General Discussion

General Discussionhelp a dota player out, fam

help a dota player out, fam in General Discussion
>tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

    I asked a guy in a wheelchair how I could meet a woman in a wheelchair. And he gave me the best advice ever.

    His eyes lit up when I talked to him, I mean, cripples are people too, idk why people feel tense around them. Anyway, he said "Go to your local wheelchair shop, they are really expensive but you can meet them there".

    I told him I was bored with normal, healthy women, and after giving him a breif background of my preference to stay single, I proceeded to tell him I would have a semi-serious long-termish relationship with a hot chick in a wheelchair, just to give it a try, and see if they are any different from normal girls.

    His eyes lit up even more, "Really?" he said in a excited manner.
    "Yeah, I want to give a woman in a wheelchair a try. An attractive one of course." I reply.
    He reached for my hand, shook it, and said "Wow. Bless you. Bless your soul."
    "Well... Thank you for the advice! I will have to check out my local wheelchair store. I really appreciate your advice. Thank you so much for being open to my questions."
    "No problem. Good luck, friend. Happy holidays. Bless you so much."

    He rolled away with a huge smile on his face.

    Is it really that big a deal that I am secretly nuts for a woman in a wheelchair?

    P.S. I need internet validation and need to know if I am nuts or not. Thank you, friendly strangers. I love all of you. :smile:


      While I respect your attitude on a matter like this, well...

      Why would you ask Dota players about this? Why not, like, wheelchair shop forums or something?

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      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

        i'm shy is why. but that is great advice too, ty!

        well, i'm not shy, but never really known any wheelchair people. so i feel like i am entering a zone of mystery. which leads me to believe i will also be disappointed since the "zone" is mysterious now, but once i get "in", i will find out they are just the same as leg-user girls.

        Aphex Mary

          You are perfectly normal, since there is no normal.
          We all are different.
          Whatever I like, you might not like it. It's okay.

          Also, I think your view is a bit off. They are just like walking people too, just that they don't walk.
          I was once put to a wheelchair, which made me depressed. So? How did that affect my brain, my IQ?

          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

            i agree with you that they are people, but just do not walk. but i feel they are more down to earth and chill to be around than your typical leg-using girl.

            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

              also it is super common for people to feel tense, or odd, or like they are afraid to talk to people in wheelchairs.

              Aphex Mary

                Yeah, that is true!
                I feel like they can be more down to earth because of people worrying about stuff that don't matter at all. And they can't walk, but you don't see them be, worried or sad or whatever. They have accepted it.
                I dont know, I felt like that anyways. I knew others that felt like that too.

                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                  ya that is a great attitude to have and what attracts me to them! i'm literally asking everywhere to help me find a wheelchair girl.


                    This is so fucked up I don't even know where to start. That "sub-normal" girl will be so happy to know she found a "normal" and "healthy" guy who likes her just because he can't deal with relationships and thinks her disability transformed her into some kind of angel that reached enlightement through suffering, so she will be there to just pleasure him and cause no trouble 'cause you know, people with disabilities are not human beings with their own personality, they don't react to their problems according to how they are, they can't be evil/spoiled/bitter/selfish, they're not human beings anymore are they. They're like dolls, made to just always agree, smile and be nice, waiting for a kid who can't deal with his own emotional traumas his past relationships caused to him and who thinks that looking for people with a serious problem is the solution to stop suffering and encountering bitches, troubled people, bad attitudes, bad intentions, basically HUMAN BEINGS.

                    Now excuse me but I have to go to an AA meeting, I wanna try to convince one of those "sub-normal" alcoolics that they don't need to get addicted to drinking in order to survive to their pain, they can get addicted to me so I'll have my ego satisfied by all those attentions. Alcoolics have gone through so much in life, they are so needy and fragile, not like those "normal and healthy" guys that reply after hours 'cause they are able to function and have a lot of things to do in their life. GG ez

                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                      Wheelchair girls do have their charms
                      They can't run away from you

                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                        But I think you'll just find a bunch of old saggy pussays in the wheelchair community


                          This is fucking stupid
                          If you fall in love with a person in a wheelchair, that's cool. But the fact that you're looking specifically for someone with a disability that's attractive just because they have disability is really fucking weird. Seek help. You should seek out specific people that you love because you love them, not specific characteristics for that reason only. That's a recipe for a shallow and meaningless relationship.

                          Cheap Laugh Guy

                            It's a material world, people fall for good looks and start their relationship from there(Then create a meaning out of it).
                            While OP just likes wheelchair girls. How convenient.
                            OP likes one of the few least competed types of girls, good for him and the wheelchair community.


                              so what
                              initial or only sexual attraction to someone is fine, but thats all ur relationship will be then


                                lol nice troll. i enjoyed reading that.

                                was hoping for a plot twist though

                                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                  it's not a troll >:c :rage:

                                  i have met a few hot girls in wheelchairs in the past when i was too dumb in hs to make a move, but now. omg. i want disabled girls. i know they're people too, but i personally feel they are better than "normal" girls by lightyears.

                                  me playing If My Heart Had Wings not helping either. look at this beauty!!!!1

                                  Kotori so hot.

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                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                    the hell is this



                                      < blank >


                                        good shit


                                          You only gonna leave them when your done with no other reasons other than because you can. And they cant do anything about it since they are cripple. This is not normal. Your an animal.


                                            haha made my day


                                              whats wrong with u actually

                                              me, government hooker

                                                dotabuff is a magic place


                                                  f-ing weirdo

                                                  Potato Marshal

                                                    Just like in my doujins 👌

                                                    Story Time

                                                      OP is a Slark player, so he has a disability too but just a mental one... so not like a healthy guyhimself :D


                                                        Ye cuz wheelchair girls cant walk away from you...
                                                        No, but really, it's like shooting for fat chicks because you are ugly/lazy/boring/p--sy so you just scratch something from the bottom, but it's more disgusting than that.
                                                        I mean really? Especially looking for disabled girls?
                                                        Start lifting, do basic hygiene routins every day, buy fitting clothes, improve your social skills, learn new things every day. You do this and you will have confidence, because you don't waste your freaking life, and easily be better then 90% of other men because everyone is just a lazy piece of s--t nowadays. It is easy to get better than the average. Then hot girls with good personality will come.
                                                        Or yea, just stay where you are and think you are so good because you care about disabled people(and not because you can't get healthy girls who aren't b---hes)


                                                          how u have sex then noob


                                                            Going for disabled girls is just smurfing.


                                                              wheels are very appealing, in a sexual way
                                                              they spin so hot

                                                              Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                              69 god

                                                                I don't know what's the point in many people here calling you a weirdo.
                                                                I think that would just be something normal. A woman on a wheel chair would probably be someone depressed or feeling low about herself and you going up to her would just make her feel better and confident. Not sure but she would also probably be friendly, so well yeah, that would be worth a try man!
                                                                Though I won't be able to help you out with such a person, let us know how it works out when you find one.
                                                                Good luck mate :)


                                                                  She is looking for someone who is dependent on him. That's not normal. Read Eric Berne: Games people play, there is literally a chapter about people like this. You won't have a healthy relationship if you are looking for wheelchaired girls intentionally, and not because the girl, but because of you.


                                                                    I dont think there's anything wrong with falling in love with a disabled person be it male/female the only problem with OP is that you are desperatly looking for a disabled individual because it will provide you with the relief that you are somehow superior to them and they will be lucky to have you and thus will never leave you.
                                                                    If you can't love yourself, you will never be able to love another human being. And if you're afraid of rejection, bad news its part of life... you might even be rejected by one of the disabled girls you are looking for as they are not different from normal ones, moreover they will be even more secure because of their conditions. In addition they need a lot of care and support, they require additional attention which a kid such as you will not be ready or able to extend. On another hand they will be restricted with the things they can offer you too, so the relationship will come with lots of hardships which you are most certainly not looking for.
                                                                    So please head my words and leave the misfortunate alone... they dont need more heartaches❤

                                                                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                      Is the game good @OP?