General Discussion

General DiscussionBest hero for turbo ?

Best hero for turbo ? in General Discussion

    For me,lc.I get midas and xp talent and reach lvl 25.Shadow blade dagger,bm,octarine,refresher,aghs,bots and force staff every game.Most fun hero.

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      Storm because people rarely pick lockdown supports in Turbo Mode


        storm is insane
        cuz u basically get guarenteed fast kaya bloodstone and snowball super hard

        Mode : TOPSON

          storm or void

          Call Me Babe

            Nature Prophet
            Weaken tower > ez rat with desolator and mjolnir

            Konkey D. Ong

              Centaur because most people pick right click carry, get heart then farm a little more, then boom, you got 3 hearts a blademail and they die trying to kill you every time.


                I believe Invoker is one of the best in turbo mode, main issue with invoker in a normal game is that, he usually lacks levels, but in turbo that's not an issue at all.
                3k-4k tier

                O N N E T B O Y Z ™

                  Luna is really strong, if you get another core with lockdown with you you can dominate your lane and get out of control pretty fast.


                    I haven't tried playing on turbo mode yet but are there support pickers on that mode?


                      I just spamming Earth sprit in Turbo mode to help my friend complete his 5th round all hero-challenge trophy. because it's boing to play carry ether in Turbo or normal game.

                      for me AOE crowd control spell with low CD is needed in this mode because they fight almost every minute and just one hero lockdown is not enough. I still yell at my friends every game "Fuck you I ran out of stone ,stop fighting already "

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                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                        ^^There are still supp pickers
                        And they usually win
                        Supps are still good in Turbo mode
                        Should launch a new game with 5 lanes so 5 carry team is legit


                          Hmmmm I see.

                          Player 153433446

                            I spam tinker in turbo...could work if there isnt a fuckin storm in everygame


                              Tiny feels good in turbo
                              U just destroy towers so easily
                              Go rtz build it legit

                              casual gamer

                                midas in turbo = u have major fucking brain disease


                                  ^ Why what's wrong with Midas in turbo mode?

                                  casual gamer

                                    its a game mode for fighting where u get extremely high gpm for just killing people/pushing, midas is a flat gpm increase that isnt amped by turbo and essentially gimps ur hero for the first couple of minutes so u can have le high gpm xdddd

                                    im sure yiou would get better economy using blink or dagon to ks, or buying a force staff, or some shit


                                      Pick ck/centaur/sb for ez win


                                        I wondering if he is real with that midas.

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          Midas in turbo lawl, that's insta lose right there. It takes like 30 minutes to pay for itself in a normal game. Turbo games last 20 mins. You would have to be the biggest idiot to build midas in turbo.

                                          I've only played turbo since patch. Just don't really have time for real dota. My thoughts-

                                          Traditional farming carries are bad, like really fucking bad. The reason is you get way more xp and gold for kills, xp is most noticable. Like in a regular match maybe it's a 2v2 lane and really close and you both commit for a kill but die, enemy has like 10% hp. Well that sucks but you tp to lane and recover. In turbo that lane now has 2-3 levels on you off those kills. It's insane.

                                          Most farming carries aren't that great in lane. And then every other hero keeps up with them in farm, like that axe that fights all day from min 1 is out farming your medusa with 10 cs/min cus creeps don't really matter.

                                          Other heroes that are bad are ones that don't scale, but this is tricky because supports have a ton more gold. So in a normal match lich, cm, lion don't really scale, but in turbo they can all get blinks and aghs and do tons of dmg with their ults. Heroes that don't scale well would be more like viper, disruptor.

                                          Then you want strong laners. Spectre seems like a beast in turbo but the problem is your lane will be so weak, you will be behind in farm. By the time you come online other teams carries won't have issues dealing with you.

                                          So heroes that are the best can snowball, scale well into late game, fighters and strong in lane.

                                          Axe, cent, bristle are all super good. Axe just dominates lanes and can snowball like crazy and even late game blade mail is fucking nuts if you get those calls off. Cent is similar, return aura is broken in this mode. Bristle struggles a little in lane and then hits a huge power spike at like level 10 with a 1/3/4/1 build. You think oh just buy silver edge vs bb, well you can but it's a very short window cus break isn't that long and bristle will build shit tons of hp and armor so if you don't kill him in that break window good luck. what you need is multiple silver edges but most people don't realize that.

                                          AM is actually really good cus he is strong in lane and can fight earlier than expected. Get like a 5 min battlefury, 10 min manta and go to town on enemies. Void is great, good fighter all game. Sniper is great cus late game 6 slotted he's one of the best carries.

                                          Pushers are good cus towers die fast, drow is good in right hands, jakiro, pugna, troll.

                                          Medusa and spec are kind of bad, medusa cus she can't out farm anyone, spec cus his radiance spike comes too late compared to enemies.

                                          Cheap Laugh Guy

                                            Dire Wolf is very passionated about Turbo Mode

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              I might never play regular dota again. Honestly if turbo is fun and quick, suits my style why bother? Mmr is really meaningless unless you're amazing.


                                                i buy midas only on lc for the exp because of his talent so i can get +40 dmg talent.

                                                Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                  Didchu say u r 6k?
                                                  Because 2000 gold can buy you items earlier that gives 40 dmg and kill more for exp


                                                    Bloodseeker is pretty sick.

                                                    Gori 고리

                                                      My fav pick, centaur with 3-4 hearts then ez tank, or for lockdown hero for storm, mostly Skywrath work for it, then for any Wraith King jungle game, a riki is fine. ggwp

                                                      Chao Vritra

                                                        midas sounds pretty questionable especially before blink on LC. especially in turbo

                                                        Need to talk,remove your ...

                                                          Storm/ Centaur/ TB

                                                          You wishing or you hoping?

                                                            Medusa with divine mom and hex best hero probably can finish at 10-12 min
                                                            with aegis and buy satanic later

                                                            ║ Naтѕυ Dragneel ║

                                                              LOL, best hero for me is Tinker, Venge (Aura) + Luna (Aura) (Turbo mode fast pust), Natures Prophet, (Tanker Centaur or CK)


                                                                I prefer Lycan. Strong attack for last hitting, and you take down towers fast with a Necro 3 and your wolves. With your ult, no one's running away from you either, and you get easy kills. Chased down even a Storm Spirit until I killed him.


                                                                  Zeus, he is fucking awesome... Check my recent game...

                                                                  Use chatwhell=mute

                                                                    I played few games on vp and tried 1st time. Btw i noticed drow and storm and lc are strong is it right?

                                                                    Use chatwhell=mute

                                                                      I think playing on vp is worth it. Basically 10 win is 6$.


                                                                        Try ogre magi, seriously, he’s crazy in turbo for some reason. Go aether, phase Cast range talent, Kaya, aghs octarine and maybe radiance as icing on tge cake and surprise them as carry ogre

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                                                                        Banana Cat

                                                                          Vengeful Spirit is strong in turbo.. see my recent

                                                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                            Troll warlord is the best hero

                                                                            Story Time

                                                                              i spam CK and OD and it works fine for me, because both heros are mid game dominators and also tonns of fun :)


                                                                                i would suggest to skip heroes with long cd skills

                                                                                snowballers work well from what i know + you can get away with greedy itembuilds easy


                                                                                  good ol necro threads..

                                                                                  Also i'm 99% sure the best hero in turbo is kunkka.

                                                                                  Armlet, double daed, blink, double rapiers.

                                                                                  x-mark tp + hit creeps on like a 15 second cd 3k damage crits.. don't mind if i do


                                                                                    Kunkka just go phase into 2x deadlus then divine. Armlet and sb are for normal mm pu****s

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