General Discussion

General DiscussionCan we stop shitting on lower level players?

Can we stop shitting on lower level players? in General Discussion

    Hey just thought i'd put this out here, im a guardian medal scrub with like 400 games played. In many of my games im playing with a range of Herald, Guardian, Crusader, and even Archon players. In a recent game one herald player was abbaddon and frequently would run away when his ultimate went off and wouldn't take any damage, you know... he did scrubby things. At the end of the game people with guardian level badges abused him like crazy. Can we just stop? They were like marginally better than this guy. They're hardly in a position to critisize. How about offering constructive advise?

    I remember first playing treeant protector and I didnt know that living armour was global. Would have been helpful if someone just told me that instead of being flamed and been tilted the entire game. Anyway what im saying can we not be assholes, this aint no dick measuring contest.

    Peace and love :P

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      Dude, I used to flame ppl on good intention, people rarely repeat their mistake when flamed. Sometimes, going on a losing streak took its toll too you know?

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        No way


          -. Stop playing ranked if you pick hero only for training, you ruined 4 player there who playing ranked seriously. You better playing normal match.
          -. Dont stop another player flaming if the flamer playing good and give most impact to the game.


            ^serious or sarcastic?
            if srs, u r retarded


              Kids will always be kids

              chicken spook,,,,

                ironic isn't it


                  Good luck looking for noob friendly competitive online game

                  👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                    I actually didn't find that the "weak link" in a team is always the lowest medal

                    Well, I actually never had a match with herald (I'm guardian 5) but I get alot of archon and legend. And I never found that theres a noticeable skill difference between different medals I play with, alot of times the match was dictated by a fellow guardian, and alot of times the underperformer was legend, I never saw the players skill level in the match tied to their medal this way

                    Anyways if someone is underperformed not intentionally there is nothing to shit on, they try and fail, maybe they are weaker players then the other

                    I have alot of weak gaems, generally it is a daily trend, I find that in some days I play very well and achieve alot, and some days I simply have bad days where I am not useful

                    You should support people that try to perform and being weak, maybe they just need a little courage, sometimes they even ask for guidelines
                    Maybe they had awful day irl and that affected their gameplay? Maybe just saying to them "all good, let's offset ourselves and play together" or something like that can make their day much better


                      Tilt and rage.


                        dont play dota for fun and being friendly.
                        this game is about frustration and how to deal with it

                        👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                          I thought it's about teamwork around objectives and out playing the enemy team through planned strategy and communication


                            @Melt Spot on xD


                              @howtonoob6 spot on XD


                                when i see people who are divine within their first 1-2 years of playing... and then you come to a lil shitshow like this...


                                  Cookie monkaS
                                  Teach em how to Divine

                                  Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                    I hate players who chat gg everytime one of his teammate dieded.


                                      Low brackets are full of flamers and retards who got no clue how to play this game. To get out of there you should remain calm or else you get fucked.

                                      👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                        Low bracket here

                                        Lruce Bee

                                          I'm sure that herald player had a good reason for running. People just like to automatically assume the reason and dictate how others should play, without being that much better themselves. I agree that we should just let lower level players just enjoy themselves as Long as they have a good rationale for doing what they're doing. The same applies for discussions.


                                            Excuse me? my mmr is 2.3k and according to valve i am above average (2.1k) so my opinion must be respected and my analysis on the game is legit and im going on factual basis. I dont like to kiss ass of any pro without any reason. U have no right to criticize it u bastard.

                                            Yung Beethoven

                                              All the people who excuse other people for flaming or thinking that its normal and you cant "change" that, are just the reason why this game is full of toxic assholes. I remember the days in dota 1 when almost noone flamed because it was all about fun, people played like shit, but noone cared. No everyone takes the game seriously (which isnt bad in itself) but starts to flame like hell. And now everyone thinks that this is considers normal.

                                              If you dont want anyone to flame in your games, start by yourself and dont accept it as "normal behaviour".


                                                Ok cool. Ok cool.

                                                Story Time

                                                  "don't stop me now, i am having such a good time"

                                                  But honestly we should stop from shitposting or we die like 1icetea

                                                  Cancer Malaria

                                                    When playing dotes, one must always be "not easily butthurt"


                                                      as a former 1k player , i know how u feel rofl , always keeping ur attitude is the best way to play against lower level bracket

                                                      Friendly player

                                                        If you are having problems with dota's community change to league, players get perma banned for insulting someone.

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                                                          Learn to mute others. Seriously. You want this game to turn into LoL where the moderators just ban everyone for saying cuss words? No, this is dota. Grow a pair of balls and ignore them or mute them. You even have an option in the settings to automatically mute everyone. You don't need text/voice chat to communicate. You have chat wheel and pings.

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                                                            I remember first playing treeant protector and I didnt know that living armour was global

                                                            That's not being "lower level", this is being a retard.
                                                            How about u take some reading on a hero before picking it? How about even if you don't you do it when u pick?

                                                            You, sir, are a dick.
                                                            You deserve to be flamed and you deserve to be reported.

                                                            You, sir, are trash.


                                                              This is some quality cancer in the comments. Jokes aside, I never flame new players if they genuinely don’t know the game. But arrogant 1k carryorfeed with the pool of pa/juggernaut/riki who think they know better than anyone else deserve no mercy.


                                                                Well said^


                                                                  @Trash team a trash human , please don't breed

                                                                  Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                                    I remember first playing treeant protector and I didnt know that living armour was global

                                                                    Trash Team:
                                                                    That's not being "lower level", this is being a retard.
                                                                    How about u take some reading on a hero before picking it? How about even if you don't you do it when u pick?
                                                                    You, sir, are a dick.
                                                                    You deserve to be flamed and you deserve to be reported.
                                                                    You, sir, are trash.

                                                                    There are some hidden mechanics in dota that sometimes we ignore (like some rare Aghs like Slark and Kunkha don't appear on tooltip). Sometimes on a changelog.

                                                                    Me as a 4.3k, theres a lot of new things I learned. Like:

                                                                    -you can SB while on tp
                                                                    -you can use tp while on sleight of fist
                                                                    -you can spike carapace while on vendetta
                                                                    -can cast frost armor & bloodlust on tower.
                                                                    -etc etc

                                                                    And as of now, I'm pretty sure there is something out there I don't know yet.


                                                                      I've discovered so many of those funny nuances, from watching pro games, to testing it myself, etc... Now to get back to actual in-game skill, and not some random interactions that will be useful 1/20 games. Lol
                                                                      BTW nice little interaction with Blood that you may probably know by now, but some still might not: if you're bloodraged, and you kill a blood-raged unit, you get 50% of that unit's HP; 25% from the effect of killing, and 25% from that unit's effect of dying.


                                                                        There are some HIDDEN mechanics

                                                                        you can spike carapace while on vendetta


                                                                        When activated while above ground, Spiked Carapace reflects and negates damage dealt to Nyx Assassin (max once from each source), as well as stunning the source of the damage. ACTIVATING SPIKED CARAPACE WILL NOT BREAK VENDETTA invisibility.
                                                                        While Burrowed, Spiked Carapace instantly stuns nearby enemies when cast.



                                                                          No one is really shitting on lower level players it's the opposite of it lower level players always arguing with high level players trying to prove that they're right and high skills players a just lucky retards. According to a 2k player who said this to me that 2k and 4k are same 4k are just lucky to get out of 2k

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