


          wtf is this dumb post? go pick mid and stf.u.. this was to show others that you are some expert booster? lul


            No? If you go mid it's gonna get contested

            jeremy meeks' personality

              Nothing better to start a ranked with 3 dipshit goind mid because "me ooga team booga".
              So pick safelane carry, hoping that your support doesn't suck eggs.

              casual gamer

                rule 1 is never say ur fucking boosting

                rule 2 is mark mid first


                  never ever say you are boosting when you are clearly not boosting... had a "boosting" jungle venomancer in one of my games :-D
                  you ever played with/vs a booster? i had one on my team as a meepo and he ended game 12:30 min. so dont lie or your team will not play (boosters usually just play the game solo and win anyways)

                  Story Time

                    I suggest you also name yourself something retarded with capslock or smth aggressive, it help A LOT to get core positions


                      pretty sure actual boosters that I met only say they're boosting when I ask them

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                        I suggest you also name yourself something retarded with capslock or smth aggressive, it help A LOT to get core positions

                        SAO_FAN_2004 works for me

                        Giff me Wingman
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                          Mlada i Luda

                            i actually cant understand how far can human stupidity go. isn't simple as that actually ? you mark mid , someone else mark mid too you roll for it and thats it. who wins goes mid. even miralce or artezy get theyr lannes stolen sometimes they jsut move on and play another role. people have equal rights, doesnt matter if the other guys is a mental retarded or wahtever shit you think he is on dota.

                            why is it you that have to go mid in first place at all? cause your better ?! every retarded thinks the same

                            im prety sure that those kids who go and insta lock mid or safe lane position like it was theyr given right from the birth, are actually no life people that had never been part of a community or a team game in real life . if your that kinda of guy in real life you would have no friends ( you probably dont ) that would like to play any sports or game with you, thats why you abuse this shit in a online game, than you get reported for that and end up in a shity behavior score with retarded people with no life same as you , and the circle never ends . there is no secret solution to that kids, if your not a social human in life you aint being in dota as well.

                            Giff me Wingman
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                                pick it first EZ game

                                Mlada i Luda

                                  1k meepo games doesnt commes without .. consenqunces . go eat a shit danish tard . i would advice you to end your life seing how retarded you went recently but its not worth since you dont have a life . go wash your mouth before you trash talk to M-GOD, you inferior stupid human being . did your boyfriend broke with you at valentine's day, cause since than you clearly got a brain dammaged lul.

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                                      Its the only role I never play, since there is a fight for mid every game. I even switched from maining carry to maining offlane, since there is always a fight for safelane, too.


                                        ill refer to the title only and refuse to read the insulting comments above

                                        type "/roll" in the drafting phase. you will statistically get mid once per 2 games without fighting for it or spreading negative attitude leading into a bad game

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                                        Story Time

                                          /roll should be called /role becuase it helps to determine/pick the role


                                            Answer to everything; Just play a midlaner in the offlane or jungle. everything is possible in da low mmr.

                                            chat banned :)

                                              say the magic word "mid or feed" 😎


                                                Yeah idk about mid but when I played offlane like a year ago a simple offlane or feed always worked
                                                if you show weakness they take your lane

                                                Giff me Wingman
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                                                    First pick mid is fine, as long as you can adjust from a bad start(e.g dk against sf or od, od against gankers, sf vs ta, storm vs meepo)

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                                                      first pick mid every game

                                                      I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

                                                        u just put this as ur name "" and gg ez mid lane

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                                                        casual gamer

                                                          god blunt ur so fucking pathetic even after slipping away from divine when ur boostings over multiple times u still feel the need to flame players marginally worse than u

                                                          what actually happened to you that warped ur brain where u need to vilify low mmr dota players in order to feel good about urself, jesus christ

                                                          Giff me Wingman
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                                                              Shut the fuck up you trash fucktard. Your fat disgusting gamburger big momma needs more food, go buy some more you filhty dogslave. That's all you're good for.


                                                                youre mom gay lol

                                                                SOJU FIGHTER

                                                                  Win your /roll

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