@grimm Mom sny jugg.. cmon bruh.
Btw are you a last pick pusy or a first pick champ? There's a big difference
100 percentile means he is better than 100% of other jugg players (anyone who is suitable for ranking)
obviously this is some sort of a bug since his ranking is not even 1, it's freaking -200
It means I'm the best juggernaut.
Does anyone have a real question?
You are 3.7 and then u quit that account because u got stuck. Lul. And u are still not 3k on your smurf m8 I dono what you're smoking. Also 3.8 is legend 3
i never last pick jugg, i don't want him to be picked by the ennemy team
Also i was rank 20000 yesterday, 1 more game brought me to rank 8000
I should be coming top 500 really soon
Apparently I'm in the top 300 for Lich despite losing a lot recently and having my Lich winrate drop below 55%
Lmao it's not -200, it's ~200. Btw I think they calculate these things while being drunk. Saw the post and went to check mine and i was ~200 with Jakiro (99.9%), refreshed the page and immediately it was ~100 ???? If I refresh one more time I'll prolly get "#1 TI winner"
Feels great. It shows dominance, esp when other players wanted to pick carry. They end up supporting me and that's how it goes
Yea if my kda and winrate was higher I'm sure my ranking would be higher. But I like to make garbage plays.
Mostly they end up picking carry anyways and go jungle or you get to see stuff like PL offlane in two games a row xD
^This. My question is, how do you make people support you without having to solo/dual carry and end up rage buyback/sell your items/run down mid? It's a serious question. I wanna learn pos 1 'cause honestly I'm sick of depending on dumbshits to win as pos 5. And besides the fact that I have a lot of things to improve as pos 1, how do you manage to solo vs aggressive lanes, do you just go jungle/farm all game long/split 'till you're 6-slotted?
@noob. I'm gonna move to Europe servers just so I can shit on your games. I'm already playing with ancients so.
Like maybe 1 out of 20 games I get actual full carry teams. Sometimes u get like another pos 1 pick but I just laugh it off because it doesn't matter. Switch lanes if u must, it really doesn't matter. But usually there will still be at least one support esp if u play in ancient people aren't heralds they know u need a support.
Just spam support suggestions. There'll usually be one versatile player on the team and he might listen.
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NOW ~100