General Discussion

General DiscussionPhantom Lancer Midlane

Phantom Lancer Midlane in General Discussion

    Who here plays Phantom Lancer Mid, and who here has fought a Phantom Lancer Mid Lane and got crushed, and if you play PL can you give me some advice? PL is my favorite hero and second best hero.

    Much appreciated-

    Tattertot The Viscous

    Justin Weaver

      8 games with your favorite, second best hero, started playing after a month, yeah seems right!


        Y'know when you get hooked on that one hero that just feels right? And I believe I've preformed the best in those few matches, as opposed to quite a few other matches with other heroes. And it may not show up on my profile at the moment, But I got 19 games on PL.

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          how can u have only 115 last hits in a 44 mins game where u got 33/5.. your gpm shld be like 800+ instead of 500, work on your farming pattern i say


            Yeah, I tend to roam around looking for kills and won't normally stop and jungle, so I don't get as much farm as I should.


              How the hell did you manage two 30+ kill PL games in a row.


                Maybe I get paired up EZ people?


                  so u may spend like 2 mins sometimes looking for a kill which gives u roughly 300g when ur on a streak while u cd get 900g in these 2 mins if u farm correctly between lane nd jungle


                    While IT Is true, you Force enemy rotations, what forces them to lose gold, when enemy Is Killed, He doesnt farm, gain XP, you take towers, So gold for all team And less Space for enemies to farm.

                    As well, they had in both games 4 cores... They cant all have So much farm, So if He gets IT from kills IT Is awesome.

                    If you manage to lock enemies in base And whenever they leave you kill them, IT Is more effective than having more farm And let enemies have more farm And map control.

                    Lruce Bee

                      Hi OP, some tips on how I would play PL if I ever played him mid,

                      First recognise that to win the lane requires you to spam your nuke. To do so you need adequate regen. I suggest soul ring accompanied by tranquils so that you can continue to spam soul ring. I would suggest perseverance but the secret shop is farther away from mid lane. Only if you play offlane PL.


                        first i was like
                        hansolo made a reasonable item suggestion.
                        wait, no, he wants tranquils
                        oh nvm there is the perservance


                          U get 2 to 3 points in lance and max phantom rush
                          U either go treads into bf or u can go boots into diffusal

                          Imo it's ok mid but I mainly like using it to counter pick invoker mid and shit on him


                            spam first ability

                            casual gamer

                              its really good against arc warden