General Discussion

General DiscussionPangolier Upgrade Idea

Pangolier Upgrade Idea in General Discussion
DBZ Gohan

    I have generally this idea, Pangolier`s Swashbackle shall be linked with the dps of his rightclick, like the dagger from Phantom Assassin.
    When you like to play more with Pangolier or see him more often in Pubs or espicially in Competetive Dota 2, then this idea has its power to create it. Well, i certainly believe and love this ))

    However, have fun in whatever you do and let me know your thoughts.


      ^u mean aghs upgrade?

      Justin Weaver

        Youwatmate? It already acts as his normal right click dps

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          ^Not really, it applies on-hit effects but only does a certain number of physical damage instead of the hero's attack damage.


            Why are people so obsessed with making Pangolier a hard carry? It's not his role!

            Riguma Borusu

              he has a skill that should scale with his right clicks in the damage department since it already procs stuff

              it is actually kind of logical to assume it would also scale with damage

              otherwise imagine if monkey king could only proc staff with his ult with fixed damage

              then people would be saying the same thing "he not carry!"

              it is possible to balance a hero around his right click damage even if he does not have to play a carry position and if this idea is new to you you are either new to dota or a complete idiot

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                its not necessarily bad that it doesnt scale, just means he fills a different role, the one iceiceice has found his success in, offlane


                  Yeah and Sven's storm bolt should do the same damage as Sven's right clicks when he has GS on.