General Discussion

General Discussionwhat's the deal with bf?

what's the deal with bf? in General Discussion
👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

    lately i see bf every match, thats really weird
    ok if youre anti mage, this is a great item, it gives you a way to utilize blink to clear jungle and push waves very quickly and consistantly. i can also get behind monkey king who builds it
    but I see it all the time being built on PA, juggernaut, void, wk, why?
    like I understand that it can be really good, but alot of times it delays you way too much if you can't get it reasonably, and people are still trying to get it even if it is really late

    whats the deal with that?

    Lruce Bee

      It is generally a good item right now and doesn't delay much due to the cost. It provides a reasonable enough power spike and sustain. Wave clear and farm ability it provides is pretty good. It is no longer an item that only AM can use-that, and am isn't as good anymore as well. The ability to have to flash farm quickly to make the item worth it no longer applies.

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        ^ HanSolo will u add me on steam so we can catch a few games together ?

        Lruce Bee

          I cannot add people. If you want you can send me an invite. No guarantees I'll accept though


            ^ oh Please accept my Invitation <3

            Potato Marshal

              Tell your boyfriend to stop playing so much Dota then.

              Lruce Bee

                That was a good one potato marshal. I'll admit I chuckled

                Justin Weaver

                  Bf on void every game is new but not on PA or jugger, it was always a common pickup on jugger and PA, on wk it's really situational

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                  Pale Mannie

                    bf became a good farming item for carries from the time where it was an AM only item


                      A few things changed.

                      BFury got cheaper, the regeneration rework made regeneration items significantly stronger, and the build up is less of a clusterfuck with the Broadsword/Claymore.

                      Now the only component you need from the fountain is the Ring of Health, (since Icefrog hates the Side Shop.) You can pick up the Quelling at the side shop, the Void stone at the side shop or secret shop and the Demon Edge at the secret shop. Unless your safelane is really hard, you can usually pop into the enemy's secret shop for a quick pick up.

                      Getting the Ring of Health delivered via courier isn't terrible either since that will almost always be your first acquired component as it helps you stay in lane to continue farming.


                        Bf on jugg is req when u know ur team has no wave clear and the game is going to go late game no matter whatever u do so bf is the fastest way to prepare.


                          U can pick ring of health from secret shop.


                            ^ Not anymore.

                            Julio Valiente

                              Someone's mind haven't updated yet


                                looks like someone didnt pay attention on the update note rofl , u can get complete battlefury from secret shop (exept quel blade which is available at side shop)


                                  creeps give on average an extra 24 gold per creep, which means naturally you should have an extra 240 gold by the 5min catapult push wave (essentially a hero kill in the early game) assuming you get 1/4 damage on the tower in the first wagon wave you should be able too push the tower by the 10min wagon wave and have an extra (480 gold- from the creeps + a tower) which will accellerate your carries farm and allow him to pickup an extremely fast battlefury)

                                  its also why you see HOTD picked up extremely early (before the 5min wagon) so you can push the tier 1 with double wagon.

                                  The extra farm in the lane is tempting for alot of 'not so fast farming carries, too be able to pick up a niche farming item like battlefury'

                                  eg. jug will have aquila phase wand before the 5min push and while normal farming rotations in previous patches would normally give him an '17-20min battlefury' which would usually be a little bit too slow. now with the extra gold, he'll get it in around '14-17' which will usually allow him to farm annother core item before a 20min team fight, which wasn't the case in other patches.

                                  👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                    its also why you see HOTD picked up extremely early (before the 5min wagon) so you can push the tier 1 with double wagon

                                    I think you misinterpreted d2bowie. He talked about how unpopular this item is currently, and why lycan in that specific match have built it despite being very weak item


                                      I've been picking the item up in more and more games way before the video was released, usually on position 4/position 3 heros.
                                      i've always been fond of creep controling heros (enchantress, chen etc) so having the extra utility on other heros is always a neat ability.

                                      Eg. Darkseer, you can use creeps + shells too push/gank and steal wagons too push towers, Even on a hero like nightstalker, ogre, because it keeps your hero relevant during the daytime. if worst comes to worse and you're just picking up a blue frost ogre and armouring your heros, the item becomes a significant hp regen aura + 8 armour for your team. That's nothing to scoff at considering how cheap it is.

                                      similiar concept too beastmaster, Steal the wagon and push with your lvl 4 innerbeast aura + summons and you'll find yourself taking rax's in the blink of an eye.

                                      the reason its considered 'weak' is because it no longer is part of the 'satanic' recipee which makes it an unorthodox carry slot item. I think the item is fine/stupidly good for an offlane/roamer item though, and situationally a great 'carry' item

                                      👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                        no, the reason it is considered weak is because the item was straight up broken with giving 6 attributes, movement speed and tankiness to the dominated creep, 20 attack speed regen and 8 fucking aura regen

                                        so the attributes were thirded and the regen went to 10
                                        now guess what? that was also broken

                                        so now the regen went back into 8, and the attack speed splitted into 5 to the holder and 15 in an aura

                                        the item got heavily nerfed throughout the year. its over a year since it was a part of the satanic nobody looks at this item like that anymore. especially since it was basically a must pick in 7.04 to 7.06 (where it was replaced nowaday by mask of madness)


                                          VP. Lil's top 5 most bought items over 1.5k in order

                                          - Forcestaff
                                          - blink dagger
                                          - HOTD
                                          - Solar crest
                                          - Spirit vessel

                                          -- He still buys it frequently, It has its utility, even more so than drums which is interesting. (maybe because his position 3 usually buys drums)

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                                          👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                            what are you talking about?

                                            also why would lil, a support player, would buy this consistently?

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                                              because the item offers 30% damage aura for pushes in the lategame, +8 armour for early game dives, A further stun etc and rosh control on heros that usually can't offer this kind of utility. Also Lil is quite an advanced chen/enchantress player so it could just be a comfort item on him.

                                              during the summit he would pick it up on nightstalker after brown boots medalion and it'd give him alot more utility (being able too cancell tp's etc, also because no one played tinker alot it offers quite some utility towards that hero pick)

                                              i also saw him rush it on undying which was a cute play against a sven and would use the 'purge creep' too purge warcry (-20 armour off 1 item)

                                              when playing nighstalker he almost exclusively took the frost ogre, gave all his allies frostamour then would take over a catapult and push, it was a pretty interesting take on the position 4 role.

                                              Like i said, it has its uses, every item build is situational though, but the item has moved into more of a 'supporting style' item as opposed too a carry item

                                              👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                I think you are stuck in the mindset about the item like everyone were a year ago

                                                I love hotd, i think the concept is really cool, but it is quiet bad nowadays, it was completely broken and got nerfed, they buffed it's attack speed aura now so theres that, but the item is still underwhelming, on carries MoM is simply better (well MoM is reall good now, it should get nerfed). on supports its quiet expensive and don't fit their playstyle so much, it falls short between both
                                                but indeed the ability to utilize satyr banisher is indeed very strong

                                                bowie did give a decent insight to the ability of the item to utilize the first siege creep, but notice that lycan this game had a really good lane, and he was on naked boots, that's a clutch to get hotd before the 10th wave come


                                                  How the fuck is helm expensive for supports
                                                  It's like saying fucking forcestaff is expensive for supports
                                                  That 8 Regen means a lot more because of how they changed hp Regen, and there r definitely heroes who can utilize the creep. Just look at how much more ur seeing the item in pro play.
                                                  It has synergy with dark seer using surge to send centaur stomp creep, and heroes who want to push, and heroes who utilize creeps and auras like Chen ench.
                                                  It's not as bad as it was before. Considering that it's buffed like every patch since a while.


                                                    Howtonoob6 - You are brain damaged bro.