General Discussion

General DiscussionOn necro

On necro in General Discussion
Justin Weaver

    Is it me or that necro's regen is so underwhelming now? He always runs out of mana and getting a scepter seems not reasonable anymore! Feelsbadman

    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

      Well it was broken until 2 months ago

      Justin Weaver

        I played him core for the first time after 7.06,imo he is no longer what he used to be.

        👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

          That is called "nerf"

          O SIDE MUFFLER

            No its "super nerfed"

            👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

              Well usually that what happens when you become a first pick material in comp while you are also the main terror in 5k< games


                When i pick necro, everyone will trying si hard to counter me.

                On the other case, my teammate picking whatever they want. Picking retard carry like am or luna, or picking offlane rubick or gyro

                Look my latest match

                This fckin luna doesnt even take a fckin single point of 1st skill. And the more retarded, he pick ulti at lvl 6

                Sea cancer

                Этот комментарий был изменён

                  Yeah, Icefrog nerfed him hard. But it was needed, though. Necron solo offlane and mid was too cancerous, so now he's much easier to bring down.


                    Can't beat a zoning eclipse with zero points in lucent beam. Psychological warfare :D

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      hero is shit now. there are multiple items that kill the hero.


                        to be fair making purge a lot harder to build into was a small buff at least

                        Justin Weaver

                          ^^even then his pick rate has drastically reduced


                            To quote cookie from an old thread

                            You could put him on a cliff and he'd still win you the game

                            He had to be nerfed. And judging by his current winrate, they did a good job of it.

                            👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                              Apparently there is a big difference between 7 mana per stack of pulse to 2.75
                              Who knew


                                The nerf was really hard, but mostly deserved. I now lost almost all the free mmr I got with him. He is still pretty strong, just in a more utility role. If before he was an unkillable frontliner who dominated any lane, now it’s more about his ult setup. Scepter is a must have now as well as other team utility items instead of radiance/dagon insanity last patch


                                  The change from 7 to 2.75 wasn't that huge because its fairly close to the old value in the end thanks to the rework to the mana regen formula (where int multiplies your regen)

                                  What killed him was stacks per hero kill from 10 to 6 and stack duration from 7s to 6s. Before if you killed an enemy hero you were almost guaranteed to survive the fight. Now you actually die.

                                  Also they increased the mana cost of reapers at earlier levels which is why you feel like you run out of mana more.

                                  idk what half the champio...

                                    Necro is absolute dogshit since the nerfs, completely unviable in all situations.


                                      spirit vessel ruins him even further btw

                                      Justin Weaver

                                        Still viable against bristle in lane and the whole game though ^


                                          theres better solutions to deal with bristle

                                          Player 153433446

                                            Well...atleast ghostshroud counts for something now. Before, the diffusal blade just purged it.
                                            Not ye can't unless with a nullifier

                                            👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                              Also the fact that bristle is currently at the same level of visibility as necro

                                              Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                every regen-based hero is trash now (i love the spirit vessel)


                                                  Necro is ok now, would not call the hero shit, but he is definitely a more situational hero compared to what he was before