General Discussion

General DiscussionI got 400 MMR last week. AMA

I got 400 MMR last week. AMA in General Discussion

    Except sandking. It's autoloss when I play it :v


      how do you cut onions without tearing?


        teach me ur ways master


          how can i make people expect my authoritae


            how to shutdown morphling and dusa

            Road to 1K

              @asaro try to destroy their rax


                are you the new cucki???

                also which heros did you spam?


                  @Jacked You can't. Freezing them overnight works I heard, but not for me.


                    @Asaro Lion is a good counter to morph. Disables and burst down. I've had success with Lion and SS.

                    Don't pick melee hard carries into dusa (like Sven or PA). Sniper is good.


                      @Bunhmangler spamming loses games because no hero can fit all situations.

                      I used to spam Underlord. It didn't work for me always. Sometimes I lost my lane and got zoned out, and somehow other lanes lost too and it was gg. Sometimes I won my lane but mid got crushed because of rotations.

                      I've basically added a few more heroes to my list of heroes I'm comfortable with, and try to use them to counter enemy picks.

                      I've also learnt from past games where I got raped.

                      Like I learnt that Jugg rapes Underlord, so I go Omni instead when they pick Jugg.

                      I also learnt to play Razor mid, which is super strong this patch.

                      I watched pro games and learnt all the ward spots. When I play support, I usually outsupport the enemy with warding/de.


                        I also made some changes to my usual item builds.

                        Like Soul Ring first over Arcane.

                        Getting an early force staff/ghost before greaves.

                        Muting teammates whenever I feel pressure.

                        Taking breaks between games to not burn out (it's weird to finish a 800 GPM game, and start the next one with the same hero from scratch because you're not farming as fast lol).


                          One more question...
                          How are you being lucky enough to pick OFFLANE before the carries come out ???

                          Typically its first pick pos 4-5
                          enemy picks 4-5
                          then its core,(1) mid(2) and off(3). Typically mid or safe want to pick last, so one of them will be last pick, which means your picking

                          the enemy team does the same thing, meaning the cores get to counter you. You picked UL , they pick juggy as you stated.

                          unless the enemy is a dumbtwat and 1st picks Invoker/SF or something, how are you getting so lucky to counter pick the core your against?

                          I've tried to convince teammates " hey they got SF , can you please pick #2(mid) cause you know Your against SF. " SHH noob , im mid I need to pick last"

                          ya feel me?

                          Этот комментарий был изменён

                            You can't always counter the enemy core, but sometimes you can. Sometimes is better than never. Sometimes the enemy team will pick a core early. Sometimes your team will pick a core early (which let's enemy team counter the core, but also lets you counter the enemy counter). I usually wait if I can.

                            If I can't counter the enemy core, I'll just get some advantage hero like SS.


                              I thought you were bragging about tanking your mmr down to 400 rather than winning the equivalent of 16 games in a row...


                                I guess that too would be brag-worthy? I mean not very hard to go on a losing streak (like I could pick sandking every game).


                                  How big is your dick in CM?


                                    Teach me how.. Senpai