General Discussion

General DiscussionArmlet on Terrorblade

Armlet on Terrorblade in General Discussion


    Pale Mannie

      if you want to go dagon then yes

      Palmen aus Plastik

        toggle to get a clutch sunder off? Hmm. I can see the highlight reel value of the item!


          Berry cool meme
          Idk it makes ur illusions tankier which is nice I guess
          But u can just buy lance and skadi and shit
          It's just a troll item I guess


            Why would you waste 2k gold on a item which gives terror strength instead of giving him the crucial agility that he needs to melt the towers?
            You do not rely on your ultimate. You're the frontliner, you melt towers. Your duty is not to use your ult to "deal" damage. Consider the ultimate as an escape item from which you gain HP to stay alive in the fights as long as possible and to deal shit ton of physical dmg afterwards.

            👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

              Before 6.88b tb meta I thought about it a lot, because tb weak point is his awful hp, making him explodes to magic damage, so that would bring him necessary tankiness and it is also benefiting his illusions, giving them very cost efficient stats

              Today I like it much less, tb has better ways to get tanky and is not as trash


                making him explodes to magic damage,

                There's BKB for a reason

                👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                  Yea, but bkb doesn't have 100% uptime, and it was considered a core on him anyways, I meant in addition

                  Этот комментарий был изменён
                  Dire Wolf

                    sounds awful. If you need hp that badly go heart.

                    Dire Wolf

                      sounds awful. If you need hp that badly go heart.


                        sounds awful. If you need hp that badly go heart.

                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          sounds awful. If you need hp that badly you can get this 5.2k gold item over this 2.3k gold item, it's a great alternative surely.

                          But seriously, it's bad. there are a number of builds, armlet is none of them.


                            sounds awful. If you need hp that badly go heart.


                              sounds awful. If you need hp that badly go heart.


                                Armlet blink dagon very good build


                                  Heart is shit on tb thats an automatic report from me

                                  Bad Intentions

                                    Based on my recent games, Im offended by this post.


                                      if ur playing against really heavy burst from the enemy or huge chain disable, and u cant get off sunder, it can be worthwhile to pick up heart so u dont just die to initiation before u get off bkb or sunder or smth
                                      its very situational but not an insta report.


                                        No you get linkens bkb and dont let them start the disable chain in the first place.


                                          If you really need survivability, i would rather get hood cuz its cheaper


                                            what r u gonna do against magnus and a shaker
                                            u start with rp, ur not bkbing or linkensing that
                                            and if u never pop bkb they can just continue to chain stun
                                            its rare and u usually shudnt but the scenario exists where u may need it


                                              Push out with illusions and not expose my real hero? If they play sb void/magnus and insist on catching me i will pick up a casual aeon disk.

                                              Lruce Bee

                                                Armlet is only good on huskar. Any other hero should build heart


                                                  aoen disk is like 30 times worse than heart
                                                  it has a 100 second cd
                                                  "do not expose my hero"
                                                  ur not arc warden gl going hg with only illusions


                                                    I mean you can look at my tb stats... my results speak for itself

                                                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                      Did some digging found this replay

                                                      Here he is against an instant disable from hex and a lot of chain stun and stacking minus armor.
                                                      Yes linkens stops hex but they have multiple aoe disables too.
                                                      He can get jumped on and killed before he even pops bkb.
                                                      U only rlly get it after u already have the dmg and follow up bkb etc, but it's not game losing or a complete waste item

                                                      Palmen aus Plastik

                                                        The person asking to get aeon disk on TB is a global ranked player. Right or wrong, his opinion carries weight and consideration. Completely steamrolling through his opinion with -

                                                        aoen disk is like 30 times worse than heart
                                                        it has a 100 second cd
                                                        "do not expose my hero"
                                                        ur not arc warden gl going hg with only illusions

                                                        is just a disrespect to how good he is at the game. Just try it once and then come back and tell it to him if it doesn't work for you. I will never understand the forum's complete unwillingness to try anything new.


                                                          The forum just filled kids calling each other dogshit and dismissing any build out of the ordinary. Ex: divine rank 600 something says don't expose your real hero and worst case scenario get an Aeon disk for burst prevention, while mr.retard there tries to argue saying GL with that.

                                                          Palmen aus Plastik

                                                            i can already assume what isn't working for Mr. Archon Zero. His sense of positioning is so garbage that he needs a heart to survive all the nukes that will be targeted at him. While the Divine 5 lad knows how to position himself well enough that he only has to worry about an occasional RP or Black Hole and that's it. Other nukes wont even reach him because he knows how to avoid them. Which is why an Aeon Disk is sufficient defence for him and not for the Heart of Tarrasque advocate. This is why, I asked him to try it once and then comment. He would have figured out that Aeon Disk was not the problem, his positioning was.


                                                              i dont think tb is in need of armor or agility. He has decent starting armor/stat growth. But you can have the item really fast and if enemy has no illusion clear (like lion, pugna, etc) they will have a hard time dealing with your illusions by the time you have armlet.
                                                              tbh i only thought about armlet so illusions can tank roshan for you

                                                              Story Time

                                                                so much meme build :D

                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  I mean I wouldn't build heart on tb, but I have seen it done. Radiance heart build and yes we lost sadly.


                                                                  I have never seen armlet tb.


                                                                    If u bothered looking I've never once bought heart on tb
                                                                    I'm just saying, in very rare scenarios, it may be ok.
                                                                    I even found a game with a 7k player buying it and I explained it.
                                                                    If ur gonna tell me I'm wrong then just explain urself.
                                                                    Aeon disk doesn't also make ur illusions tanky, skadi and heart both do that.
                                                                    What's the point, it all comes down to "haha I'm high MMR if I say smth it's right and I don't have to say shit as to why"
                                                                    I'm not disregarding ur argument, ur just not rlly explaining shit and just giving answers with no reason.


                                                                      Instead this wiseass says I'm only saying it cuz my positioning is bad, when this has nothing to do with my play.
                                                                      I never have bought heart on tb.
                                                                      I don't think u will do it like 98/100 games
                                                                      But it does have a scenario when it is useful.


                                                                        You are dumb


                                                                          Thanks so much u improved the quality of this thread greatly and have really shown me my place.