General Discussion

General DiscussionAn alternative philosophy to item builds

An alternative philosophy to item builds in General Discussion
ㄚ- 天照`

    Everything is possible at low mmr,u can even win game with only brown boots and dagger only

    chicken spook,,,,

      Still less cringy than other recent threads


        Hansolo why you don’t play in us east and west anymore. You only play in Asia now that you make new account.


          Honsolo how old are u ?


            That's why Washed Up suspects that this HanSolo is not the original Undying king, but a Jacked troll account. The region being played from suddenly changed from USW/USE to SEA/AU, which is "coincidentally" where Jacked plays from.
            I can't find the original HanSolo- tho, the one who posted the original "tombstone on death" thread, with the glorious sub 50% winrate on Undying with over 1800 games played, because that thread was deleted FeelsBadman


              no the reason i know is cause jacked said "new herald acct incoming" in seatards
              then posted look at this herald with the HanSolo acct


                Seatard inhouse thread?


                  The seatard ded ass thred
                  It's like hundreds of pages

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                    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                      You did 18.6k hd... As spectre...

                      You weren't really in that match

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                        @Han solo: first thing, I am willing to have a constructive conversation. Not berating you in any way.

                        Okay, so while BF spectre worked in that game, here is the reason that people don't do that anywhere else:
                        1st, the carry buys regen in order to access the creepwave without being harassed out of lane by the offlaner. You didn't get punished in your game doing that, but in a higher skill game the first thing they are going to do is check your items for regen to see how much they can trade with you, if you have none at all, they will go on you at level 1 and you won't be able to last hit anymore. Having regen means you have more "effective HP" to trade with. If you can't trade, then the offlaner will force you out of the lane and deny all last hits from you. Regen actually liberates you and allows you to get more farm from the creepwave then you would be able to get otherwise.

                        2nd, the reason you go dispersion in the first couple levels is because it gives you more HP to trade with, last I checked, it was about 8% extra HP, meaning you can force the offlaner away more easily. It gives you HP(indirectly) and it damages the offlaner when they try and trade with you.

                        3rd, a very late game carry is not a carry that does lots of damage in order to kill things. While that is definitely a part of what a carry does, the very late game carries are defined by what makes them unkillable. In spectre's case, you have dispersion increasing your effective HP by 28%, and dispersion help to kill the enemy team. dealing 22% of her HP in damage to the enemy team. This is why you go for tank items. They do damage, and they keep you alive. If the enemy can't kill you, then you can walk up and kill the enemy's base without them being able to do anything about it. The last 2 mins of this game illustrate that perfectly(albeit on a different hero):3669042053 The enemy literally couldn't kill me so I just walked up and hit their racks.

                        4th. While farming is important, you only want to be farming when there isn't anything else you can do on the map to get something done. On spectre, this does mean that you're not going to be doing much early. However, you have an ultimate that gives you the ability to appear anywhere on the map where there is a fight going on. This way you have the ability to farm and still be able to join any teamfight as soon as you can have an impact in it. The game is a 5v5, if all you do is farm, then it's a 4v5 and most of the time your team will lose because of it.

                        5th, while farming, prioritize lane creeps over jungle creeps, as they give more gold and experience.

                        6th, if you want to go for a farming item, then you will want to go for maelstrom instead. As you can upgrade it and then later on, it's active will help you farm even more if you use it to shove out lanes farther than where is safe for you to go.Maelstrom is also cheaper than BF, and then you can invest the rest of the gold into treads in order to help yourself farm even more. Note that this is only if you really want to go for a farming item, there are far better things you can buy instead that will make your game more successful.

                        7th, I'll bet that you can get better farm than 450GPM, while farming for lategame is important, I think your efficiency at doing that could be greatly increased. I challenge you to figure out how to improve your GPM, and no, BF isn't the best way to do that.

                        8th, there are two kinds of farm: the meaningless farm, and the meaningful farm. The meaningless farm is the stuff where you sit AFK in your jungle, hitting creeps when there is meaningful farm to be obtained. Meaningful farm is stuff like lane creeps when your lanes are shoved in, or the enemy's jungle creeps, where taking them away means they don't have any creeps and will end up getting less farm. Note you should take that farm when you have all of the enemy's lanes shoved in, or when you know the enemy is on the other side of the map.

                        9th, It's obligatory to always keep a TP scroll. They allow you to escape ganks, go find more farm, and save teammates that are getting towerdived.

                        10th, while it is true that everything is situational, some things have far, far less situations where they are viable in them. Keep this in mind.

                        11th, there are 82 creeps in a creepwave before 10 minutes, you managed to get 27 of them. This means you missed a total of 55 last hits, or at least 2200 gold, if not more(can't remember exact bounties right now).

                        Hopefully I have answered a bunch of your questions.


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                          You know he is a troll right?

                          How long did you take to type that?

                          Lruce Bee

                            Apologies if there has been any misunderstanding. I do not speak on behalf of trolls who claim that I am a troll. I don't know why some individuals in this forum would think that i would bother spending this amount of time "trolling" others.

                            I assure you all that I am not what they say I am. Frankly, I find it quite hilarious that they would claim so.


                              If anything the more time u spend trolling the more satisfying it is that this zardecil dude fell for it

                              Lruce Bee

                                I have no such desire, Nor could I ever understand the pleasure one would get from doing so? I mean, you might enjoy it. But to assume everyone is automatically like you is foolish.


                                  Where was the Shit Poster who put me in the same thread as Han?


                                    Berry cool roast sanholo


                                      wtf raj stop confusing me with this retard lul


                                        Yo HanSolo! This year I'm going to start an interview series with players from lower levels regarding their insight on Dota. Something about what works on lower levels (Where majority of players play) and I would love to have you on the show. Can I add you on steam? |


                                          jacked if ur not HanSolo I will take my own life rn boi


                                            jacked if ur not HanSolo I will take my own life rn boi


                                              Washed up is Indian? Lmfao


                                                I consider myself American but ethnically yes I'm indian


                                                  best thread in current week for sure

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    Not reading any of this bullshit post but in low levels players obsess too much about builds when they should be focusing on gameplay. the issue with most pub games is not your item build but all the other mistakes you made in the game.


                                                      He built a battle fury on weaver in his last game lmao


                                                        it gud regen man! and the dmg helps. weaver has geminite attack, bf is 100 extra dmg every 4 seconds

                                                        oh and ofc you build perservance every game before boots, thats a way to build it into sth. you could go refresher instead for 2 swarms, permanent invisibility, 4 attacks and 2 timelapses!.

                                                        is there an other option? well bloodstone. you can suicide before you die, respawn instantly and timelapse back into the fight. sounds pretty good, i might try that

                                                        you dont want linkens ofc its shit on weaver

                                                        👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                          If you don't like Linken maybe consider lotus orb? It can purge silence and gives decent regen and armor, unconventional but can work out


                                                            nah, weaver doesnt need armor. he wants to never get hit.

                                                            👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                              So why won't you just get linken?


                                                                ask han solo

                                                                👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                                  I'm just saying, linken is not optimal 100% of the games, but in games where it is needed, and you insist for some reason not to get it, lotus isn't the worst alternative


                                                                    oh really, linkens is good on weaver?


                                                                      ^ no only battle fury is good on weaver

                                                                      casual gamer

                                                                        , weaver doesnt need armor. he wants to never get hit

                                                                        you don't always geeet what you waaaant

                                                                        👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                                          But if you try sometimes


                                                                            I have a question
                                                                            Can they hit you as weaver while using ur second skill?

                                                                            👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                                              With vision or with aoe they do


                                                                                with refresher you can run from almost any projectile and disjoint it once you break vision. or you timelapse twice.
                                                                                im sure you can kite a skywrath Q forever

                                                                                Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                                👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                                                  So let me conclude your innovative philosophy

                                                                                  You think that buying sustain is a waste of money that holds you back, and rushing big items because they would help you get other big items, so you would have big items as early as possible because you didnt being held back by consumables that cost money therefore are holding you back

                                                                                  How should I tell you that? Your "innovative" mindset is a mindset of every 1k carry player ever


                                                                                    my conclusion is that one group of ppl takes this topic way too serious, and one other guy is herald for a reason. i dont say i knew what that reason is, but there is one for sure.

                                                                                    and then theres a handful of ppl who troll around.

                                                                                    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                                                      one other guy is herald for a reason

                                                                                      Who are you talking about?


                                                                                        not you indeed, you are guardian.

                                                                                        👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                                                          That's not too much above


                                                                                            but its enough for you to not be the one i was talking about


                                                                                              This is a berry cool thred



                                                                                                  HanSolo is not a troll, at least the original account which we got to know from the Tombstone on Death Thread wasn’t
                                                                                                  This guy here im not so sure. The main account with 3000+ games got deleted and this one seems suspicious even though i checked the undying games with the same build and i checked every other game he has played and i dont think Jacked is the owner of this account as nobody is stupid enough to build battle fury weaver or radiance riki without buying a single brown boots on any of his games..
                                                                                                  So come to think of it i think he tried to smurf to a better medal and found out he’s jack shit so came back to these forums to share with us his infinite wisdom
                                                                                                  So for the conclusion: he’s not a troll he’s an official retard


                                                                                                    Ofc the original wasn't a troll but nothing here is serious


                                                                                                      He’s still seriously retarded though xD