General Discussion

General Discussionaround 3k

around 3k in General Discussion
Katsumi Ren

    so how to zone out a tidehunter offlane
    how to zone out like bara bs dual off with random support heros


      you dont

      your support pulls and you LH under tower until 1 guy eventually leaves the lane. which he will because ideally theres a roamer on your team messing up their mid.

      after that its a shitty BS/SB offlane alone and you kill him ez

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        The trick to zoning out any annoying tanky offlaner is to do it level 1 without messing up equilibrium. Let your ranged creep die.

        So many fucking shit supports sit behind doing nothing at level 1 for some reason. Or start attacking randomly without zoning first and make the wave push. Then he is level 2 and the 3 of u are level 1. Just call gg.

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          Tide isn't very easy to zone out because of his passive and anchor smash. It depends on the hc.

          E.g. Jugg/Ursa will zone him out because if he sticks around he will die to spin/fury with the help of one support.

          Against a dusa, slark, or luna, he'll be fine.

          You could still zone him out if there's two supports sitting around (which isn't optimal because that exposes your mid to ganks).


            Jugg is the answer to everything

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              pick bane. or get your carry to help you. slark is good against tide for 2 reasons: you get a lot of shift stacks and pounce cant be purged by kraken shell. this holds true for laning stage as well. you can also just have your teammate pick ursa/timbersaw/monkey king/razor and leave them 1v1, they should be able to win that lane.

              69 god

                Can someone please explain more about the creep equilibrium. When to zone him out or when to focus on last hits.


                  @good old days
                  In this meta you kinda want to focus on creeps a lot since kills not worth as much as they were before. Thus, always try to last hit and deny the creeps. Even if you can get 10+ denies in the first 5 mins, its huge.

                  You should just right click your offlaner and kill him if hes low hp.

                  Here's what enemys offlaner is doing. You wanna prevent it.

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                  Fee Too Pee

                    Huskar do not really care about most of the offlaner exist in dota


                      Pick shadow shaman and hit those dipshits for 70 damage kappa


                        @good old days. Creep equilibrium is whether the lane is pushing towards enemy, towards u, or not moving. No.1 problem when dealing with offlaners is messing it up so the wave push to the enemy and give him free levels when he should stay level 1 while u free farm. U do that by zoning him away from creeps with your support so he cannot mess up equilibrium. If u start trading hits in the crep wave u will likely mess up creep equilibrium if u don't at least let ur range creep die first (so the wave pushes to u)


                          It's about lane control. Sounds complicated, but anything under 4K bracket it's not that hard to do. Ideally to zone an off lane out, basically is to not let them be around their creeps. There are 2 main ways to control the lane ( ideally you want the creeps to meet after the river but before the t1. Means ppl can wrap around trees to gank and makes it less likely for an offlaner to come in closer if they are scared they will die)
                          1. Don't auto Attk creeps only last hit to deny and gain gold. If u focus on last hits and not deny, eventually the creeps will reach their tower for free exp. gotta do both so creep consistently meets in lane at optimum place.
                          2. When a hero is in lane and u attk them with auto attks, it draws agro, so the enemy creeps will stop attking ur creeps and chase you down, this will fk up the AI on what the creeps attk and change the lane equilibrium slowly.

                          As a support, to zone a solo tide is simple. Stay hidden, wait for first wave to reach and run from behind to attk tide. Means u don't draw Afro, except for maybe the range creep. Doesn't matter if u take more dmg, he will either ignore you and try to change creep agro and in the process take more dmg and eventually have to back, or he will focus you, which is ideal as he will have to back off sooner.

                          If ur carry isn't a retard, he will maintain lane control through last hits and denying. If done right, he should be lvl 1 or 2 for a long time and eventually will disappear around 3-4 mins in.

                          Bara bs is harder. Depending on ur combo in safe lane, not much to do but to stay in lane, nuke harass bara. A decent BS will still get his health back via last hits and deny so focus on bara, if he has to back off, it then makes bs easier to control.

                          Sometimes it's better to change the lane equilibrium if u cant farm in lane and enemy is controlling the offline hence pulling creeps or double stacking for neuts to clear a whole wave. It's all about game sense at the end of it all. No real one size fits all.

                          Practise practise practise.

                          And don't abuse ur teammates 👌