General Discussion

General DiscussionLanguage fix

Language fix in General Discussion

    So in the update, they said that language matchmaking was much more of a factor, but for the first game I got every single person was Spanish leaving me to see jajaja the whole game. Anybody else having a better or worse time with getting teammates whom speak the same language?


      i put english
      i haven't get a single russian named guy in my team yet

      Story Time

        I put russian, but i get russians now more often... do you think they track me writing in russian sometimes?


          Doesnt work for me i play on EU west still get Ruskies and "))))"


            I put english and I haven't get a single person who doesn't speak russian

            the cake is a lie

            Story Time

              the cake is пирог

              Cancer Malaria

                No difference in SEA regions, no option for "no pinoys language" available

                Этот комментарий был изменён

                  Same here. Playing EU west, never had a game since update with 5 english speaking team. Always 2-4 russian