General Discussion

General DiscussionMidas on Enigma

Midas on Enigma in General Discussion
playinginursockdrawer mm soc

    Why have people been buying midas on Enigma in the past year or so when he's the fastest jungler in the game? The old Enigma meta used to be that you would make up for being in the jungle by ganking safelane with Maledict with Eidolons and pushing early using eidolons having won a teamfight with Mek + Black Hole, so what changed?


      I understand when pros do that couse they have a clear plan what to do,but on pubs its just retarded as fuck,you can buy blink instead and winning fights on blackhole cd.

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        people buy midas because they want really fast refresher octarine bkb and want to play around black hole as much as they can. it is greedy but its hard to punish because its really hard to push towers and take teamfights against enigma no matter what items he has.


          talents got introduced in december 2016, that is pretty much the time period you are talking about

          see what talents enigma has and see how that affected the playstyle


            Well..... Enigma does have a cooldown reduction talent, which does affect Midas too....


              Enigma is extremely level reliant and doesn't need any other item that early. Blink is great but it's not something that is needed that early into the game, when ur only rlly walking up and blackholing like 2 heroes. He is also the strongest late game offlaner in the game, so nothing wrong with playing greedy imo.


                Enigma wants items and you don't really want to spend your time flash farming the jungle. The hero has insane presence even with just arcs+midas and you get a cd talent later on making midas even stronger. So midas makes sense as it allows you to scale without taking farm from your cores without taking away from your early-mid game presence too much.


                  Junglers in 2k18 :facepalm: