General Discussion

General Discussionquestion about medal system

question about medal system in General Discussion

    1)i calibrated party medal first and got archon 5 ! So if i calibrate solo i will be queued with archon 5 players ? My solo was 3.5k When i left account.
    2)can i play unranked to increase medal star ?
    3)is max calibration limit still 3.5k ?
    4) how should i regain my interest in dota again ?
    I hope community is less toxic now


      1. No, that is only the display for your calibrated party mmr, you would still be in your own respective mmr bracket.

      2. No, stars are only achieved by increasing mmr, which according to most sources it is agreed to be ~140 per star.

      3. If your account isn't calibrated before, then yes cap would be at 3.5k. If it has been calibrated before you would be calibrating in your own bracket, which shouldn't result in too big of a difference.

      4. Play dota in 5stack, or change your expectations to improve your skills rather than numbers.

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        ^Thank you man