General Discussion


WHEN WILL THEY FINALLY FUCKIN ... ? in General Discussion
win, win, win

    MAKE A ... functionality where you can select your role BEFORE the game? So many changes and still u cannot select it.. this shit is ruining 1/2 games for me (around 4k mmr) because teenage kids fighting for mid, where one is either feeding or going afk woods in the following.

    thank you,

    a dota player.

    死の恐怖 Haseo

      dota is not a simple game


        feeders will get banned now problem solved


          League has had that for literally ever. You queue by selecting two roles you are willing to play and once you get in game everyone is assigned their selected role.

          Pale Mannie

            this will never be implemented like ever.
            someone prequeues as support and then picks carry just to get faster queues

            low prio master

              Every one was think about this in his dota life


                There r disproportionate people wanting to carry, and dota is far FAAAAR more complicated than league in terms of roles


                  it looks like you're not really winning your core/mid games either though

                  have fun

                    how will it work?

                    win, win, win

                      "it looks like you're not really winning your core/mid games either though" coz i cant train core / mid, because i cant select role before game. this is EXACTLY my point.

                      Bosnian Blade

                        6month ban ez
                        best update since 7.0


                          How would this even work?

                          People will just queue as support and pick core anyway

                          They can't assign only certain heroes to supports, because then new metas will never come forth. Like support PA a few patches ago and shit like that.


                            You can always pick support... I don't think there will be anyone contesting that pick in this game.

                            The hero pool is so large and there are so many heroes that can go either way (core or support) so it would not even work and it would basically lock down the meta and make the game more predictable.

                            Lruce Bee

                              How is Dota complicated?

                              Lruce Bee

                                Maybe it is for people with Low IQ, I don't know.

                                chicken spook,,,,

                                  Cool, now it's confirmed that you can be a fucking moron and still have Ancient badge


                                    you select 2 roles (like support and offlane) and have to select 3 heroes each role and cant pick any other than that. but volvo needs to make it like this: you can only select heroes tagged as supports or offlaners (maybe volvo also needs to the roles to the heroes and not only this "about the hero"-shit)

                                    SASA POPOVIC

                                      you select 2 roles (like support and offlane) and have to select 3 heroes each role and cant pick any other than that. but volvo needs to make it like this: you can only select heroes tagged as supports or offlaners (maybe volvo also needs to the roles to the heroes and not only this "about the hero"-shit)

                                      This is literaly impossible to implement in dota, because drafting depends on situation, comboes etc. Also you can pick CM choose that troll +250 Attack Speed talent(THANK YOU ICEFROG) and farm mjolnir, deso and mkb for lulz and not place a single ward, seen it couple of times... This system is not compatable with how dota drafting works.

                                      At least it should work like this, but nonetheless people under 4k bracket will always instapick their favorite carry get counterpicked and cry for the rest of the game. ^^

                                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                                        maybe prequeue (with roles selected), have your team have strategy time (like 60-90 seconds) on who has what arsenal of that specific hero and then go into picking. instead of the other way around... it is implementabel, but that doesn't mean it's good or that ppl will like it. maybe make another mode (prepicked :-D), i would play it for sure

                                        SASA POPOVIC

                                          Dota doesnt work like that, drafting is very important and situational, counterpicks > skill, you cant do shit on your hero if you are hard countered unless you are dota champ who plays in low bracket for funz and giggles and your oponents are far inferior, thats how dota always worked.

                                          Lets say you prepicked Ursa but your team has 0 AoE and enemy carry is CK or PL, you are fucked and lost this game in drafting phase.

                                          win, win, win

                                            oh cmon guys, don't say it wouldnt work. ofc it would work.. it doesnt even depend on the heroes you picked, but the lanes you play. you select mid before game, then you can pick whatever you want for mid. if it's a fuckin idiotic pick, team can still ban you. it works in LOL, now don't say LOL is SOOOOOOOO DIFFERENT from dota, because it is actually not. to the "Low IQ" and "idiot" comments:
                                            fuck off, you exactly the thing which is wrong with dota.

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                                            SASA POPOVIC

                                              Yes that makes more sense, lane locking is much better than this "prepicking" or whatever. But LoL has that system for ages Valve seems to desnt care and honestly dota lost significant ammount of players over these few years this will only pump the queue times so thats probably why they hesitate to bring up this feature.

                                              Dont get me wrong mate i would love to see it, that would mean that games wont be played without support and wards, it would surely pump up quality of games, i just dont think Valve will add this, i would gladly sit 10 more minutes in the queue if that would mean i would get my uncontested offlane and have support in game.

                                              Cheesy Wenis

                                                Lots of games have tried this, and it always leads to the same thing: longer matchmaking times. There is simply no way around it.

                                                When LoL tried this it also created a stagnant meta, where odd hero/role combinations were systematically suppressed. Whether this is good or bad is really in the eye of the beholder though.