General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to farm quickly with Razor

How to farm quickly with Razor in General Discussion

    The hero doesn't have any flash farm abilities except his Q, and maelstrom doesn't help that much. Besides getting pickoffs, what is the fastest way to farm with Razor?

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      Not all heroes are meant to flash farm

      Bad Intentions

        razor is a clasher not a farmer :O


          You get sny drums phase shivas/halberd and team fight

          razor isn't meant to have 600+ gpm. leave that to am or dusa.


            You don't. Buy aquila drums blademail sny and run people down repeatedly


              just static link and run at people


                Think of Razor as a counter hero that shuts down an enemy core while your hc farms.

                Enemy team picks Viper/OD/gay hero mid. You pick Razor and win the lane. Enemy supps ganking? You've created space!

                Dire Wolf

                  Razor farms heroes. Like old viper.

                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    use your ulti. besides that, learn to hit 2-3 camps at once with plasma field. thats about it.

                    Pablo Esteban (muted)

                      what about a hero like weaver? any tips to farm faster?

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        for weaver, make it so that when you use shukuchi, all the creeps die so that you can use it for both damage and to traverse between camps. also dont waste your geminate attack on low hp creeps.
                        for heroes with crits, if you dont get a crit after a bunch of attacks, start attacking the high hp creep, because it is more likely to get a crit after not getting it for some time, so that you dont waste your crit damage on a low hp creep. this is especially relevant for wk and ck because their crits have very high damage (wk one-shots creeps now and ck can get more lifesteal the more damage he does) and low chance.

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                        Pablo Esteban (muted)

                          thanks man!


                            Thanks man aggrrssiv perfector


                              kills from min 1

                              casual gamer

                                also as weaver run behind/into the first camp and cast q to hit the next camp as well

                                Pablo Esteban (muted)



                                    just go MoM on razor trust me
                                    dont only farm with it tho
                                    and dont buy MoM against desolator and physical dmg heroes
                                    be smart
                                    otherwise just run at and kill enemy heroes
                                    anything else has already been said