General Discussion

General DiscussionReason for Enigma's absence?

Reason for Enigma's absence? in General Discussion

    Why do you think we've noticed that there has not been much Enigma play recently? Eidelons too easy to kill? Too vulnerable without BKB? Curious to see what everybody thinks. Personally, I think now that jungling has been nerfed, people think he's fallen of a bit.

    Riguma Borusu

      what the hell did you just call him?!??



        Because you have eyes? What kind of a question is that?


          Because enigma has lack of presence,and his ulti cd was too long

          Go build meteor hammer on enigma

          зачем я начал поиск

            People are too used to play Enigma jungle
            Jungle is no longer a viable thing, unless you're brain damaged
            People are not used to play Enigma in lane
            People don't play Enigma that much

            P.S. "People" = "most people" in this context.

            Этот комментарий был изменён

              Funnily enough, I'm starting to learn how to play Enigma in lane. It's definitely a different experience than jungling, and you get to actually do important stuff against the enemy at the beginning of the game, rather than afk farming to lvl 6 like a scrub.