General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat a day of dotes, share your craziest day

What a day of dotes, share your craziest day in General Discussion

    Holyshit. I cant believe how I won my games today. Heres some backstory, I calibrated at archon 3 using supports now suddenly I jump to legend 2 for reasons unknown to me. So im all happy right? Decided to play some games. And oh my god the clownfest of a day ive had. It was like another game... but oh no my friends, this isnt a complaining thread. This is my story of triumph! All my games today had drafts that would make puppey commit sudoku, on both sides!! Thats the thing. Before id had bad games but there will always be a semblance of mental function. But today I played WITH an offlane atos slark and WON!! Offlane AM and won that as well! And for the remainder of my games for the day I was only matched with and agains dual core lane firstpicking archon 1s who are the type of people to build perseverance aghs on undiying. AND I WON!! Matchmaking is trying to sabotage me?! I have learned to communicate with these creatures and I have learned to win in tgese conditions. That is untilnit even out and I go back to archon HaHAAAA


      You calibrated at "Legend 2" because of your party MMR.
      The rest, that's some casual doto my friend.


        I havent even played a party gane since 7.07, it still calibrates?


          The medal resembles the higher mmr between te two and as for ur matches ur lucky.


            Walking down mid 34 times as Techies after having my lane stolen for the 1000th time by a trash Storm Spirit was soSOso fun. Amazing day <3<3<3