General Discussion

General DiscussionGetting low prio for trash talking is stupid...

Getting low prio for trash talking is stupid... in General Discussion

    I was talking a lot of trash to the enemy team in my last 3 wins and they reported me because of that .
    I got low prio for winning games which is complete bullshit .... :)
    They need to change their report system...

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    casual gamer

      u cant get low prio from reports for communication abuse

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            LF terraria teammate thats my point,who says they have to report for communication abuse? Nobody checks these reports so instead of getting muted i get low prio because of raging kids

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              Einhänder lmao calm the fuck down,i can see who is a raging kid...


                Actually it's not shit people should get low priority for trash talking


                  For instance I used to trash talk a lot I would say I was best trash talker ever but as a result i always used to be on low priority on my smurf


                    What worse is that it takes almost 20 min to find low priority match


                      its not possible to report enemies to get them to lp


                        I would get low prio for abandoning only, I never got low prio because of the behavior.
                        That is not even a moral highground argument, I just don't see the reason to talk to someone negatively besides giving him feedback that can somehow influence the outcome of the game.

                        I do share a few "X, stop playing the game for your own sake" or "I hope you lose the ability to use your arms" but that is near the end of the game just to get some steam off.

                        The guys who trashtalk someone in the first few minutes of the game just show how low their IQ is. You are playing a game lasting on average 40 minutes of your life and you are handicapping yourself by doing so.

                        global silence is 8 clicks if you have your enemy team muted already, it is much better way to deal with idiots


                          I'm not raging, I just live in the real fucking world. I can tell by everything you blither about here you're a little attention seeking ~15-year-old unrespectable failure of a man virgin shit for brains. Nice way of continuing to avoid owning up to your shit by the way - "lmao raging kid xd". Just further proves my point, you can never be honest with yourself and look in the mirror because the truth is, you're a useless coward.

                          Again, grow the fuck up. And for the future, I'd advise that you keep your coward mouth shut in-game. It only reveals your pathetic nature.


                            "You act and think like a female" ?????


                              Einhänder lmao dont tell me anything about life ,im sure you are a virgin loser who sits at home all day,go get a life and stop telling other people how to live

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                                Zemo-san good point,its best to mute everybody at the begining


                                  i dont get why this guy gets lp, makes no sense because hes so nice and definitely not an asshole

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                                    Well, I just got put into low prio for reports also... Oh well.

                                    Manhattan Cafe

                                      Haters gonna hate. I feel you.

                                      Story Time

                                        if you cant control trash talking then you should accept LP, thank you


                                          o.o ..... <.< .... O.o... Hold on, lady. You... are a.. girl gamer? Shifts in chair, tugging at collar >.> A fine, alluring lady such as yourself... Also has an intellectual side? With your ravishing, simply bewitching beauty, you pull me in...And then you penetrate my level of understanding of perfection..By informing me that you, are indeed, a girl gamer, who plays Minecraft!!! O.O My beautiful lady. I will treat you right forever, I will cherish and treasure you, I will mine you diamonds and protect you from Endermen. My lady.. be my player two....


                                            Nobody gets to LP without a reason in my experience.

                                            I've been to to the top and the bottom of the behaviour score.

                                            I've analyzed my relationship with my teammates and I can tell you the "dark" period of my game when I got 4-5 LPs and I've came to my senses again and I get into games where people don't flame me even when I'm 0/10, it feels weird.

                                            It's a pretty good system actually. People who bitch about LP deserve it in 98% of the times.

                                            I sometimes get toxic people, and I usually spend my reports on them because they deserve them.

                                            Reports lower your behaviour score. Lower score means less reports equals a LP session.

                                            If you see my losing streak now, it's because I've played too much and lost my passion along with my PATIENCE. And I've stared playing worse and behaving worse.


                                            ANDREW TATE

                                              I just cleared my low priority, played 1 game and went into low priority again. Fucking hate low priority.. wasting my fucking time playng with cancers..


                                                I can confirm you do in fact get lp for communication reports as a result of excessive reports (double digits). A month ago I was a toxic cAnt and would throw/abuse in games frequently (behaviour score D) and gained upto 11 reports in conduct summary (overall conduct summary of the account was a sad face in red), and I was awarded 3-4 games of LP twice in a week. Fast forward to now I'm green smiley face overall with normal behaviour score lel


                                                  Tell I get 5 low priority matches on this smurf if I abandon and only 1 LP on other smurf why?


                                                    I never got into lp from reports or attitude, only abandons


                                                      Who even abandons games? Jesus...

                                                      I rage quit like 3-5 games in life.


                                                        valve have done something fantastic with behaviour score/matchmaking. there's been pretty much no trashtalking in my games since recent changes. even when I'm embarrassed at how bad i'm playing there's still no-one raging at me or anyone else now I come to think about it. used to be maybe 70% of games would have toxicity in it.