General Discussion

General DiscussionIsn't Necro still strong?

Isn't Necro still strong? in General Discussion

    Pre-nerf, every Necro pick was countered pretty hard.

    1. Viper mid (cancer as fuuuuk against necro)
    2. AA or night stalker (which required lotus orb or bkb to deal with)
    3. Diffusal on the hc (I've seen cases where they got double diffusal to cancel both ghost shroud AND ghost sceptre)
    4. Massive focus fire and hate during team fights, as if necro burned their house down and raped their sister and made them watch.

    Even with the 120 sec ult cd, necro is still strong as hell. And now with the nerfs, people worry less about Necro and countering him and more about other cancer in this meta (ahem Antimage). Also, ghost shroud now cannot be dispelled with diffusal, which is a massive buff.

    MisterLemm |

      core necro is not so strong if u only core in your team. just play pos 3 or 4


        Necro is still countered fairly hard with Lotus... there is nothing funnier than seeing him enjoy 100s of his own scythe.


          His regen rate is not that strong as pre 7.07 (and countered by spirit vessel) and his ghost form also very weak to magical dmg but only problem might be diff. blade can't purge anymore that means you need some teamplay to take him down.


            He just isnt broken anymore


              His attack speed and movement speed has been nerfed, he should be played as a support now

              Fee Too Pee

                Everytime i see someone say "necro is a a support" i died a little inside


                  still better then "SUPPORT" marina


                    ^ God bless


                      imo he is and was a position 3 and yes, still strong but cant survive hard lanes or jungle like common offlaners
                      he was broken as position 1 previously

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                        MEGA URN


                          necro pickers are just kill stealer cancer noobs


                            Who the hell thought necro was support!?

                            I always win with core necro,he always kill all carry with such ez..for exception anti mage

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                              Necro is such a fun hero tho.