General Discussion

General DiscussionI need less pudge in my life

I need less pudge in my life in General Discussion

    There are 117 heroes in the game. A single annoying fatty has 42% pick rate.

    Pale Mannie

      little nerfs needed like uhhhhhhhhhh..... scaling rot slow and gpm talent removal... actually i dont give a shit about pudge

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      Palmen aus Plastik

        sniper is the real cancer in SEA. I'd rather have a pudge player trying hard to land his skillshot every game than a trash dota player shrapnelling away to glory.


          Exactly Bourg


            pudge is fun to play

            Justin Weaver

              Gpm talent removal? Lool, why would anyone take it instead of cd reduction talent? When I'm in confusion pudge is my obvious choice xD


                if no pudge, i better off play LOL instead


                  pudge is a crutch for garbage players. osfrog needs people like person above me


                    i dont mind pudges.
                    predictable ratations. hook rendered useless with positioning.
                    zero armor high hp hero. buy medallion and 2hit him apart at 50min. as oracle.

                    win, win, win

                      platemail solves, u fuckin idiot


                        3k pudge pickers dont buy that item


                          3k players talk about positioning, even 4k players dont position itself well.

                          mlvn Fruits` and Veggies`

                            I have a 58% winrate against pudge lol


                              and also a damn trolley that can plant some bullshit magic damage , what a joke



                                Unfortunately I cannot see Pudge being Nerf-Hammered for quite a while, remembering there is an Arcana on the horizon and they will buff him (as per the last few patches) so people play him more (thus pay the £30 for the Arcana to "look cool" whilst ruining or, rather more likely, failing spectacularly)


                                  can we have a pudge arcana counting the amount of hooks missed and games thrown? that would be hilarious


                                    Pudge is best hero as 4th pos and the fact that my hooks are on 95℅ on target makes me pick him more



                                      Lruce Bee

                                        Agreed. A hero should never be so good he steals the limelight from other heroes.

                                        Lruce Bee

                                          I'm just Glad people stopped picking him mid as he would be a nightmare with farm.

                                          👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                            nah i like pudka, he is fun, challenging, playmaker, and flashy. and he is a hero when played right can be a dominant force

                                            if a hero is going to be a poster boy of dota, i think pudge is a great candidate


                                              Pudge is not necessarily overpowered. He is just annoying to play with or against.


                                                ^^^ 46% pick rate 54% win rate?? how is that not over powered? can pick it every other game into anything and probably win


                                                  Can't wait for the arcana to come out and mid Pudge to come back


                                                    But Pudge is lyfe son..


                                                      I like Pudge, but I'm not happy seeing him in every single game. I hope underpowered roamers like Tusk will get buffed so we don't have to see position 4 Pudge too often.