General Discussion

General DiscussionSEA quality ranked game

SEA quality ranked game in General Discussion

    I dont know why quality game in SEA is so shit...after update medal... player have second chance to recalibrate their mmr...included noobs/cancer/toxic/kid

    It's like when they let you 1v3 top, after that enemy carry is fat and they blaming you or when u carried whole team and they started wanna farm (lowball) max core items before push

    Low level in Dota (<50) (under 300hours, legend 5?) , ranked legend5-ancient5...acting like's like they know everything...blaming everyone...even i put full ward at bot and ping when enemy team appeared in minimap, but AM still DIE.. wtf ...they think pick sp can free feed, so they feed 0-10+ then started blaming top 1v3 :) . Some even dont even create their steam profile....

    Some have 100lvl+ and Ancient+, but still play so noob..i doubt they're acc buyer....forever farming, dont even know roaming.... even 80g 1 ward...never spent any gold to buy. When i play carry and buy full wards, smoke,some sp item...after win...they say : never seen carry play like that..yep..pretty sure you never seen anything like that if you played <10years+

    Some crying at' early then afk.... some crying even they team owned game and sell all item

    p/s : if you watch every replay in my recent game you will see...lucky for you if you never play solo rank in SEA,,trust me

    Palmen aus Plastik

      one thing is for sure. Every bad thing said about SEA is mostly true. Worst community in any online game ever.

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        NUB GonNA NUUB

          wish Dota is AAA game 60$ so we can prevent kid play it and say "it's just a game" when they play ranked game LEL! and watching too much youtube, acting like pro, always begging for 2 tango 1 ward...always say i will be ok, let me "ALONE"...after i let they "ALONE" they fucked up...yep

          Dota is like heroin for me, even SEA is DotC Defense of the Cancer

          I love Dota, from the first time i play it on warcraft 3 custom map...very long long time ago...

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            dota should be banned for SEA players.

            NUB GonNA NUUB

              no, dota should set price is 60$ ... so you will never see "it's just a game"

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                If DotA is 60$ trust me everyone will just go play LoL and all the people that still play will have a very hard time finding any match to play or need to match up against someone from a very different skill brackets and what happens is that DotA will die. To put it simply, no one will pay 60$ to play a game if you just go play another similar game that is free and ultimately more noob friendly.

                NUB GonNA NUUB

                  only kid wanna play free game, get a job, buy game you like, problem solved... i play LoL 2 years and can't even pass Diamond [1] to Challenger,,,,reason ?...season 3 = too much kid ...when you let kid play ARTS game...they will say "it's just a game" and play shitty on ranked

                  in 2 years played HoN in pinoy server yep.....only have 10% of my games have noob/kid but not toxic

                  anyway..last game ...why the ** party rank team-up with solo rank ? ...two idiot party each other bonus toxic + noob + cancer venom and maybe PL BF too... lel i play OD sp and have highest network in team early...sad

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                  chicken spook,,,,

                    Cookie butter choco cookie


                      'lel i play OD sp and have highest network in team early...sad'


                      NUB GonNA NUUB

                        :'( illuminati confirmed


                          Toxicity only happen in ranked mode. Turbo n AD guys are chill n fun, at least as long as you don't tilt them.
                          SEA is the most toxic cos we have kids playing them. While EU and NA no longer have kids hahaha.


                            Cancer has a cure, but not SEA.


                              EU is like "hey let me supp. You just pick carry"
                              SEA is like " me mid tang ina mo. 2 tango 1 ward. Where is y supportttttttttttt?????"


                                ^what this guy said

                                I play both eu and sea and in EU majority of the time the first 3 picks will be a support/roamer. Queue in sea and the first 4 picks will be invo/pa/lc/sf/Am and they ask for "last pick sup Wtf tang Ina"
                                I really wish there was some kind of restriction for kids in sea


                                  i watched one of ur replay, you played like shit tbh
                                  as expected of legend 5

                                  Justin Weaver

                                    Ofcourse he will be shit, the ones who complain about what others do are usually nothing better than the people he/she complain about



                                        im pretty sure that problem is happening below 4k, for me games like that are rare

                                        NUB GonNA NUUB

                                          @Asaro i put full wards around mid, but can't help mid from ganked by smoke =)) they dont know when enemy missing on minimap....farming like nothing happen :)

                                          @Strongest Decoy which replay lel ..most of my lose game have 2v8 or 3v7, sometimes 4v6 (rare) ..minimap seem like useless in SEA

                                          @~Megumii~ LP = try hard in SEA, trust me hahah.... all mid...all top no see which team can win...but just need one player become try hard game =)) fun as fu*k ...maybe LP required win to be counted so they try hard to completed [x] LP game

                                 when u too stupid and still want play ranked game to let your team fucked up... that's why SEA is HELL for solo ranked .. bs said : it just a game ? wtf and SF max farm and feed...

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                                            My games have been better since the new medal ranking update and not as toxic when i was in 2.7k


                                              Idk why but seems like you are the cancer, like everytime u die u complain kind of player

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                                              NUB GonNA NUUB

                                       ancient 3 ...... i think i should stop playing dota to the end of the month :) ..bought dyling light and killing zombie instead..sigh...

                                                @hehe xd : i wish cancer play like me so i can cured SEA and lucky for you after Calibrated

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                                                Herald Pride

                                                  my last 2 game was nice, hard game but no one flaming or blaming each other :)
                                                  sometimes SEA could be good too dude :)


                                                    just play 10v10


                                                      How do you go 23 5 as pl and lose? What did your team do to bring you down?


                                                        go up your behavior score,queue 10 bot matches or something
                                                        i think we're not in the same server,it's rare to see stuff you talking about
                                                        also,most people become toxic because someone started it,don't be that guy who's riling the flame up
                                                        try to be someone who calms other ppl if that happens
                                                        if they starts to blame you,just ignore it man play the game and do what's good for the game,why should you even care.just mute them if it's get too annoying
                                                        after all,our intention is to win right?


                                                          I play ranked/unranked on SEA too... but my 2 cent of advice: If u are in for fun, then better play with a party of 3+ and use mic for communication... have a team play.... u may still lose... but u will learn and have fun at the same time... however as Miracle says, if u r just in for mmr/medal then play solo ranked... get ready for all seatards... but believe me... even as a carry spent those 80gg for vision, helps u to be alive as well as for ur team... I play all roles except support (yeah :p) but I always get wards for my team.. irrespective of my team... if m mid... i always have one ob/sen3 in my mid... m not the best but I learn from my mistakes... :)

                                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                                            How do you go 23 5 as pl and lose? What did your team do to bring you down?

                                                            you mean, how do you die 5 times as PL?


                                                              U NEED TO SUPER FUCKING TRY HARD AND CHILL TO WIN IN SEA

                                                              NUB GonNA NUUB

                                                                "How do you go 23 5 as pl and lose? What did your team do to bring you down? "
                                                                oh that game =)) BS say from early, it's been a long time from last time i played dota...go jungle, forever farm, buy midas, farm and feed...that moment he know he fucked up..he said ok time to quit dota then abandon :)

                                                                SF only know how to farm but dont know how to run, watch minimap or hit back -> good item but auto feed

                                                                and SK is noob....

                                                                bh same country as me, he tried then give up....i said he go semi-carry but he already gave hopeless game

                                                                ..anyway this game is like 2v2 ..tinker clink vs pl bh

                                                                @Blue Flash
                                                                try hard solo ranked is what i'm doing all the time <(") sometime i'm party 5 and's hard game =)) but most of time..if i'm only party 3, winrate is 80-90% :D

                                                                @Josuke best waifu
                                                                ez 1v4 but tinker + laser = rip PL... most of my dead cause by clink...


                                                                16days remaining... until next month :D see u soon =))

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                                                                Edshot machine(show me da...

                                                                  guys how dafuq can u find games at night im legend 0 and i cant fucking find games at night takes 15-30 mins to find a fucking game in sea is it just me or????? is no one playing dota WTF

                                                                  NUB GonNA NUUB

                                                                    depend on your ping too i think so, anyway i checked JP and SEA server ...before big update, play at night is better chance to raise your mmr .:D

                                                                    Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                                      I dont know why quality game in SEA is so shit.

                                                                      Have you played on other server to back up on your statement?


                                                                        Who the fuck cares about mmr? Mmr is just a number unless you Are aiming to be a pro.

                                                                        NUB GonNA NUUB

                                                                          @Ayase ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
                                                                          if my ping is not so damn high bruh <(") but i'm play in perfectworld, it's better than SEA but i must wait 10-15min+ for each game

                                                                          @Abyss Watcher(quitting dota)
                                                                          no one care about mmr, you can buy 5-6k old account before big update for cheap price...yep

                                                                          ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                                                            Ever heard of these two words, Objective Gaming?

                                                                            MMR is just a badge. Score is just a number.

                                                                            I am not a mid player and i don't even need to win my lane against Storm to take the game. Just PMA, communicate with my teammates, take good fights and objectives.
                                                                            Get on my level kid.

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                                                                            NUB GonNA NUUB

                                                                              what's the point?